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What does your screen name say about you?

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    Re: What does your screen name say about you?

    Thanks. I've actually been lurking around for quite some time (the account was started probably in 2007) I just haven't been here much. I have to say, 9.10 is much better than the previous Kubuntu releases (though that's largely thanks to the more stable KDE). Indeed, this was the case right from the late betas.


      Re: What does your screen name say about you?

      Originally posted by dibl
      That's a great question -- I'm surprised no one has ever brought it up before!

      Mine was not as thoroughly thought out as yours -- I'm a little envious.

      When I started to work on my first real job, it was in a big government office, and that was in the days when memos were on paper, and they got circulated through the office, and you had to indicate that you had read the memo by writing your initials in the margin. My real initials are "dlb", but after some time my colleagues started calling me "dibl" and it became a nickname. Even though I moved on and that old initialing the memo thing hasn't been used for 20 years, whenever I run into one of my old colleagues, they still call me "dibl".
      I wondered about that!

      Mine. Well I've always loved Sci Fi novels like Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and also love Marvel Comics. Wanted a name along the lines of those kinds of characters. Never could find one. Green Arrow was already a super hero so that was a no go. My daughter started watching "Avatar: The Last Airbender" in 2005 and I always watched that with her. It was from there that my screen name was thought of. I've used it ever since. Believe it or not, that screen name is taken in a lot of forums, so I usually have to augment it with a number. Kubuntu Forums was the first place I was ever able to use it out right, first to request.

      Edit: Oh and another aspect of this screen name is I'm a space fanatic as well.


        Re: What does your screen name say about you?

        I couldn't possibly tell you - you might work out who I really am!

        Seriously, my screen name says nothing about me, except how boring I am! I just made it a combination of who I am and where I was working when I made the name up, so that colleagues etc. could remember it easily. If I wanted to make some kind of statement about myself I'd probably choose something much more interesting but wildly inaccurate.
        Hmm, maybe I should post a new topic - What's your fantasy screen name?
        I'm only here so often because I'm too blinking lazy to learn shell!


          Re: What does your screen name say about you?

          Originally posted by Death Kitten
          Also, for the record, it seems like I'm the baby around here as I'm only 25. I also know I'm not the only female on these forums... but am I the only one to report in on this thread yet?
          I've not found any females on the other posts, so it appears so! Guess that makes me female #2, as well as baby #2.

          My family has called me Sissy ever since my little brother was born... original eh?

