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LinuxMint 8 KDE64 release

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    LinuxMint 8 KDE64 release

    I saw an announcement by LinuxMint that they have released "LinuxMint 8 KDE64" based on Kubuntu Karmic.

    I downloaded the 1.2 GB ISO, burned it and booted it. I am writing this post using KDE64.

    The installation notes point to problems that I notice existed in Kubuntu's Karmic. They also recommend and link to Kubuntu's problem listings.

    The version of KDE that is released with this distro is 4.3.4. Immediately after I got connected to my wifi, which was very easy with the version of NetworkManager as it is configured by the Mint folks, I noticed 225 apps waiting to be upgraded. They were part of the KDE 4.4 upgrade.

    The repository has about 29,000 applications present. I enabled all of the available repositories and upon reloading (101 sources!!!) noticed that their Skype URL was defunct, as was "". The Google site didn't have a valid authentication key, which caused a warning to pop up everytime a reload was done. The Medibuntu site is in the repository, too, but vlc, css, w64codecs, read and nav are pre-installed, so one can pop in a DVD movie and start dipping into the popcorn bowl right after the installation is complete.

    With an ISO size of 1.2GB it is obvious that a lot of apps come preinstalled. FireFox (NOT the FF installer), Thunderbird, Google Gagets, DigiKam and showFoto, FileZilla, Tucan, SuperKaramba, WINE, OpenOffice, and GuardDog, just to name the most popular. No games are pre-installed.

    So, what you are looking at is a polished version of Kubuntu with KDE 4.3.4, with 4.4 upgrades waiting in the wings. Just like it's relative, LinuxMint, is a polished version of Ubuntu/GNOME. Like their Ubuntu clone, if the Mint folks continue with a KDE iso version it will be, like their first release, a version behind the soon to be releaded Lucid Lynx.

    It seems to me that by the time LinuxMint "polishes" a Kubuntu release, the updates and patches released by the Kubuntu developers will have already "polished" the current release, if not the next one.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

    Re: LinuxMint 8 KDE64 release

    To bad that a LiveCD 32-bit .iso isn't available for the rest of us - those who only have a CD r/w drive. I've posted a comment about that on their site.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: LinuxMint 8 KDE64 release

      I agree. Two of my three laptops are 32 bit machines.

      What they are saying by not releasing a 32bit version is the KDE4 is best suited to 64bit machines, which I would disagree with. But, they just may be keeping their support overhead low by offering only one version of KDE4. Take your pick.

      Regardless, the Linux Mint KDE64 offering is a VERY NICE one. I haven't checked out its MONO content yet.

      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        Re: LinuxMint 8 KDE64 release

        My guess is that by limiting the release to DVD, they are able to package all that is required for an initial install that provides the 'fullness' and 'just works' results. But that could also be done in a LiveCD - just package the essentials - graphics display, sound, network, basic administration tools, a browser. I've often wondered why such a 'basic' packaging hasn't been done. This would produce a small .iso, but fully configured to 'just work' after installation. The user can then opt to install anything else they want.

        The problem as I see it, is that developer/packagers are trying to create 'the whole enchilada' at the expense of a 'just works core system.'
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Re: LinuxMint 8 KDE64 release

          We used to offer a Mint KDE version that fit on a CD but the majority of the community wanted a DVD with all the bells and whistles. We just have one developer for the KDE release, one person to test , and the lead developer that repeats all of the test and makes the final decision on release. It takes me a good 6 hours to test an iso that has been submitted and the developer and myself both have jobs and family. You would be surprised how many iso's are tested before a release.

          I will have to look at a couple of the repos that were mentioned. I test using the defaults but it sounds like maybe I should include enabling all of the repos that are present when I test, I know a couple of the repos could probably be removed. I am constantly looking for ways to refine the testing.


            Re: LinuxMint 8 KDE64 release

            Nice to know, and, I appreciate the time and talent it takes for anyone to do what you are doing.
            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Re: LinuxMint 8 KDE64 release

              Hey, Exploder, keep up the good Mint work!

              I download and test the Kubuntu beta releases regularly, so by finding bugs in those betas I am helping Mint too, right?

              I've wondered to myself if Canonical is planning, in these tight times, to drop support for Kubuntu and focus entirely on a MONO powered GNOME. IF that happens either Kubuntu would disappear or it would fork. If it disappears ask the Mint developer what he (she?) would use to replace it? If it forks perhaps there could be a mass migration of people and resources of the fork to Mint KDE?

              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                Re: LinuxMint 8 KDE64 release

                I download and test the Kubuntu beta releases regularly, so by finding bugs in those betas I am helping Mint too, right? Grin
                I do the same with Ubuntu, the core system is the same for all of the releases. I have been seriously thinking about testing the Kubuntu beta and alpha releases though, there is enough focus on Ubuntu already and I have always liked the Kubuntu forum.

