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Kubuntu Yea! and light doen't go out on USB [SOLVED]

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    Kubuntu Yea! and light doen't go out on USB [SOLVED]

    The 9.10 is finally up on my machine.

    Re: Kubuntu Yea!

    Great to hear! Let us know your experience, good or bad, but hopefully good.


      Re: Kubuntu Yea!

      Good working. A bit getting used to new kde. Haven't found a way to unmount usb except via CLI umount yet. Also a little irritation is palm brushing touch-pad while typing. Edited /etc/X11/xorg.conf (?), if I remember right, in 8.04. It's not the same here. I'll search some more. But, works good. Just getting used to, like I said.


        Re: Kubuntu Yea!

        to unmount (the kde4 gui way)
        look on your panel for the "devices recently added" plasmoid, if you plug in your usb drive it should show in the list of added devices hover over it w/ your mouse then you will see and eject button (if its mounted) click the eject and wait for the icon to turn in to a green check mark
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          Re: Kubuntu Yea!

          to unmount (the kde4 gui way)
          Or in Dolphin click on the disk icon in the left panel with right mouse button and choose safely remove. Mounted disks have a small black squares inside icons, umounted disks do not have.
          Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13


            Re: Kubuntu Yea!

            yes the dolphin method will work as well (i just never use it)
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              Re: Kubuntu Yea!

              Thanks for the info. sithlord48, I don't get if I'm trying the right 'plasmoid' I find an panel icon called device notifier. If that's it, I don't get any safely remove option. josefko, the dolphin method does bring up safely remove and konsole @ /media does show the mount disappeared so I know it's unmounted. I wish the light on the usb stick would turn off though.


                Re: Kubuntu Yea!

                Originally posted by linxuser

                I wish the light on the usb stick would turn off though.
                I noticed on my new USB sticks (Sandisk Cruzer) that the lights now have two modes:

                1. Blinking -- indicates reads and writes on the stick, and

                2. Slowly pulsing -- indicates .... slowly pulsing :P It is what happens when nothing is happening, including AFTER you click the "safely remove" menu item.


                  Re: Kubuntu Yea!

                  Yes you used the right plasmoid - Device Notifier. When you hover over added device you will see the white circle icon on the right side. When you click on it it disappears, that's when you did safely remove. There is the same thing with the black square inside device's icon in Device Notifier as in Dolphin - when USB stick is unmouted it disappears.
                  Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13


                    Re: Kubuntu Yea!

                    some stuff that worked in previous incarnations of k
                    I couldn't/find a fix
                    off-graded to ubuntu studio


                      Re: Kubuntu Yea!

                      Now there is easy access to touchpad settings

                      gsynaptics works and is persistent.

                      They got around to this - HOO-RAH


                        Re: Kubuntu Yea!

                        Re; The sandisk blinking light...It irritated me for awhile that my Dell monitors' side USB ports were "backwards" UNTIL I got my first SanDisk Cruzer! Now I know it's actually a "Feature" because the blinking light is faced away from me!

                        Somebody at Dell actually uses their products!

                        Please Read Me


                          Re: Kubuntu Yea! [SOLVED]

                          In konqueror, dophin, or whatever gui. Try right-click USB stick icon, select Eject. The light goes out on mine.


                            usb stick(s) will not safely remove.

                            In MM, I cannot "safely remove" either a hard drive or a usb stick. I used all of the methods above and also the methods from the other thread on a usb hard drive.

                            There is no "eject" that I can find, and also there is no "unmount".

                            Could not unmount this device, one or more files in this device are open within an application.
                            It might be an idea, if others have the same situation to maybe post a "safe" terminal command that any new person...........or OLD person like moi! could use to do the unmount, possibly in a similar vein to this article:


                            But, since a lot of new folks would be dropping by, and the devs, etc. are inimately familiar with the file structure and any nuances that are part of dolphin, etc. a very SPECIFIC set of commands to unmount one or more, because possibly a memory stick and a hard drive might be plugged in at the same time.

                            Or not! just a suggestion.



                              Re: Kubuntu Yea! and light doen't go out on USB [SOLVED]

                              first thing to make sure of before trying to unmount or safely-remove a device from either the Device Notifier or within Dolphin is to make sure nothing is running that i accessing the device - such as a dolphin window - that one gets me every now and then

                              see attachments
                              #1 & #2 show the Device Manager - hover over the icon at the right to see the tooltip, The first image shows the "unmounted', the second shows the "Safely Remove" icon

                              The third shows the menu you see if you right-click on the device's icon.

                              As a note, it seems you CAN Safely Remove a device in the upcoming KDE 4.6 while it is open in Dolphin, a good change But you may still be unable to in previous versions
                              Attached Files

