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What does your screen name say about you?

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    Re: What does your screen name say about you?

    I've still got a massive tub of Marmite, 20 cans of Morrison's baked beans, only 420 tea bags, so I'm OK on that front. Sadly lacking: mustard powder, decent hot pepper sauce (and I could get some more beans while I'm at it).

    Anyway, this has precious little to do with my screen name, according to which I shouldn't ingest any of those things.

    As for dibls, I honestly don't know what they thrive on... Nearly one o'clock - it was fun but I'm tired... Sleep well!
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      Re: What does your screen name say about you?

      My brother, doing business in Russia, learned from a friend there another version of "chili." Basically, simply, take a good Texan chili (with beans and meat and red chili powder) and add cabbage. Diced potatoes optional. If you like cabbage soup but want a meatier flare to it, it's really good. (My version of cabbage soup is simpler: cabbage, tomatoes, garlic, onions, and .... Yep, green New Mexico Chile.)
      An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


        Re: What does your screen name say about you?

        As to the Chili, the dish, my favorate is Cincinnati brown, it is a greek influenced dish with cinnamon, nutmeg, cocoa powder and some other goodies. Try it youll like it. usualy after 3 tries your hooked


          Re: What does your screen name say about you?

          Kubuntut I came up with because my usual method of thinking up a username didn't work. What I normally do is take something and add "-fan" to the end. Hence I would have come up with ""Kubuntufan". But naturally that was taken :P So I tried some other things and came up with Kubuntut! Maybe it's not witty or anything but I like it.

          Usually I go by LinksFan or Purplemontart (both would take too long to explain) but I thought I would go with something different.
          Kubuntut, Lord of Getting Everything Wrong.<br /><br />Excuse my n00bness!


            Re: What does your screen name say about you?

            tafi, just plain and simple t=Tommi, a=Ahokas, fi=FInland (in Eurup)
            It's old worker ID in SAP, I just left out number 5337, which U can still find from our local Internet Auction
            See here 1st.


              Re: What does your screen name say about you?

              Reflects the fact that I live in a Northern climate where snow is the norm, and that I am a Harley motorcycle enthusiast and life member of the Harley Owners Group (HOG), thus, Snowhog.
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Re: What does your screen name say about you?

                My name to anyone who knows me is a warning I'll do something random. I'm a pretty random guy. Most people see me as a fool with my online names.


                  Re: What does your screen name say about you?

                  Originally posted by smeghead67
                  As to the Chili, the dish, my favorate is Cincinnati brown, it is a greek influenced dish with cinnamon, nutmeg, cocoa powder and some other goodies. Try it youll like it. usualy after 3 tries your hooked
                  I like it (as well as the original Southwest style), but I kinda moved on to the cheese coneys, made with the same Cincinnati-style chili. I think I would actually suffer withdrawal symptoms if I couldn't have a 3 cheese coney lunch at least once a week.

                  p.s. you forgot the allspice, that's what gives it an especially unique flavor. And yes, I do have the recipe.


                    Re: What does your screen name say about you?

                    My screen name says that I am a person, as well as a man.

                    Pretty generic sounding name eh? Apparently had a brain fart on originality that day.

                    Or, I could be the lamest super-hero ever....Personman!...He's as fast as a person...As strong as a person...and able to leap tall least as well as a person...


                    "No theory, no ready-made system, no book that has ever been written will save the world. I cleave to no system. I am a true seeker." - Mikhail Bakunin


                      Re: What does your screen name say about you?

                      Juul means wheel or christmas. It was my father's last name and it has a long history in my family. Ole is just something my parents chose and I decided to keep it.

                      I like some of the names that other people use here. However, for me to use my real name makes more sense to me - and it keeps me honest.


                        Re: What does your screen name say about you?

                        This is a great thread. Took me a while to see it. Some of you guys are making me feel young. I had to register for the draft but it was really all done by then. I did get in on Fortran though.

                        My name is from my favorite pass time, hacking away at my mandolin, whether anyone wants to hear it or not.


                          Re: What does your screen name say about you?

                          Originally posted by Ole Juul

                          It was my father's last name and it has a long history in my family.


                            Re: What does your screen name say about you?

                            It says there are way too damn many people using 'wizard' as a nick. I've been using it since 1993.

                            we see things not as they are, but as we are.
                            -- anais nin


                              Re: What does your screen name say about you?

                              my 5 year old helped with mine, here I sit with 3 monitors ( some day I should upgrade to flat panel lcds and duel or quad cores nah my old hardware still does what I need it to) two keyboards and 3 cpu in front of me. I also have done ssb moving down the road on 14 and 18 wheels try to keep it locked in like that is quite a challenge but it was fun.
                              Not old enough for the draft but Uncle Sam did teach me how to march and stop a bullet and march.

                              my first computer was a commodore 64, I have moved up a little p4's
                              I tinker on just about everything I must know how it works and if I can make it work better.
                              <br />[img width=200 height=120][/img]<br /> <br />Intel P4 @ 1.8GHZ<br />1 GB Ram | 2560x1024 Resolution on twinview<br />Nvidia Geforce4 mx440 agp8x Graphics Adapter<br />Using Kubuntu 9.10 w/KDE 4.3.1<br />


                                Re: What does your screen name say about you?

                                Well mine is a long and complicated name that has secret meanings and hidden characters that are nothing to do with my Andy Bleaden

                                Should have invented another one perhaps
                                Running Kubuntu Karmic Koala&nbsp; with KDE 4.3 at home<br /><br />Kubuntu user 24342<br /><br />Running Dell Inspiron 530 Dual Core 3ghz<br /><br />and also running Kubuntu on a Lenovo thinkpad using a live pen drive<br /><br />Still no Microsoft here!

