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Don't ya just love it?

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    Don't ya just love it?

    Microsoft disconnects Xbox gamers:

    Now I have no sympathy for software pirating. The interesting point here is that Microceph (or anyone else using closed source technology) is able to spy on users, and disconnect or perhaps otherwise alter their systems' parameters without warning.

    Think about that, before you opt for that kind of technology or operating system, and what it might mean down the line.

    We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking

    Re: Don't ya just love it?

    well i actually think that to pirate a xbox its a good way and reasonable...cause xbox its pretty expensive to maintain...(i say it cause i actually own one and i have a one year xbox live usage...and if i hadnt had the money enough to spend in games i would actually could not pay my xbox live or other stuff like the points, the wifi device, etc...that for example ps3 includes already) so i think pirate its reasonable...either ways...what microsoft does to know how the xbox is pirated its cause when u log in into the xbox live and u connect to any game online well your xbox its moded so....u can do stuff normal people got ur xbox pirated! XD thats one of my guess...cause ive seen already to many people glitching and lagging and doing **** like crazy in gears of war 2 and other games to make me suspect that...correct me if im wrong...


      Re: Don't ya just love it?

      I have little tolerance for software pirates. I write software for a living. I certainly expect to be paid for the work I do. If I want to give it away for free, great, but pirating is illegal, plain and simple. For the younger generation many seem to think it's some kind of entitlement, a victimless crime. Downloading music and movies is second nature these days. A few years into my career I helped architect an anti-piracy system developed for an RIAA affiliate in London back when Napster was all the rage. I still remember the initial meeting. I asked how many people in the room downloaded music. It was a funny moment, we all raised our hands. We had the Napster protocol reverse engineered and could seed software agents on their servers and identify every IP address sharing songs. They also had Kaza on the radar but Napster was the bullseye in 1999. I personally think what we did back then was far worse than what Microsoft is doing today. You might not know it but Big Brother is always watching. I don't really have a major problem with what Microsoft is doing. They knock altered/pirated consoles of their service. I'm not fan of their general business practices but this one doesn't strike me as that egregious.
      linux && bash = "the future"


        Re: Don't ya just love it?

        I agree that doing things to prevent software piracy is in general appropriate, but that wasn't my point. The point is that this technology, and by inference perhaps operating systems from the same company, and maybe software from other companies as well (enjoy mysql while you can...) puts someone other than you in control of your system. What might the technology behind WGA eventually be used for?

        Not all modified xbox consoles are used for piracy. There are other reasons (as I understand it, I don't have one) for modifying them. After all, you bought, and in theory own, it. So your next PC comes with a 500 page eula that states somewhere in latin that you cannot use open source software on it?

        My intention here was to call attention to the fact that Microceph has demonstrated their technological capability to take control of your system, and enforce the way they want you to use it. There is absolutely no reason why that same technology couldn't be applied to their other products.

        We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


          Re: Don't ya just love it?

          Nice point u got there doctordruidphd and its true what u say ukchucktown i agree perfectly on what u say but i as a ''hacker'' (or at least i try to be but never say i am cause i think a hacker is in the top of the knowledge in computers...and im a modest guy who thinks that what i know is never enough :P ) think that off course u got the right to get paid for the work or job u got done on your software but i think that it should be payed off from the money like adds and other places like 4 example the money that is payed when u put adds on a website from the product u made, idk i just think its not piracy the problem its the system and how its made....just piracy is a problem when u invade someones privacy (i dont know if i expressed myself right or made myself understand XD im spanish ) 4 example when u listen to the radio u dont pay for the radio channel right?? u just pay for the device right? well cause radio gets payed off from adds i think softwares or at least not the OS should be free or payed off from adds. :P


            Re: Don't ya just love it?

            A novel idea young jedi. When you rescue that shiny unix system of yours without coming here for answers we can start calling you Junior Hacker.
            linux && bash = "the future"


              Re: Don't ya just love it?

              hahaha XD oh well....i was used to windows not unix...but either way i suppose that hacking also includes unix...either way as i said i dont like to say im a hacker cause thats someone who know everything about computers in general wich i dont , but i try.. :P

