"In short, as KDE4.0 rapidly becomes more and more comfortable in its new skin, improving significantly with each release and unfolding it's potential like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly GNOME is facing a major shift with an interface change that seems to go beyond what KDE4 underwent."
"KDE is known to allow the user to adjust far more options than GNOME (which has been known to hide options for the sake of usability). KDE3 therefore often ended up seeming complex and overwhelming yet KDE4 appears to be succeeding in blending this flexibility with ease of use as is perhaps best testified by its new control panel, but also to some degree the various configuration dialog styles across the system."
"I only wish Kubuntu was given more attention in the Ubuntu development process. It still does to some extent feel like a second class citizen, yet I think it is more deserving of spotlight than ever before."
"In short, as KDE4.0 rapidly becomes more and more comfortable in its new skin, improving significantly with each release and unfolding it's potential like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly GNOME is facing a major shift with an interface change that seems to go beyond what KDE4 underwent."
"KDE is known to allow the user to adjust far more options than GNOME (which has been known to hide options for the sake of usability). KDE3 therefore often ended up seeming complex and overwhelming yet KDE4 appears to be succeeding in blending this flexibility with ease of use as is perhaps best testified by its new control panel, but also to some degree the various configuration dialog styles across the system."
"I only wish Kubuntu was given more attention in the Ubuntu development process. It still does to some extent feel like a second class citizen, yet I think it is more deserving of spotlight than ever before."