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9.04 - the worst version ever

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    9.04 - the worst version ever

    i so hate kubuntu right now. Jaunty is probably the worst version ever. i've been using Ubuntu since version 6 and never i experienced so many crashes and problems. since i installed Jaunty i feel i was working on Windows again. and KDE 4.2 And plasma - what the hell is that thing ? is it a screen saver ? is it desktop ? who needs it ?

    i hate to say it but the guys that develop KDE should learn from Microsoft how to develop a usable desktop.

    and now, good old KUbuntu crashed on me again, destroying my HD with it. Now what am i supposed to do ? re-install it and start from scratch ? i lost my entire confidant with linux and KUBUntu all together.

    good thing i have my wife's laptop running Windows XP to the have one reliable computer in the house.

    I&#39;ll tell you all my secrets, but I&#39;ll lie about my past<br /><br />

    Re: 9.04 - the worst version ever

    Originally posted by Argos
    and now, good old KUbuntu crashed on me again, destroying my HD with it. Now what am i supposed to do ? re-install it and start from scratch ? i lost my entire confidant with linux and KUBUntu all together.
    That depends. Is this supposed to be a sincere request for assistance or are you just here to troll?

    What exactly do you mean by destroying your HD? What are the symptoms of the destruction? What events precipitated the destruction? Have you tried anything on your own to fix the destruction, and if so what?

    Frankly, IMHO Intrepid was the worst Kubuntu yet. Jaunty has been good for me so far.
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      Re: 9.04 - the worst version ever

      i have been complaining that file operations cause the CPU to reach 100% thus i cannot use the computer during big file operations, ftp uploads/downloads and so on. several members of this forum have approved that such problem exist in Jaunty.

      today's events were caused by a big ftp upload of a web site i am developing. after the upload my computer crashed and now it will not boot, the disk is unrecognized, and i just lost weeks of valuable work.

      the disk was partitioned with EXT4

      I&#39;ll tell you all my secrets, but I&#39;ll lie about my past<br /><br />


        Re: 9.04 - the worst version ever

        OK...wait...Kubuntu crashes, and destroys your hard drive...that seems suspect to me...are you sure it isn't the other way around? If your HD was failing, it would cause all kinds of problems.

        Dell Inspiron 1720 Laptop<br />Intel T9300 Core2Duo Processor @ 2.5Ghz<br />4 GB Ram | 1920 X 1200 Resolution<br />2 X 160 GB SATA HD Internal<br />Nvidia GeForce 8600M Graphics Adapter<br />Using Kubuntu 9.10


          Re: 9.04 - the worst version ever

          if you have suggestions on how to try and restore a lost partition, i'd love to hear. basically the only thing accessible on the HD is the swap partition.
          I&#39;ll tell you all my secrets, but I&#39;ll lie about my past<br /><br />


            Re: 9.04 - the worst version ever

            Originally posted by muzicman0
            OK...wait...Kubuntu crashes, and destroys your hard drive...that seems suspect to me...are you sure it isn't the other way around? If your HD was failing, it would cause all kinds of problems.

            i am positively sure that the HD had no problems.
            I&#39;ll tell you all my secrets, but I&#39;ll lie about my past<br /><br />


              Re: 9.04 - the worst version ever

              Have you tried booting Kubuntu from the live CD to see if you can access your partitions from there? Try and see if it works. If you can gain access to your partitions from the live CD, then immediately backup all important data to an external drive, optical disk, or networked computer.

              If you cannot access your partitions from the live CD, then it is likely that your partition table is indeed hosed. Repairing the partition table can be a tricky procedure, but some tools make it easier. I have had success in the past with tools from DIY Data Recovery. You'll have to do some research to find a tool which is most suitable for your situation.

              If your HD is failing, then it is quite likely that you will lose any data stored on it. In this case, you should buy a new HD and restore from backups. You do make backups of your important data, don't you?

              If the HD is not failing, then it is very likely that your data is still present on the disk. In this case you need data recovery tools similar to the ones mentioned above to recover the data.
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                Re: 9.04 - the worst version ever

                forget about the crash... what about the unreliability of KDE ? what about the obscure and unexplainable desktop ? it's a joke!! i am so disappointed with what become with such a great desktop solution. KDE 3 was awesome, 4 should have been buried a long time ago
                I&#39;ll tell you all my secrets, but I&#39;ll lie about my past<br /><br />


                  Re: 9.04 - the worst version ever

                  As I suspected, you're just trolling. I'm done with you.
                  Welcome newbies!
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                    Re: 9.04 - the worst version ever

                    As I suspected, you're just trolling. I'm done with you.
                    I just read through this "conversation" and wondering when the above would come
                    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                    4 GB Ram
                    Kubuntu 18.10


                      Re: 9.04 - the worst version ever



                        Re: 9.04 - the worst version ever

                        Originally posted by Telengard
                        As I suspected, you're just trolling. I'm done with you.
                        if you think i'm trolling, look at the history of my responses and posts. you will see that although i'm not an expert linux user i have been using the system for a very long time now.

                        my post is genuine. i have experienced a lot of problems with Jaunty and it finally caused a complete crash of my HD and lost of data. the root partition has been erased completely - out of the blue, after kubuntu just told me that there was an error and there i was - with an erased HD.

                        i checked and double checked the HD and it's good, operational. the partition is gone !

                        I&#39;ll tell you all my secrets, but I&#39;ll lie about my past<br /><br />


                          Re: 9.04 - the worst version ever

                          I am cureus about what you mean by large up/down loads,

                          I rutenley DL several torrents at once at over 2-300 Kb/s or large .iso's with ftp and then transfer them to large USB sicks and put them (the torrented .avi's) on a diferent box to convert to DVD and then back to the Kubuntu box with the USB stick to burn and have had NO problems
                          what so ever and this is on an OLD my threds and youll find the specks.

                          over all even on this old A$$ box Kubuntu 9.04 JJ KDE 4.2.2 has ben very good to me.

                          and it's intel i810 gfx :P

                          i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                          16GB RAM
                          Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                            Re: 9.04 - the worst version ever

                            @ Argos

                            > Kubuntu didn't "wipe out" any partition, unless YOU wiped it out (by manually selecting options to do such).
                            > A quick search of this forum would reveal clearly that TestDisk would quite probably restore your partition table.
                            > Anyone doing the kind of work you are doing, web pages or whatever, should keep serious, redundant, multiple, and frequent backups.
                            An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                              Re: 9.04 - the worst version ever

                              Originally posted by Argos
                              forget about the crash... what about the unreliability of KDE ? what about the obscure and unexplainable desktop ? it's a joke!! i am so disappointed with what become with such a great desktop solution. KDE 3 was awesome, 4 should have been buried a long time ago
                              OK, I will forget about your crash, but your problems are just that, YOUR problems. Trolling and blaming your tools isn't going to help.

                              In contrast, I have been running Jaunty since ALPHA5 and I am now up to KDE4.2.4 running the *.30 kernel on my Sony VAIO VGN-FW140E/H notebook. Jaunty is the BEST desktop I have ever used since I bought an Apple ][+ in the summer of 1978. That puts it above every other version of Linux I have ever run, and every version of Windows I have used, which includes ALL of them except Windows ME. You'll say that's just me and my long experience with computers. That's right. Even at 68 years old I can make Linux work in situations where many others cannot. BUT ....

                              I installed Jaunty on almost a dozen computers ranging from a 5 year old desktop to 1 year old laptops, made by a variety of OEMs. I did it because I told them I was tired of constantly being called by them for help in getting their Windows running again and I was not "doing Windows" any more. If they want my help to keep their computers running they'll have to install Linux. They agreed.

                              The computers are mostly owned by the elderly, except one 50 year old woman who is handicapped. In the last 5 months I have had to visit only two of them, one to refresh his memory on how to add or remove widgets, and the other to "fix" a video lock up. It turns out her video was fine. Her mouse was broken, which was why "the screen won't respond". All of them let the automatic updates do its thing and none of them are reporting any problems beyond what I've mentioned. They email, browse, store and manipulate photos taken with their digital cameras, and on occasions use OpenOffice to write documents. I meet most of them in church on Sundays and the two most common remarks they make is:
                              1) it never gets spam, adware or bots, and
                              2) it is a lot faster than Windows and never crashes.

                              Not one has asked me to reinstall Windows. If people 50-78 years old run Kubuntu/KDE4 without problems then it can't be Kubuntu or KDE4's fault you are having problems.

                              I suspect that you have hardware problems, if the problem you have are not of your own making.

                              UPDATE: 8/6/09 - Yesterday I upgraded KDE from 4.2.4 to 4.3. Absolutely beautiful! Very functional, and with significant changes in how configurations are done. The SystemSetting app has gotten even more inclusive and easier to use. I have tried all of the dozen or so major apps that I use and all work well except one, Digikam, which fails to show the photos in the albums. Checking, I found it is a known bug that is being addressed.

                              Here's what worked well:
                              PostgreSQL 8.4 and pgAdmin3
                              Skype and the Skype Call Recorder
                              Audacity (including recording)
                              Secondlife (including voice)
                              Ekiga (including video)
                              SIP Communicator (including video)
                              OpenOffice and my databases
                              FireFox 3.0.x and Thunderbird
                              All of the video players I've checked so far... (VLC, mplayer, kplayer, ...)
                              and a plethora of other minor applications.

                              KDE 4.3 and Kubuntu 9.04 is a dynamite combination!
                              Kudos to both dev crews!

                              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

