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Another Karmic 9.10 success

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    Re: Another Karmic 9.10 success

    Tonight, it's finally 'done.' I have a system that, for me, is complete. I added my desktop wallpaper as my Grub 2 bootsplash yesterday, and tonight I was able to change both, the KDM Login theme and the Ksplash theme to incorporate the same image. Now I have a very nice and polished 'looking' OS from boot through desktop. Life is good. 8)
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: Another Karmic 9.10 success

      That Login is just wicked man!!! That is so cool. Polished is good! Life, ehhhh, dealing with a busted water heater at the moment, so not great there .


        Re: Another Karmic 9.10 success

        At church yesterday one of my "dependents" told me their Linux installation "had a virus".

        I told him, "No, it doesn't have a virus. It may have a broken app or a hardware problem". He was sure it was a virus.

        Today I booted up his DELL E510, a P4 with a 2.6 GHz CPU. I noticed he had a Compaq keyboard. Their boy broke the orginal keyboard. The second thing I noticed was that the POST test gave "keyboard error" on the screen. When the desktop appeared I tried several programs. They all worked fine. The "virus", it seems, was that FireFox couldn't play flash videos. I reinstalled the flash driver and FireFox could play youtube videos again. The Linux they were using was approaching 3 years old, so I decided to upgrade them to Kubuntu Karmic 32bit.

        The install was perfect. I tried my canary, Stellarium, and discovered that it locked up the computer. So did GoogleEarth. The Compaq keyboard was bitting them. I suggested they go to BestBuy and get a $10 USB keyboard.

        I decided to do a lshw to see what they got. It said the CPU was 64bit !!! I had my Karmic 64bit LiveCD with me so I attempted to boot it up. It ran perfectly. When they get the keyboard replaced I'll be returning to reinstall Karmic, this time the 64bit version.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: Another Karmic 9.10 success

          Well, I've found one 'glitch' - I can't get my USB printer configured. This is a reported bug:
          usblp Kernel module needs to be removed and /dev/bus/usb/*/* made accessible for USB printers to work with CUPS 1.4.x

          I tried one of the 'fixes' (reply #5) but it didn't work for me, so put things back as they were and added my bit to the bug report.

          This isn't a show stopper - if I need to print something I've saved, I just run Jaunty and print from there, as this bug isn't present in Jaunty.
          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

