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Hello. New user :)

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    Hello. New user :)


    My name is CylnZ, call me Cy for short.

    I've been using ubuntu since March of '09 and just installed Kubuntu 9.10 on my second laptop this week.

    It's an Acer 5620, and so far things are great. I updated to kde 4.4 a couple days ago, and just installed 2.6.33 generic today.
    I have to say the new kde and kernel are working beautifully. Havent noticed any bugaboos yet. The performance upgrades on *.33 are great, everything is much smoother, even with the issue laden intel 965 graphics, I'm having no trouble whatsoever.

    I wouldnt consider myself a linux veteran by any means. I have tried most of the distros since about 1997, but it was always an "install try it, watch it implode, go back to windows" sort of thing, until last spring when everything seemed to fall together, and within a day or two I had a usable system that do normal computing things without reading for 3 hours on haw to watch a music clip, or access my network. Since then I've been learning lots and having a ton of fun. It's amazing how, even after this little amount of time, when I log into a windows system it seems so controlled and restrictive, I cant wait to get back to linux.

    Anyhoo. Nice to meet you :wave:

    Re: Hello. New user

    Welcome and hello. I have been linux-only for ten years and back and forth like yourself for ten before that.

    Hope to hear from you!

    Please Read Me


      Re: Hello. New user

      Hi oshunluvr, nice to meet you.


        Re: Hello. New user

        Greetings Cy,

        You will enjoy the folks around here. Lots of experience and lots of good info and howto's.

        Regarding Windows. I normally only use it in the morning when I Skype call my girlfriend in Japan. I have tried installing it on several distros but in the end it was either unreliable or didn't work as well as it does on Windows.

        Just today I also realized that I still use a couple of other programs on Windows, financial types. Then I thought I must be just plan lazy. I need to just make more of an effort to transition from Windows to Linux. There really is no excuse. I use excuses but there is none.

        Then again its so seldom I use Windows or only for a few early morning minutes, it doesn't seem worth the effort.

        I always admire those that were Windows users and for whatever reason, were able to completely move from Windows to Linux and never look back.
        Boot Info Script


          Re: Hello. New user

          Hi Verndog, nice to meet you as well

          With the exception of a couple of games, Dawn of War 2 for instance which just flat doesn't work according to winehqappdb I'm all linux now, and loving it. 1 straight ubuntu on big laptop, 1 kubuntu on the small laptop, that way if i break one I can still figure out how to fix it, .

          When I went to play DoW2 the other day windows said I hadnt logged in for 186 days, lol, so I guess I dont game all that much.

          In linux today I'm on a kernel 2.6.33 kick. I love it except for a strange problem, you cant drop to a console on either system in 33, like in any passed kernel. I have no idea why. This K system has intel graphics (no config) and works fantastic with 33. The U system has an Nvidia chip (driver config) and cant use 33 so far. Even the K system cant start in a console using 33. I'm trying to search but all results are just the opposite of this issue. Heh, everybody breaks X and has to use console but me. I can use X on either system (low res mode on U(nvidia system)) but not console in either under 33.

          How's that for strange?

          Well, I better get looking, cya later :wave:


            Re: Hello. New user

            Welcome to KFN. I hope you find this a great place to be part of.
            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Re: Hello. New user

              Thanks Snowhog


                Re: Hello. New user

                Hi Cy!

                Never too old to use Linux!

                My first Linux distro was Red Hat 5.0, in May of 1998. I went Linux solo on Jan 1, 2000 and remained that way until March of 2005 when an Ag Engineer friend asked me to write a fly-by-wire system for a new tractor he was inventing. There was no adequate tool in Linux at the time so I had to install XP as a dual boot. I finished the app in 2008 and it has been in the maintenance mode since then. I saw my Ag friend once last March and once in last November, when he asked for suggestions on marketing. I've supported his app since 2005 but a couple months ago I made Kubuntu my sole OS. I may install my copy of XP as a guest OS after Lucid goes gold, but then again, I may not. IF I do, I certainly won't allow it access to the Internet, after I register it, or any "upgrades" Microsoft may offer.
                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                  Re: Hello. New user

                  Hi GG, nice to meet you as well.

