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Little Humor for Win 7 Release Day

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    Little Humor for Win 7 Release Day

    The media are all abuzz, and I picked this one off of CNN -- kinda took me back a few years, and brought a smile:

    Re: Little Humor for Win 7 Release Day

    Now, the momentum they have is formidable. They f'd it up over and over, and vista was amazingly screwed. Their market capitalization is still, huge (here in billions of USD, as of today):

    MS 235
    Apple 186
    Google 176
    IBM 158
    HP 114
    Oracle 109
    VM Ware 17
    Red Hat 5

    However, look at Apple right on their heals!


      Re: Little Humor for Win 7 Release Day

      Originally posted by lmilano
      However, look at Apple right on their heals!
      Although Macs are selling better, I am pretty sure Apple's recent success is driven by consumer products (e.g. the iPhone).
      Welcome newbies!
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        Re: Little Humor for Win 7 Release Day

        Originally posted by Telengard
        Originally posted by lmilano
        However, look at Apple right on their heals!
        Although Macs are selling better, I am pretty sure Apple's recent success is driven by consumer products (e.g. the iPhone).
        Yes, it is a bit of an apples and oranges comparison. Not too much though, MS is selling hardware, too (XBox, mice, keyboards, etc).


          Re: Little Humor for Win 7 Release Day

          Nice article, Dibl. Thanks for that, I needed some extra light relief today.

          Most companies will be holding out for the first service pack of 7 before making any decisions about giving more $ to M$.

          I read an article about pirate copies having been on sale for some time and another article about a slow start to the new release. Hardly surprising.
          HP Compaq nc6400, 2Gi, 100Gi, ATI x1300 with 512M


            Re: Little Humor for Win 7 Release Day

            I have a Beta / evaluation version of Win 7 on a VMware Player VM, but I haven't really worked with it very much (and don't plan to). I just wanted to see if my genealogy apps would install and run correctly on it, and they do, so I'm satisfied if/when I ever have to upgrade from Win XP to Win 7 it will be a workable platform. It doesn't look bad, to be honest, from what little I've done with it. Nowhere near as much obnoxious "big brother checking in to see if you're stupid" as Vista. I assume by SP3 it will be as safe as Win XP.


              Re: Little Humor for Win 7 Release Day

              That was entertaining. I'm waiting for the day when all hardware just comes pre-installed with a hypervisor ready to go. At least VMware is beating Red Hat. Tough times for the boys in Raleigh. Why must we burden hardware with pre-installed operating systems. That's so 80s.
              linux && bash = "the future"


                Re: Little Humor for Win 7 Release Day

                Remember last year's Chinese Olympics?

                That same BSOD was projected onto the inside of the tent awning of the track and field pavilion. It was supposed to be a SilverLight projection.
                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                  Re: Little Humor for Win 7 Release Day

                  Originally posted by ukchucktown
                  That was entertaining. I'm waiting for the day when all hardware just comes pre-installed with a hypervisor ready to go. At least VMware is beating Red Hat. Tough times for the boys in Raleigh. Why must we burden hardware with pre-installed operating systems. That's so 80s.
                  LOL. BTW, isn't that what Sony does with the PS3?


                    Re: Little Humor for Win 7 Release Day

                    I honestly don't know. I have never been a gamer so I don't follow the gaming consoles. I am a big fan of virtualization. I just plopped down some bucks for the low-end Macbook Pro and replaced the drive and added 8 gig of memory. I got OS X, Windows 2008 Server, Arch Linux and Kubuntu 9.10 running at the same time with no lag and a gig to spare. Not bad for a little 4 pound laptop with a 5 hour battery.
                    linux && bash = "the future"


                      Re: Little Humor for Win 7 Release Day

                      I don't expect the average computer user, including businesses, to jump on the Windows 7 wagon quickly. Consumers have wised up some over the past few years. Unless they see something in Windows 7 that they really need, they are more likely to stay with what they know works.


                        Re: Little Humor for Win 7 Release Day

                        Originally posted by Detonate
                        I don't expect the average computer user, including businesses, to jump on the Windows 7 wagon quickly. Consumers have wised up some over the past few years. Unless they see something in Windows 7 that they really need, they are more likely to stay with what they know works.
                        Yes, but they'll get it pushed down their throats next time they buy a computer of any kind.


                          Re: Little Humor for Win 7 Release Day

                          True that. But I don't think most people will rush out to buy 7. But it will become the dominant OS as computers are replaced.


                            Re: Little Humor for Win 7 Release Day

                            BTW, have you seen the newest Mac vs PC commercial? Flashbacks to previous windows versions that promised stability.:-)


                              Re: Little Humor for Win 7 Release Day

                              Originally posted by Detonate
                              BTW, have you seen the newest Mac vs PC commercial? Flashbacks to previous windows versions that promised stability.:-)
                              That only helps. Of course Apple is as anal as MS. I don;t buy their products because they lock Linux out. But the computing world is getting a lot more diversified. And wait for Google to step in with all its weight and talent. Android, Chrome ... It's getting pretty interesting! For MS, this is all a loss, you can only lose market share when you own it all, there is nothing above 100%

