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What Is Linux And Kubuntu ?

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    What Is Linux And Kubuntu ?

    What Is Linux And Kubuntu ?
    Linux Information .

    What is Linux ? Linux is a Unix clone written from scratch by Linus Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across the Net. It aims towards POSIX compliance. It has all the features you would expect in a modern fully-fledged Unix, including true multitasking, virtual memory, shared libraries, demand loading, shared copy-on-write executable, and more... Linux is an open source operating system. Open source means it is developed by nonprofit making organizations and individuals all over the world. They collaborate and share their work. Anybody can view others work and modify it. After modification he must in-turn open it for everybody. By this way great bug-fixing and development of Linux has occurred in past years. It is a modern OS with many features that are superior to windows. Another plus point is that it is completely free. You can buy a Jewel Box distribution at a nominal price or get a complete box-packaged of-the-shelf distribution complete with manuals, tech support and much more software. The LSB project (Linux Standard Base) ensures compatibility among different versions. There is also standard Internationalization effort (i18n) through Free Standard Group. They have come up with OpenI18n Standard .

    Kubuntu is a Linux operating system built by a worldwide team of expert developers. It contains all the applications you need: a web browser, office suite, media apps, instant messaging and much more. It is an open-source alternative to Windows and Office.

    Linux is made up of following Parts/components -

    1. A Linux Kernel - The heart/brain of OS. Now in Version 2.6.31.

    2. X11R7 - The free X-Windows GUI system.

    3. KDE / Gnome - K Desktop Environment and Gnome Desktop Environment. The GUI operating environments for Linux. XFCE is a new lightweight but feature filled Desktop Environment.

    4. Qt / GTK+- Qt is a widget library of programming objects - pre built C++ components. It is cross platform , means you can simultaneously develop your application on Linux, Mac, and Windows. KDE and many other applications are based on it. Many considered it as the most important piece of Linux programming today. GTK+ for Gnome is a rival.

    5. GCC - The GNU C++ and other compiler ( GCC features C, C++, Fortran 77, Objective C, Java and Ada 95 compilers) collection.

    6. GLibC - The GNU C++ library .

    7. ALSA / PulseAudio - ALSA - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture. PulseAudio is a sound server for POSIX and Win32 systems.

    8. Now a days, Java and Mono (.Net implementation on Linux) are also considered mandatory by many.

    9. You will also get lots of free software depending on your choosing Linux as a Server, or Desktop. These are listed below...

    If you choose Linux as a Server you can save thousands of dollars. As its roots are in UNIX, Linux has built-in support for File, Print, Application and Terminal Server. The money saved is better spend on extra hardware. As a server (in latest kernel 2.6.x series) even a basic installation can support 64 GB of RAM, 8 Way SMP systems, up to 16 Ethernet cards, 10 IDE controllers, and multiple IO-APICs. It can access terabytes of file system/storage, can now handle an amazing number of users and groups - about 4.2 billion of users. Full 64-bit support is available for Intel/AMD CPU. Linux is a pre-emptive multitasking, multithreaded and GUI based networked operating system. As its heritage in Unix, it has built-in client-server architecture with full TCP/IP support. The X-Windows system helps running GUI based apps remotely on a client machine (even if the machine is half way around the world!). Most network hardware are smoothly supported (Like LAN Ethernet cards, Hubs, etc). The 2.6.x kernel series has more server features.

    The main benefits of choosing Linux as a Server are listed below......

    Lots of very powerful open-source software are available for free or at negligible cost if you choose Linux as a Server. Like.......

    1)Web Server : Like Apache a Web Server (With GUI based configuration tool like ApacheConf) which powers over 50% of all web sites, Zeus is also a powerful Web Server.

    2)Certificate Server : Built-in Apache ( apache_ssl, openssl, OpenPGP ).

    3)Incoming-Outgoing Mail Server : PostFix - SMTP Server, SendMail - FetchMail Outgoing- Incoming Mail Servers, Internet Exchange Messaging Server - Open architecture messaging solution.

    4)Proxy Server : Squid .

    5)Firewall : NetFilter - a firewall solution which is built into Kernel 2.6.x series, GuardDog form KDE is also a powerful Firewall. Shorewall is a comprehensive firewall system.

    6)Windows Sharing Server : Samba ( With GUI based configuration tools like GNOSAMBA , and SWAT ) - which makes a windows PC's co-exist with a Linux Server, In Lieu of file + print server, it has authentication + authorization server, name resolution server, and network service announcement server. Zeroconf allows two computers running Linux to automatically configure their network settings .

    7) Network Resource Locater : OpenSLP.

    Backup solution : Arkeia (Enterprise Backup Solution) , Bru ( BRU Desktop Backup Restore Utility is a very cost-effective backup solution for Small Office/Home Office commercial applications. Delivering the full power, reliability, and functionality of BRU Workstation ) , and TapeWare ( TapeWare, a powerful backup and recovery software solution, supports workgroup to enterprise-level environments and provides comprehensive backup management support while minimizing the cost of managing data resources. TapeWare is a scalable, multi-platform backup and recovery software product that supports multiple Linux flavors and offers a sophisticated Linux disaster recovery agent for bare metal restores. ) for backups, Linux also has excellent built-in backup solutions.

    9) Internal Mailing List Managers : MailMan.

    10)FTP Servers - ProFTPd.

    11) Application Server : Enhydra - a open-source Java/XML application server, Zope - a web application server, TomCat - a JSP-Servelet Server. PHPGroupware is a full-featured groupware server. Opengroupware - open source groupware solution. CRM and ERP solutions are also available form company like SAP. Compiere is a open source ERP solution with CRM capabilities makeing ERP implementation easier. FISTERRA is a project that aims to provide a generic open-source ERP (Enterprise Resource Planner) . It currently supports invoicing, stock and payment management, POS (Point-Of-Sale), distributed work and offline replication. It uses Gnome technologies and PostgreSQL ( libgda from the GNOME-DB project ).

    12)Fax Server : HylaFax and Fax2Send - are client/server Fax solutions.

    13)News Server : INN - a News Server.

    14)Directory Server : LDAP - famous directory service.

    15)Domain Name Server : BIND - DNS Name Server with IPV6 support.

    16)Security : Kerberos - authentication system for industrial strength security, ACL - built into kernel manages users access, and rights with great ease. Libsafe - protects libraries and buffer/stack overflow. Tripwire - Protects binaries/programs form modifications. Bastille - Overall hardening of the entire system. Prelude - Modern intrusion detection system. OpenSSH - Strong encryption for network communications.

    17)DHCP Server : Dynamic Host Control Protocol Server - Assign IP addresses on the fly.

    1File System : The file system is completely journalized like RaiserFS, JFS, Ext3 and Ext4 Protects from crash. Ideal for mission critical servers. CryptoFS - supports encrypted secret file system. FHS a new initiative - stands for File System Hierarchy. It defines a common arrangement of the many files and directories in Unix-like systems (the file-system hierarchy) that many different developers and groups have agreed to use . Various network file systems are also supported such as NFS, SMB and WebDAV are available.

    19)Relational Database Servers : Great RDBMS packages like MySQL (The best according to me), Interbase (From Borland), Firebird (A open source RDBMS), Object Relational PostgreSQL are available free, or at nominal cost. If spending a lot of money is not your problem, then big names like Oracle, Sybase, and IBM DB/2 are also available.

    20)File Server : NetMax - a File Server, and VPN Solution, and Beeweb - Internet File Server.

    21)Commercial Applications/Servers : Interchange - a E-Commerce suit from Redhat. Ubercart is an exciting open source e-commerce suite, fully integrating your online store with Drupal, the leading open source content management system.

    22)Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Linux. Using any browser that supports tables and forms (and Java for the File Manager module), you can setup user accounts, Apache, DNS, file sharing, Mail, MySQL and so on. Another such all in one system administration program is linuxconf .

    23)IBM - is supporting Linux in a big way. They have got Small Busines Suit - which combines.....

    * DB2 Everyplace Express
    * DB2 Express-C
    * DB2 UDB Express
    * Lotus Domino Collaboration - Express
    * Lotus Domino Utility Server - Express
    * Lotus Domino Messaging Express
    * Rational BuildForge Express
    * Tivoli Identity Manager Express
    * Tivoli Monitoring Express
    * WebSphere Application Server - Express
    * WebSphere Business Integration Connect Express
    * WebSphere Business Integration Server - Express
    * WebSphere Commerce - Express
    * WebSphere Portal - Express

    Domino - Application/GroupWare/Collaboration Server, WebSphere - Java/XML Application server, DB2 industrial strength Database.

    24)Novel has released SUSE Linux Enterprise, it is the most interoperable platform for mission-critical computing—both physical and virtual—from the desktop to the data center.

    25)Many canned commercial software are appearing now, like - Provenchoice - Professional accounting package, Quasar is a full function, stand-alone business accounting package VShop - E-commerce platform, SQL-Ledger - a multi-user, double entry, accounting system written in Perl. Kalculate - a complete accounting solution.

    27) Opennms - a open source heterogeneous network management system ensures smooth management of network.

    The Best Linux Operating System for Server is Ubuntu Server Edition.

    ================================================== =========

    Linux is gaining momentum in Desktop also. The main features of Desktop versions are listed below.....

    1. There is now support for Automatic Graphical Install with Bootable Live CD/DVD - that boots and runs completely from CD or DVD and can be used to test drive Linux+included programs, test your hardware, and read and write Windows and other partitions. Linux now supports AutoRun, and AutoMount of CD. The installer and the configuration tools completely (or partially) support 60 different languages, from Afrikans to Wallon. The installer of Ubuntu/Mint(both has Live CD/DVD) are friendly, intuitive, and easy.

    2. Automatic Partition during installation. NTFS and FAT32 Partition Resizing can be done safely during installation. Partition can be manipulated safely after also. It can now peacefully co-exist with windows in same partition booting from inside windows (acting just like a windows program).

    3. GUI Boot Manager (like GRUB, LILO), supporting smooth multi-boot. Graphical Booting Process.

    4. GUI Based Centralized Control Panel, On-The-Fly Hardware Recognition, Online Updating.

    5. Wine gives excellent Windows emulation on Linux, and you will be able to run many Windows applications on Linux.

    What we use our Personal Computer for ?

    1) Net Surfing, Chatting, E-Mail, Downloads/Uploads, Torrents.
    2) Viewing/Managing Archive/PDF files and Pictures.
    3) Listening/Viewing Audio/Video, Burning CD/DVD.
    4) General Office Applications like Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Presentation Graphics, Database, Drawing, etc.
    5) Managing Calendar, Contacts, To Do list, Notes and Schedules.
    Here is my answer. These are free software (with download links) one should get in Linux, many are built right into the distribution like Mint/Kubuntu.

    1) Net Surfing, Chatting, E-Mail, Downloads/Uploads, Torrents.
    Net Surfing : Firefox, Chrome, and Opera.
    Chatting/IM : Pidgin, and Skype.
    E-Mail : Thunderbird With Lightning, and Evolution.
    Downloads : KGet, GWget, Download manager is integrated in Opera.
    Uploads(FTP) : FileZilla.
    Torrents : KTottents, Vuze, and Transmission.
    Plug-in/Add-on/Extension : Flash, Moonlight, and Mono.

    2) Viewing/Managing Archive/PDF files, Pictures and CD/DVD burning.
    Managing PDF : Adobe Reader, KPDF, Okular, and Evince.
    Archive Manager : 7-Zip. Gnome and KDE has integrated solution like Ark.
    Picture Manager : Picassa. Gimp, Gnome and KDE has integrated solution.
    CD/DVD burning : Brasero, and K3B.

    3) Listening/Viewing Audio/Video. VLC Player. MPlayer, and Realplayer.

    4) General Office Applications. Novel OpenOffice(GO-oo). (Other goodies –, KOffice, and Google Docs).

    5) Managing Calendar, Contacts, To Do list, Notes and Schedules : Thunderbird With Lightning, Kontact + KAddressBook, and Evolution.

    The best desktop Linux Operating System is Kubuntu.

    The Kubuntu promise

    Kubuntu will always be free of charge, along with its regular enterprise releases and security updates

    * Kubuntu comes with full commercial support from Canonical and hundreds of companies from across the world
    * Kubuntu provides the best translations and accessibility features that the free software community has to offer
    * Kubuntu core applications are all free and pen source. We want you to use free and open source software, improve it and pass it on.

    You can easily install all the multimedia codecs, Flash, and Java from Adept Package Manager. Kubuntu has a Software Center from which software can be installed by just a mouse click. It includes software like Firefox, Thunderbird, Pidgin, Transmission, Brasero, Gimp, Giver, Openoffice, MPlayer, Rythmbox music player, Sound recorder, Java, all audio/video codecs, Evince, etc

    Useful sites :,, Distrowattch.Com, OSNews.Com,,,

    Popular Distribution : Mint, Ubuntu, OpenSuse, Mandriva, and Fedora.

    ================================================== =============
    Find Full Details With Links at
    Shirshasin Ghosh ( ) from Naihati, West Bengal, India. Happy to help you as always Created on Sunday, 1st November 2009 at India, West Bengal, Naihati.

    Re: What Is Linux And Kubuntu ?

    Home: Kubuntu 12.04-amd64; Intel i7-860 on Intel DH55PJ; Nvidia 9500GT; 6GB RAM
    Network Slave: Xubuntu 11.10-x86; Intel P4-Prescott on MSI; 2GB RAM; Nvidia FX5200
    Portable: Xubuntu 11.10-amd64; Asus EeePC 1015PEM


      Re: What Is Linux And Kubuntu ?

      Well, in Mave the kernel version is 2.6.35-something already...

      8. Now a days, Java and Mono (.Net implementation on Linux) are also considered mandatory by many.
      Not by us and many other informed users / forumers that know about the thread mono represents to Linux if used abundantly (or at all).
      Multibooting: Kubuntu Noble 24.04
      Before: Jammy 22.04, Focal 20.04, Precise 12.04 Xenial 16.04 and Bionic 18.04
      Win XP, 7 & 10 sadly
      Using Linux since June, 2008

