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Novell owns UNIX copyright

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    Novell owns UNIX copyright

    came across this news..

    The battle between SCO Group and Novell over key copyrights of the UNIX OS has ended in favour of Novell. The District Court of Utah in a recent verdict has ruled that important UNIX copyright ownership belongs to Novell.
    full article:
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    Re: Novell owns UNIX copyright


    If I remember correctly, the "scope" of the copyrights was also previously reduced during the first trial -- there is much less of Unix that even has any applicable copyrights, as SCO was not able to show evidence that copyrights existed for many features of Unix.


      Re: Novell owns UNIX copyright

      An interesting revelation from the trial was that the "expose'" that Maureen O'Gara did on P.J. was at the direct request of SCO's Blake Stowell to "send a jap P.J's way". Now, O'Gara is listed among the SCO creditors awaiting payment for her "services", a foul attack piece that was the product of a "hadrion", exactly what she accused P.J. of being.

      Now, after totally destroying her own credibility as a journalist, reporter, or even commentator, she won't let it rest. She has posted this piece of disinformation. According to her, "most people" think that the jury got it wrong, and that SCO does own the copyrights to the Unix IP but that "most people" think that the judge got it right when he said Novell does NOT own the IP to WordPerfect, which it bought in 1994, along with QuatroPro.

      She makes me think of SecondLife, which can be summarized by "lag, lag, lag, lag, lag". Her articles are characterized as "spin, spin, spin, spin, spin", always in favor of her one-time employer.

      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        Re: Novell owns UNIX copyright

        Good news to hear.

        GG, I read her article and to me it sounds as though she's in somebody's back pocket, IMO. Yes, she doesn't seem credible.


          Re: Novell owns UNIX copyright

          That she is!

          It was revealed in the cross at the SCO vs Novell trial. See my previous post and check Groklaw about it.
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

