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For those with Intel Video and Intel Chipsets.... Thought this a good rant.

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    For those with Intel Video and Intel Chipsets.... Thought this a good rant.

    For those with Intel Video and Intel Chipsets.... Thought this a good rant. I tend to agree to some degree with the rant.

    Re: For those with Intel Video and Intel Chipsets.... Thought this a good rant.

    The author of the article is suffering from a split personality.

    He identifies the problem early on:
    No, it's due to one thing and one thing only: Hardware manufacturers.
    but based on that analysis he jumps to this remedy:
    But come Lucid time in April of next year, the way I feel now I'm not going there in any kind of rush. Maybe three months, maybe more ... maybe not.
    His rant was apparently triggered by what he claims is a poor Kubuntu 9.10 install on his old laptop:
    All I want are upgrades that don't completely break the OS. That's it. I like new apps, but what happened to this Toshiba Satellite 1100-S101 with Ubuntu 9.10 is not OK.
    Today I added some finishing touches to a 32 bit Kubuntu 9.10 install on a Toshiba M35X-S114 laptop. KK slid on it like a silk glove. The "Hardware Drivers" installed the nVidia-185 driver perfectly and Stellarium gives 27 fps. Google Earth works fine. Not bad for a 6 year old laptop with 512MB of RAM and a 32 bit 1.3Ghz CPU. What happened to this Toshiba was A-OK!!!

    Installing Ubuntu 9.10 may have produced negative results, but I doubt it. So, based on the fact that some peripheral makers don't support Linux very well this guys seems to suggest that he may not use Ubuntu 10.4 at all? His conclusion doesn't match the cause. It makes me wonder what the real intent of his story was.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: For those with Intel Video and Intel Chipsets.... Thought this a good rant.

      Either way I still find it a good rant. I have two systems with Intel Video and none of them work the way they did under 9.04 and below. Yes a few don't have that issue. Yes, it is probably how the MB is designed. My Desktop I was able to fix. I have an nVidia display card. No issues there I'm happy. My laptop can't be done that way. I think the real intent of the article is trying to find out why the Intel video is the way it is. Nothing more. IMHO, anyway.


        Re: For those with Intel Video and Intel Chipsets.... Thought this a good rant.

        He's an unhappy user of PCs that have Intel affected GPUs. He is frustrated, that what was working with those GPUs in Kubuntu versions pre-Karmic don't work now. I share his frustration, as I too, have a laptop with an affected Intel GPU. My venture into Karmic was thwarted because compositing didn't work in Karmic, and the system was sluggish in Karmic. I tried all sorts of suggestions, and none resulted in a usable Karmic - for me - so I wiped the installation and reinstalled Jaunty, in which, everything just works.

        I'd like, I think, to be able to move up to Karmic, but until they (who ever 'they' are) can resolve the problem with Intel affected GPUs, I can't.
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Re: For those with Intel Video and Intel Chipsets.... Thought this a good rant.

          IF I were to do a rant it would be over two things:

          1) Letting HAL determine the video driver required automatically, which I really don't mind, but then NOT creating an xorg.conf file that one can modify to tweek the performance. I know you can create one from scratch but that is harder to do than tweaking one made by HAL. Removing the "-phigh" parameter from the video setup capability further isolates the user from being "in control" of their PC. Great for those who don't care, "as long as it works" but BAD for those for whom HAL doesn't work or those who want better performance than what HAL gives.

          2) Getting away from Menu.lst, which allowed me an easily edited file to set up the boot order or remove unused menu options without jumping through a bunch of hoops. Grub2 is great IF Kubuntu is the only OS, because the menu is bypassed by default, but editing the auxiliary files is a pain. Counting the number of menu entries to find the one you want as the default, if it is not the first, is a pain. So is having Grub2 on a second primary partition, instead of the first.
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            Re: For those with Intel Video and Intel Chipsets.... Thought this a good rant.

            Interesting what we each focus on, isn't it?
            > I have an Intel D915GAVL and seem to "accept" whatever it and Kubuntu throw at me (I'm used to those psychedelic multi-colored burst patterns).
            > But then in 8.10-9.10, my feathers are ruffled that "they" left Konqueror to fend for itself and Konqueror ain't what it use to be (e.g., in 8.04). I want Storage Devices back! A simple thing, I would think. Dolphin misses it, too. You know, with /dev/sdxn's and all that stuff, no disk Labels required, no manual Konsole work (sudo mkdir, sudo mount, sudo hoodoo-voodoo). > And, doing an update/revision of my how-to privacy Cleanup 101, I was surprised to see that there is more to do for 9.10 than there has been prior to 9.10. It's looking more like Windows that way now, with your personal data/tracks all over the place. The IgnorantGuru thread discusses this, as most of your know ('cause I've seen you there reading it ).
            > As for menu.lst and GRUB, well, I'm disappointed, too. It just ain't the fun it used to be. No official Manual yet (gee, kinda sounds like "they" aren't too excited about it either to drop the documentation). Reading about it is half the fun, learning some insider in-sights & tips.
            Bottom line with GRUB 2 is simple: (1) A Manual would be nice for such a major release/change. (2) "They" really need to nail down to perfection sudo grub-mkconfig and sudo grub-install. Those two commands must work almost flawlessly so users can rely on them and NOT have to edit script files to run Kubuntu. (3) Now--not so with GRUB Legacy--there is a real need for a good, capable, flexible, clear GUI config program. Word has it that "they" are working on Startup Manager (SUM) for GRUB 2. Let's cross the fingers. The old Legacy GrubEditor (or whatever it was called) was (1) not really so necessary, and (2) was really, extremely limited. When I heard about it, I devised 5 experiments to test it on, and guess what: the GUI had no clue on any of them, not a single one! It was good only for one hard drive and other constraints.

            Notice how I ran this together, single-spaced?
            An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


              Re: For those with Intel Video and Intel Chipsets.... Thought this a good rant.

              Should have doubled spaced!!

              Yes I agree about what people focus on. One reason I think the article was a good rant. It shows a line of thinking, either right or wrong, it doesn't matter. It makes you sit there and think, hmmmm I wonder why? I too blamed 9.10. Right? Wrong? Doesn't matter. It still is the issue that something is wrong with the Intel portion. Since what I've seen as a good many % of laptops are Intel infused I would half expect some focus towards that and there doesn't seem to be. No, Ubuntu/Kubuntu shouldn't foot the bill, but they are the more visible now and that is why they get the brunt of it. Fair or not, true. I stick with Kubuntu because I love it. I have mine "working" under 9.10. It isn't what it was fully, but it is still by far faster and offers more performance and eye candy than what it originally had on it. Weeeeeee. I'm actually having fun with this thread!!


                Re: For those with Intel Video and Intel Chipsets.... Thought this a good rant.

                Yes, it is a good rant. It seems to be a truism that the largest member of any industry attracts the most criticism, even while serving the largest market share. Ubuntu fits the pattern. The Debian folk just love to bash it. I don't know anything about Steven Rosenberg, but I'd guess that you can find him using Debian, in previous publications, if he has any.

