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Kubuntu Quality

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    Kubuntu Quality

    I moved over to Kubuntu after using Linspire for about 6 months. Linspire was a sad joke and I am surprised I didn't just go back to Windows after that experiment. Must be because I thought KDE kicked @ss.

    I came accross this Timlord link and it got me wondering. I have been on Kubuntu since 8.10 and think it gets better after every release. 10.04 has blown me away with the general speed increases and even the KNetwork Manager interface seems very good now.
    I like the fact that we have access to all the great stuff that Canonical provides, even if it is sometimes after Gnome.

    Some things break sometimes, but all I have to do is go to work and find out I am not supposed to press F1 on my XP machine, to know I am still way better off.

    Does anyone here have a real beef with Kubuntu?

    Re: Kubuntu Quality

    Originally posted by Jook_roberts
    Does anyone here have a real beef with Kubuntu?
    Only when things don't work the way I want them to

    Seriously, we've had more than our share of detractors in this community. Take some time browsing the forum and see what they have to say.

    BTW, this might have been more appropriate in User Testimonies, but I am not a mod.
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      Re: Kubuntu Quality

      Originally posted by Jook_roberts
      even the KNetwork Manager interface seems very good now.
      In Jaunty, and to some extent, Karmic, KNetwork Manager didn't work well for me, so I replaced it with wicd.

      However, knetworkmanager was default in Lucid. I stayed with it, and to my surprise it has been running very well on both of my laptops, so I am going to stay with it.
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        Re: Kubuntu Quality

        I love Kubuntu, but if I have any gripes it's about a couple bugs I've noticed.

        1) Once in a while, the display on my monitor will stop updating and won't show any new changes like clicks or text I add. To fix it, I simply have to click somewhere outside of the window and it'll refresh itself.

        2) Oftentimes, sound from one program will mute another program, like a sound from pidgin will kill the sound from any media player or media from Firefox. To get the sound back, I have to close the browser window or the media player and reopen it. Actually, I've been muting pidgin whenever I want to play media and it keeps me from having any issue.


          Re: Kubuntu Quality

          I would say knetwork manager is worse than useless for a desktop. Works ok with my wireless laptop. I don't know if thats a kubuntu problem or more of a kde one.

          All my other issues can be traced to KDE4 and it being released a bit too soon. Of course - I didn't HAVE to switch over to it. There are plenty of kde3.5.10 distros out there.

          Having said that I do love it when a windows 7 user watches me for a minute or two and says "Wow, that's cool!" I mean really - what's all the eyecandy for if not bragging rights

          Please Read Me


            Re: Kubuntu Quality

            knetwork manager has been hit and miss for me, but slowly getting better. Maybe Lucid will finally make it.

            Eye candy is good for showing off.


              Re: Kubuntu Quality

              When I was using KNM, it worked fine, both for my wired and my wireless connections. But, I do prefer Wicd, and that's what I use in all three of my installations.
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Re: Kubuntu Quality

                The only thing I don't like is the feeling like I don't know what i am doing. I have been using Karmic for about a month now but before this I hadn't use linux at all for a few years. I seem to have forgotten many skills I used to take for granted and it's frustrating.

                One thing in particular is sound, I find in most apps it works but in a few it doesn't, I read how to fix it and don't understand how to do the steps they mention. All of this again is my fault not Kubuntus.
                How often can you get this quality for free.


                  Re: Kubuntu Quality

                  Originally posted by gemmakaru
                  One thing in particular is sound, I find in most apps it works but in a few it doesn't, I read how to fix it and don't understand how to do the steps they mention. All of this again is my fault not Kubuntus.
                  Not really your fault. The complex problems of producing sound and music in Linux programs are due to the long and tangled history of sound drivers and abstraction layers that programmers have to wade through just to get things working.

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                    Re: Kubuntu Quality

                    Originally posted by Telengard
                    Not really your fault. The complex problems of producing sound and music in Linux programs are due to the long and tangled history of sound drivers and abstraction layers that programmers have to wade through just to get things working.
                    AND the fact that many PC OEM vendors do not cooperate with Linux kernel and sound service developers so the developers have to reverse engineer the sound chips. Microsoft, on the other hand, is either given the FULL specs to the hardware sound chips (and other devices) OR the PC OEM writes the sound drivers for Microsoft's OS. Ah, the perks of an illegal monopoly.
                    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                      Re: Kubuntu Quality

                      To be honest, I always loved Kubuntu because it's a clean KDE look and fe3el, and it builds on top of the solid command line (sort to speak) component of Ubuntu. But, quite frankly, we've made (as a community/distro) some big mistakes:

                      * Adept was never useable IMHO.
                      * KPackageKit was broken in 9.04 and so was KNetworkManager, so we mostly had a dysfunctional release for no reason (there were Ubuntu counterparts like Synaptic and gnome-network-manager which worked just fine and could have been used)
                      * Soudnd has been partially broken in the past few releases, but this is also Ubuntu's fault (PulseAudio was introduced too early)

                      So, I think this is what the timelord project is all about.

                      Overall, I have 15 years experience with linux so all these issues I mentioned are mostly a little annyoance and I can fix things right away. All I need s a popular distro where bugs are identified quickly and workarounds proposed withing hours. And that, I do get with *Ubuntu

                      But I have to agree, things are getting more mature, and 10.04 (Lucid) is looking formidable! I am actually typing from Lucid.


                        Re: Kubuntu Quality

                        I seem to have forgotten many skills I used to take for granted and it's frustrating.
                        I have been upgrading early to the last couple alpha releases. I follow along with how the experts solve the problems and learn a lot from them.

