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    i just want to stop by to tip my hat off to everyone involved in this project. from the developers to the ppl on the forums.
    I've been windoze free now for a little bit over a year now.
    no big problems in the switch over.
    my main 'puter is a Compaq presario dual core 2.8, only 512 ram, 250 gb hd, kubuntu 8.04/kde 3.5
    2nd 'puter was build by a Friend. quad core 2.3, 4gb ram, 500 gb hd, kubuntu 9.04/kde 4.?

    i did try out red hat/fedora & opensuse for a couple of days, but it was not for me.
    kubuntu just feels so comfortable to use.


    Re: hi

    Welcome. Always a pleasure to see a new member.

    Nothing wrong with Kubuntu 8.04 w/KDE 3.5. That was a solid platform.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: hi

      Salutations! Glad to see comments as yours. It is refreshing. I agree that 8.04 was a very nice release. Your second system there sound very sweet. Is it 64bit?


        Re: hi

        Hi Muzzi!

        Welcome aboard!

        I agree... Kubuntu is a fantastic distro and this forum is equally great!

        @Snowhog: I love your "three pipe problem" icon!!! Considering how you sluth problems for folks its just so YOU!!
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: hi

          both systems r 32 bits

          i was wondering what was/is the final decision with kubuntu 8.04 with the LTS?


            Re: hi

            Originally posted by muzzi
            i was wondering what was/is the final decision with kubuntu 8.04 with the LTS?
            Kubuntu Hardy 8.04 was not designated as LTS, but Ubuntu Hardy 8.04 was.

            See Kubuntu LTS and KDE4 (
            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Re: hi

              Hi muzzi,
              I also use 8.04 w/KDE 3.5. I don't intend to change until after 10.04 has been out for a while. Although, as Snowhog points out, Kubuntu 8.04 is not technically called LTS, the underlying Ubuntu part of it is apparently functionally so. As might be expected, I haven't encountered any additional problems since the original installation. I may be crazier than most, but we all have different ideas of what a good system looks like. Welcome!


                Re: hi

                i think i'm ready to update/upgrade the 8.04 'puter to 9.10. which way do u guys think is the best way to do it.
                thru the cli or adept/synaptic managers. i know i have take one step at a time 8.04 - 8.10 - 9.04 - 9.10 and i already called in sick to life to take care of this project, lol.
                i'll reply back in the next few days to say how things went

                thanks alot in advance


                  Re: hi

                  Originally posted by muzzi
                  i think i'm ready to update/upgrade the 8.04 'puter to 9.10. which way do u guys think is the best way to do it.
                  thru the cli or adept/synaptic managers. i know i have take one step at a time 8.04 - 8.10 - 9.04 - 9.10 and i already called in sick to life to take care of this project, lol.
                  i'll reply back in the next few days to say how things went

                  thanks alot in advance
                  welcome to kubuntu ,
                  with an upgrade of that magnuitude expect issues. i would recommend a back up and fresh install.
                  if you must upgrade i would use the CLI that way u know whats going on and what packages failed during install (if any).
                  Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                  (top of thread: thread tools)


                    Re: hi

                    i decided to do a clean install of kubuntu 9.04, i had a live cd, and i upgraded to 9.10 from there.
                    everything is working perfect. i just want to set it up the way i like it.
                    keep up the great work with kubuntu.
                    long live kubuntu & linux

