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Total BS

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    Re: Total BS

    Originally posted by GreyGeek
    How do you know? Because he didn't agree with you? Now who is "full of himself"?
    I know this because he said so in his comment that YOU quoted.

    "1) You are not protected against trojans, no matter WHAT anti-malware measures you institute. If you didn't know about the exploit, you'd not have signatures and you're going to be vulnerable even WITH something like ClamAV."

    Source: LinuxToday

    He implied that it wasn't possible because no signature was released. Heuristic scanning does not use signatures.

    Originally posted by GreyGeek
    Ignoring the arrogant statement, you are claiming that because AV houses use heuristic algorithms their products keep Windows users safe, even more safe than Linux keeps its users?
    No, I made no such statement and you know that I didn't. This is just another of your lies. The implication is that Linux would be better protected with some form of heuristic scanning capability.

    Originally posted by GreyGeek
    Your Ronald Reagan imitation needs some work, and SJVN isn't as knowledgeable source as Ballmer is when it comes to statistics that HE has indirectly or directly released.
    Now you are attacking me as if you were a common forum troll. Ballmer didn't release statistics, someone leaked a picture. There is no data for you to make any form of assessment from.

    Originally posted by GreyGeek
    I'm very serious. You, it seems, will accept only that which fits your world view. I didn't make up the graphic, nor did I write Ballmer's speech at that event. When he says that Linux is a greater threat than Apple and shows a graphic which has the Linux slice slightly larger than the Apple slice one has to conclude that either he is lying (your next retort) or that he is telling the truth. You seem to conveniently ignore NetApplication's dependency Microsoft.
    You didn't quote his speech, you posted a picture and pretended to add statistics to it as if the data came from Microsoft when you simply made it up. What is it with your infatuation with Microsoft?

    Originally posted by GreyGeek
    Of course it is my opinion, just like you are giving yours, regardless of how many appeals to authority you use. Expert opinions are a dime a dozen and I've encountered many of them in court cases I've been involved in. They've even been known to change their opinion when it suits them.
    Finally a sliver of honesty in admitting that all of your hot air is just your opinion rather than fact as your initial comment implies. I haven't really given you any of my opinions in this thread. I have simply asked you to substantiate your statements. For some reason you cannot, or will not. I have substantiated every statement that I have made here though, why won't you?

    Originally posted by GreyGeek
    Cutting through all the BS, smoke and mirrors, your claim is that distro builders are so careless that their distros are less secure than Windows and their repositories are like virus hives. That's the BS. The proof is in the lack of large bot farms, and in the experience of the VAST majority of Linux users who have NEVER seen a Linux virus or Trojan, whose boxes have NEVER been infected. I'll admit ... I've been using Linux only for a little over 12 years, but I've never seen a Linux virus or Trojan in the wild either.
    You are really grasping here, making up things that were never said. I didn't claim anyone was careless in their distros, I simply pointed out a quote that implied that distro builders should do more. Again you are making statements and calling it proof without providing any evidence. Funny, for someone making a claim of being in many court cases you sure don't seem to have learned anything from the exposure.

    Are you implying that they shouldn't improve security of linux distributions for end users? You seem to be.

    Originally posted by GreyGeek
    YOU control the content of those blogs, and you've erased those postings on this forum and others which could contradict you. But, I notice that you are claiming that the GUI came later, and you put C-Sharp in parentheses. C# is not a GUI tool, it is a scripting tool. The LEGAL GUI components of Mono are GKT# wappers of the GUI components of the GTK+ API. Maybe that's why you had trouble getting those two system tray tools to work?
    I simply pointed to evidence on the blog that indicates the releases were in that order. Look at subversion, all of the checkins are tracked. The evidence is there too, and the time stamps line up with the blog articles.

    Let me do the legwork for you.

    Commit #1 - First release, nothing but shell scripts. (Wed Dec 17 02:41:29 2008 UTC)
    Commit #32 - First evidence of a tray applet (C#). (Thu Jan 1 15:56:31 2009 UTC)
    Commit #138 - First release of tray applet (C#) (Wed Apr 1 22:00:46 2009 UTC)
    Commit #436 - The last commit. Seems the ball is still in there (Sun Nov 1 13:55:13 2009 UTC)

    There you have it, lots more evidence to prove your claims to be lies.

    Further: C# is a programming language, not a scripting language. It is compiled into object code with gmcs. GTK# is a toolkit which adds windowing capability to c#.

    Source:,, (FAQ)

    Clearly you lack understanding of .NET. I understand why you attack it now. You can't wrap your mind around it, and that scares you.

    Trouble getting system tray tools to work? Just more of your trolling.

    Originally posted by GreyGeek
    Now whose trolling? And getting ridiculous at the same time. Too many people read and saw those posts before you deleted them.

    I've got more important things to do than spar with a Windows fanboi. My 8 year old grandson is playing a ball game and I don't want to be late.
    Providing links to the source rather than an opinion of the source is not trolling. Yet again with "Microsoft" though. Give it a rest already. Really, the constant "windows fanboi" and "Microsoft" comments are silly and don't apply. All they do is make you look ignorant.
    Don't blame me for being smarter than you, that's your parent's fault.


      Re: Total BS

      This is all very interesting. Please can you explain in simple terms how most of us, the ordinary user, can best protect ourselves against online threats, given the peril we apparently face, other than using Apple or Microsoft?


        Re: Total BS

        I find it so damn amusing when people use symantec as an example.

        Truly not a good example unless you enjoy slow running computers, enjoy the false feeling of security, enjoy applications that can be extremely difficult to remove, enjoy applications that can take your computer down faster then the malware it claims to protect you from.

        One thing stated about them was semi correct if put into a different context, that was the comment about ten year old technology.

        It is both old and outdated and at the same time suited for "ten year olds".

        Using Linux since 1999<br />Current system openSUSE 11.3 <br />Toshiba A505-S6035<br />Intel core i7, Nvidia 300m GT<br />4 gigs of DDR3, SATA 500 gig 7200 rpm hard drive


          Re: Total BS

          Personal Vendettas against a particular user/person are silly, childish, and unbecoming of a moderator, but that's just my opinion.


            Re: Total BS

            Originally posted by DirtyJ
            Personal Vendettas against a particular user/person are silly, childish, and unbecoming of a moderator, but that's just my opinion.
            Where do you get that this is a personal vendetta? This is posted under Social/Casual Talk. No one was forced to respond to the post. It they posted then they must have wanted to "talk" about the topic.


              Re: Total BS

              Originally posted by MoonRise
              Originally posted by DirtyJ
              Personal Vendettas against a particular user/person are silly, childish, and unbecoming of a moderator, but that's just my opinion.
              Where do you get that this is a personal vendetta? This is posted under Social/Casual Talk. No one was forced to respond to the post. It they posted then they must have wanted to "talk" about the topic.
              I invite you to find the multiple threads that GreyGeek has openly criticized and attacked Fewt. I'm not sure who he is, but to openly attack him multiple times is unprofessional at best.

