May 27, 2010, announced KOffice 2.2 Released
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Open Office or KOffice
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Open Office or KOffice
0Open Office is better0%0KOffice is better0%0Windows no longer obstructs my view.
Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
"It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock HolmesTags: None
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Re: Open Office or KOffice
The last time I tried KOffice its font rendering was horrible. Anti-aliasing just didn't seem to work, while the other fonts on my desktop were crisp and focused the text in KWord was fuzzy and unfocused. I hope it's improved in the new version, I would like KOffice to be a viable alternative to Open Office.Kubuntu 10.04
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Re: Open Office or KOffice
Is there anyone who actually tried the new KOffice for a time?
I'm using OpenOffice for the few things I need it for (some spread sheet, quick and dirty presentations).
I would like to give KOffice a try, if it is any good.
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Re: Open Office or KOffice
Koffice is quite good and usable, but it is more like comparing MS Works I(at least version that didn't include Word) to MS Office. My wife overall likes the word processor better, and I use it often, but Openoffice has more meat to it, if you will, though admittedly it is more that OOo is more a known entity in terms of how to use it right now. Interoperability with MS Office files is also much better in OOo, though for simpler things it does just fine.
Overall, I think KOffice is about 90% there in terms of being a replacement for OOo for Kubuntu, but that 10% is probably the hardest to reach
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Re: Open Office or KOffice
Loving KDE as much as i do, i would rather use KOffice just because i support KDE. Even though open office might be better at the moment, KOffice can have just the same success with a more support and focus. Using everything KDE makes things easier and it basically guarantees it WILL work on any version on kde which is cool. Say if somebody had a live cd of Kubuntu they would have Konquerer (web browser), Koffice (word processor,spreadsheet) and pretty much everything right out of the box. If they still wanted open office they would just dl from kpack or synaptic. I respect that KDE tries to have its own usable software while at the same time allowing the user to DL anything else such as FF if they wanted to in a few extra clicks.
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Re: Open Office or KOffice
The more options we have to choose from the better. I have spent a good deal of time with OO learning how to make it do what I want, but I hate the idea of alternative suites being ignored or allowed to go stale just because OO seems to be everyone's favorite. We need a solid KDE native solution anyway.
Long live KOffice!
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Re: Open Office or KOffice
Originally posted by TelengardThe more options we have to choose from the better. I have spent a good deal of time with OO learning how to make it do what I want, but I hate the idea of alternative suites being ignored or allowed to go stale just because OO seems to be everyone's favorite. We need a solid KDE native solution anyway.
Long live KOffice!
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Re: Open Office or KOffice
Originally posted by ChopstickIs there anyone who actually tried the new KOffice for a time?
If one has to interact with MS products at various time, Koffice will now export pretty well to MS products on some apps and not others, or one can export to OO format and thence to OO.
Many would say...WHY? What a LOAD of WORK! Ummmm I reply yes it is.
However, the use of a free and open source application is of great importance to me, which is one of the points of Linux.
One could argue that OO fills that requirement and again I shout a very HEARTY yes!
Then it comes down to style and the interface, with the panel to the right, greatly reduces mouse movements up and down which greatly reduces, to me, fatiigue in my hand and arm.
So...a) I love the interface, personal preference b) Libre!Is why I prefer Koffice.
just my thoughts and I'm stickin' to 'em!
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