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Kubuntu Netbook Remix. Or perhaps not.

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    Kubuntu Netbook Remix. Or perhaps not.

    I was curious. I have a Compaq/HP mini 700 running Ubuntu 9.04 mostly out of sheer bloodymindedness - got to recompile/reinstall the alsa drivers from source after every kernel upgrade or sound just goes away. On my desktop I have Kubuntu and, all things considered, it's no more infuriating than any other OS/distro I've tried.

    Well, it booted (the first ISO image I downloaded, btw, presented me with a login screen after boot, and no obvious username/password combination seemed to work; no idea what I'd done wrong - the second ISO worked just fine) and it was amazingly slow. It installed during dinner and it presented me with a beautiful desktop by the time I'd put the dishes away, which is, all in all, faster than Windows (I think: I haven't installed Windows in quite some time). Pity about the networking - which isn't there. At all. Ifconfig only sees lo (with -a it also lists the bluetooth interface as pan0). Udev's persistent rules file is empty. A quick googling points me to some documents that suggest a number of steps to activate the Broadcom wireless interface, which don't work, mostly because the kernel module they mention (wl) isn't there and those that look like its descendants (wl12xx, wl3501_cs) do not work.

    I could spend the night trying to solve the problem, which, based on past experience, will probably reappear every time the kernel is upgraded or my neighbour buys a new satellite dish or my wife moves the kitchen table; it would probably be rewarding, interesting and educational. But I already do this for a job during the day, and at home I have a wife, two cats and a mountain bike, so, sod it. I simply want an OS for my netbook, not a second, unpaid full-time job.

    Re: Kubuntu Netbook Remix. Or perhaps not.

    I keep hearing about issues with Kubuntu WIFI. I have an Asus EEE 900 and never had any issue with wifi with any recent Ubuntu-based distros.

    Have you found a fix for that problem yet? Just curious...


      Re: Kubuntu Netbook Remix. Or perhaps not.

      No, I haven't. But to compensate, I've found a similar fault in Ubuntu 9.10 - after one or two reboots, wlan0 is renamed to "eth1_rename" and wifi stops working whatever I do. And wired Ethernet works only occasionally and only if I boot with a network cable already inserted (in which case, disconnecting the cable causes a hard crash).

      Just to be sure it wasn't a hardware fault, I've gone back to Ubuntu 9.04 and it works fine - well, except for the fact that it has no audio.

      The *really* annoying bit is my wife constantly pointing out how well hers works with XP.


        Re: Kubuntu Netbook Remix. Or perhaps not.

        Well, I fixed it. Apparently you can't run the initial setup on batteries: if you boot Ubuntu/Kubuntu disconnected from the power supply on a mini 700, it won't see the wired Ethernet card (making said card unusable forever and ever, apparently); and since Kubuntu does not come with the proprietary drivers for the BC4312, at that point you're screwed: no wired card, and no way to connect to the Internet to download the drivers for the wireless one. If you perform the initial setup on mains (my bad: I was too lazy to move the power supply to the living room) you can use the wired card to perform an initial package upgrade and to download the proprietary wireless drivers.

        And I just found out that audio doesn't seem to work - pulse plays system sounds but mplayer, vlc and more or less all other players are mute (although they claim to successfully talk to pulse).

        It appears running Linux on a netbook is still a full-time job

