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Yggdrasil Linux circa 1994 - got it in the back of a big thick Linux book.
Cool. Always liked that name "Yggdrasil". It was used in the first "Max Payne" game. Been actually trying to get it to run though WINE. Still have that Linux Distro?
Cool. Always liked that name "Yggdrasil". It was used in the first "Max Payne" game. Been actually trying to get it to run though WINE. Still have that Linux Distro?
Nah - misplaced both the CD and the book years ago.
we see things not as they are, but as we are. -- anais nin
"A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
"Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss
Aw, come on. Go for the real thing, and install from floppies on a classic 486DX2-66. Better still, for some real vintage use a 386DX, except they're starting to get expensive since they stopped making the chip in 2007.
Aw, come on. Go for the real thing, and install from floppies on a classic 486DX2-66. Better still, for some real vintage use a 386DX, except they're starting to get expensive since they stopped making the chip in 2007.
Not gonna claim to know enough about 386 revisions myself (a tad bit before my time, or at least, before the time where I became aware of the intricacies of hardware), but as it so happens I dug an old 386 out of my garage the other day, left there by the previous tenants! So that actually sounds like a decent idea . . . well, assuming I can find some working floppies, heh.
@KeithZG: Join us over on the Vintage Computer Forum http://www.vintage-computer.com/vcforum/index.php There's people there who run web servers from floppies and others who play with 3phase big iron. Beyond the desktop! /OT
Yes, very good! The Commodore 64 is still very popular and easy to acquire. The PCjr and IBM5150 are also favourites for collectors as are the early apples. Linux, unfortunately, doesn't come into the picture until the 386 which is just now becoming collectable. I think the 386 and the beginning of Linux will (relatively soon) show itself to be an important turning point in the development of computers in general. I am a little ahead of the curve for the vintage crowd in that regard, but I believe that a 386 running SLS, Yggdrasil, or Slackware, versions 1 dot something, will soon become the hot show piece.
Has anybody here ever run Elks? It was a Linux port with 8088 capability, but perhaps it was mostly talk. I don't think it's that old
@KeithZG: Join us over on the Vintage Computer Forum http://www.vintage-computer.com/vcforum/index.php There's people there who run web servers from floppies and others who play with 3phase big iron. Beyond the desktop! /OT
Was I ever naive in 1981 when I bought my first PC. Didn't know how to do it or what else to do, so naturally, I went to a store with the word "computers" in its name: Entre Computers. Got an IBM, with a heck of a good dot matrix printer. Am I remembering that it costs $3000 for the system? Nothing wrong with Entre, a good company, just not the least expensive route to go these days, where I build my own. This is a little off the vintage subject, but I'll bet lots of people can relate.
@wizard10000, The Mattel in interesting. Note that they folded the same year they started!
An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski