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About Kubuntu KDE system and FUTURE

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    About Kubuntu KDE system and FUTURE

    Kubuntu future releases needs critical features to be fast and easy to everyone:

    Disk manager like Ubuntu 9.10.
    Destroy akonadi.
    Configure Kate without sidebar to act like simple notepad by default.
    Start desktop in folder view.
    Double click by default.
    Do not start uBlog by default.
    Configure Ktorrent by default to use PEX and encryption because everyone almost uses.
    Update 10.11.2009: Show hidden files in Dolphin should be temporary like Ubuntu.

    Not so important but recommended:
    Firefox by default or Konqueror with Webkit.
    Ubuntu like colors theme (NOT default but just choice in desktop themes)

    I myself switched back to Ubuntu because it is faster (read optimal), Well organized, no bloat terror like Akonadi horror.

    I hope that Project Timelord takes these suggestions seriously to be successful.

    Re: About Kubuntu KDE system and FUTURE

    In my opinion, Kate's great the way it is. The built-in terminal is a godsend for testing/compiling my c++ project for college, and the sidebar is really useful for sorting between several implementation/header files. It allows me to only have to keep one window open for every file in the project. If you want a more simple text editor, you could try downloading nedit or gedit; these two don't have the sidebar like Kate does.

    I will agree with the double-click by default though.
    Sony Vaio VGN NR260E<br />Linux Kubuntu 9.04\Windoze 7 Professional<br /><br />Sony Vaio VPCF1190X<br />Linux Kubuntu 10.04/Windoze 7 Home Premium<br /><br />Linux user #478627


      Re: About Kubuntu KDE system and FUTURE

      Start desktop in folder view.
      It boggles the mind why they don't do that by default. There's no drawback, you can still add plasmoids and you can add other folder plasmoids.

      I don't agree with the rest of the points, and double-click is so windowsy....


        Re: About Kubuntu KDE system and FUTURE

        double click?? hate it, but easily changed either way

        firefox default, agreed.

        kate, is fine as is

        folder view, i so agree


          Re: About Kubuntu KDE system and FUTURE

          Originally posted by buzzmandt

          kate, is fine as is

          for expert yes but for casual user is is annoyng and experts can always enable this.


            Re: About Kubuntu KDE system and FUTURE

            Originally posted by forcecore
            Originally posted by buzzmandt

            kate, is fine as is

            for expert yes but for casual user is is annoyng and experts can always enable this.
            Casual users can use something else... kwrite for example. Why ruin a perfectly good program for people who know how to use it to dumb it down when there are other dumbed down alternatives?


              Re: About Kubuntu KDE system and FUTURE

              Just installed the Kubuntu 9.10 gold release on another Gateway m675prr.

              The install went perfect. After downloading b43-fwcutter and commenting out the blacklisting of it, the broadcom 4306 wireless came to life.

              Interestingly, the folder view WAS the default on the desktop.

              AND, while I could not drag and drop a menu entry to the Folder View on the desktop, I could right click on a menu option and select either a desktop icon install or a panel icon install. Very nice feature. One could delete the folder view altogether.

              He also wanted Kubuntu Karmic USB pen drive install to use to do banking on his VISTA box (He needs Windows). I made one while the LiveCD was running and used IT as the source. That went perfect as well. I created 2 Gb of free space and installed KK on the remaining 6 GB of the USB stick. I installed FireFox on it so he could do online banking, and KMyMoney2 to keep track of his money. All the additional software and settings stuck and the next time he booted it FireFox went to his homepage automatically.
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                Re: About Kubuntu KDE system and FUTURE

                I love Kate just the way she is. Because of the side bar not in spite of it. Double click would be great, Annoying otherwise, I like firefox but as it's not automatically installed not sure how it could be the default browser. I never use the desktop for holding files anyways so fine with that any way.
                How often can you get this quality for free.

