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Quick note of thanks to all those who put Kubuntu 9.10 together

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    Quick note of thanks to all those who put Kubuntu 9.10 together

    Hi everyone,

    Given the recent negative press that has been occurring over the past week or so, I just wanted to make a post saying thank you to all those who worked hard putting Kubuntu 9.10 together. Personally I haven't had any issues/problems with Kubuntu 9.10. In my opinion Kubuntu 9.10 is elegant, well put together and runs like a dream on my system. So thank you and please keep up the good work, it is appreciated!

    Re: Quick note of thanks to all those who put Kubuntu 9.10 together

    Thank you, on behalf of the Kubuntu community! I don;t know why there is so much ... should I say "hate"? Animosity is probably a more proper term. However, in Distro Watch Weekly the feedback has been incredibly positive, even though the news, the way they presented, is that Karmic is pretty much a failure. More here:

    (comments at the bottom)


      Re: Quick note of thanks to all those who put Kubuntu 9.10 together

      Yes, I've seen those negative reviews. I've actually have looked at Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu 9.10 and they all run great! No issues. I for one think the entire *buntu community did a great job this time around.


        Re: Quick note of thanks to all those who put Kubuntu 9.10 together

        Originally posted by lmilano
        Thank you, on behalf of the Kubuntu community! I don;t know why there is so much ... should I say "hate"? Animosity is probably a more proper term. However, in Distro Watch Weekly the feedback has been incredibly positive, even though the news, the way they presented, is that Karmic is pretty much a failure. More here:

        (comments at the bottom)
        I don't think that there is a single answer to why there is so much hate directed towards Karmic (and I might add towards Kubuntu by some). Personally I feel that the answer can be divided into three main parts.

        1. Ubuntu is popular.

        There seems to be something about the linux community that on the one hand wants linux to be able to compete with Windows as a viable OS and on the other hand rips down those distributions that seem to be best suited to competing with Windows. The first time I became aware of such elements within the community was back in the days when Red Hat released Red Hat Linux 5.2. Red Hat became popular and as a direct result people within the linux community started to rip into them as a company, much in the same way that they are ripping into the *buntu distro's today.

        2. Gnome vs KDE

        It's silly, given the advances both desktop environments have made, but some people within the community still persist in fighting over which desktop environment is best. Why they can't be happy using whatever works for them, instead of moaning and groan about what others are using is beyond me. The sad thing is that I've read articles on websites/blogs that reject Kubuntu simply because it is a KDE distribution.

        3. Kubuntu doesn't match Ubuntu in terms of quality.

        This reason seems to be the main reason given when people complain about Kubuntu. People who put this reason forward make the point that Kubuntu doesn't use custom artwork, or is missing features such as the Ubuntu software centre or Ubuntu One.

        I'm of two minds about this third reason. On the one hand they are right, Kubuntu doesn't use custom artwork, it doesn't have the Ubuntu software centre or Ubuntu One. On the other hand, there's nothing stopping a user from downloading themes, wallpapers and widgets and customising their own desktop. There's nothing stopping people from using Kpackage kit or Synaptic to download and install software, and I've read instructions on how to add Ubuntu One to Kubuntu so apparently there's nothing stopping people from adding the Ubuntu cloud service if they want it.

        Kubuntu leaves it to end user to decide how to customise their work environment and that suits me fine.

        Anyway enough of my rambling I need to get back to work.


          Re: Quick note of thanks to all those who put Kubuntu 9.10 together

          For a ramble very coherent and I think very accurate. Great Answer!


            Re: Quick note of thanks to all those who put Kubuntu 9.10 together

            Originally posted by Raven-sb
            Hi everyone,

            Given the recent negative press that has been occurring over the past week or so, I just wanted to make a post saying thank you to all those who worked hard putting Kubuntu 9.10 together. Personally I haven't had any issues/problems with Kubuntu 9.10. In my opinion Kubuntu 9.10 is elegant, well put together and runs like a dream on my system. So thank you and please keep up the good work, it is appreciated!
            I share the same opinion

