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What does your screen name say about you?

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    What does your screen name say about you?

    What does your screen name say about you?

    My screen name is AlphaLexman on many websites,

    My dog's name is Lex (after Lex Luther, aka Superman comics) and he is a male.
    My wife and I have another dog, her name is Abby, but her nickname is AbbyGirl.
    I try to be the Alpha dog to both of them... hence AlphaLexman (and it wasn't taken already)
    We also have a tabby cat, and his name is Hobbes after the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes.
    His nickname is HobbesCat.

    Re: What does your screen name say about you?

    That's a great question -- I'm surprised no one has ever brought it up before!

    Mine was not as thoroughly thought out as yours -- I'm a little envious.

    When I started to work on my first real job, it was in a big government office, and that was in the days when memos were on paper, and they got circulated through the office, and you had to indicate that you had read the memo by writing your initials in the margin. My real initials are "dlb", but after some time my colleagues started calling me "dibl" and it became a nickname. Even though I moved on and that old initialing the memo thing hasn't been used for 20 years, whenever I run into one of my old colleagues, they still call me "dibl".


      Re: What does your screen name say about you?

      I got mine as a nickname and it has just stuck. I was an archer and competed in tournaments around the United States. Well the bullseye is called a spot in field archery. I got to where I was hitting the spot a lot. Peers just started calling me spotslayer. I have been know as spotslayer for over 20 years.



        Re: What does your screen name say about you?

        Mine was my radio call sign in Vietnam.


          Re: What does your screen name say about you?

          Originally posted by Detonate
          Mine was my radio call sign in Vietnam.
          Thank you very much for your service.

          Mine is just a bit of nostalgia from my teenage years:

          (Click the image for a larger view.)
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            Re: What does your screen name say about you?

            It was a very long time ago. Probably before most on this forum were born.


              Re: What does your screen name say about you?

              Several years ago I was the oldest person in attendance at the Husker's Linux User's Group on the campus of the University of Nebraska. The student leading the meeting referred to me as "the gray geek", which was quickly changed to GreyGeek when written on the blackboard.

              It's been a wonderful gift. I am "grey", at least the hair I have left is gray. I have been a geek all my life. Even as a kid I experimented with concoctions of kitchen chemicals trying to find a mixture which would exterminate the red ant hill in our back yard. I built rockets out of aluminum tubes and powered them with CO2 cartridges stuffed full of match heads. One exploded and put a permanent scar on my knee, in addition to blowing out two 2X4's in the wall of our neighbors garage. I majored in chemistry, biology, math and physics at college, and hold an MS in Biochemistry, with certifications in math, physics and Earth Science. I was one of only a few teachers in Nebraska licensed to teach 5 subject areas, but I taught only 18 years, 10 in HS and 8 at the college level. I was trained to "program" heavy iron (breadboard plugging) in business school, which I attended right after HS, but couldn't find a job doing it because I looked like I was only 14, so I went to college. I began programing what is now thought of as programming by learning Fortran IV in grad school in 1968 and never stopped programming. Meanwhile, I built every electronic device that HeathKit sold, including their 25" color TV, and all of their electronic tools. I built a 60 watt transmitter and key paddle, learned Morse code and began talking to people all around the world. I built a 15' cubical quad antenna and received a 5by9by9 signal report from Tokyo, Japan using that 60 watt transmitter in Abilene, TX. They say I was louder than 1,000 gallon rigs broadcasting from America. I almost worked all states on that rig. Then I built a QRP transmitter and began seeing how far I could reach on 1 watt. Not far. Too much electrical noise, just like there is too much light pollution, even for my 10" Meade LX200 telescope, so I donated it to the local astronomy club.

              My son and I watched EVERY NASA launch together (via TV, regardless of the time it was televised) until he went off to college. Last year we visted Cape Canaveral together. My 3 year old granson can now name every planet and their moons in the solar system, in order, from the Sun outward. He loves to launch rockets. Any kind, from Estes to 6' water rockets. So, being a geek must be genetic
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                Re: What does your screen name say about you?

                My business name is "The Geezer Geek".


                  Re: What does your screen name say about you?

                  I was new to all forums until 2005, when I built my first PC using and the excellent PC books written by the host there. When I encountered a problem on burn-in, I panicked and quickly signed up as a member so I could post a frantic question. I quickly, in haste, randomly chose mikemqa. I repeated that non-thinking modus operandi ever since, and being a math type, didn't feel there was anything special in a screen name (a name is, after all, just a string of characters, right?). Now, I am known variously as mikemqa, Qqmike, Qzmike, mike_n_NM, MQMike, MikeZq, mike_Q, mikeXYZ, mikeqqq, mikequeque, Qgeekq, and others I'm probably forgetting. Wish now I had given this some thought and picked a signature name, with a bit of meaningful "branding." (I spend a LOT of time picking names for my dogs.) So, maybe my "mark" is that I use some combination of those letters. I suppose I could move into permutations thereof, also . And, btw, I believe one would find many folks here who are old enough to remember Fortran IV and Vietnam.

                  . . .

                  Come to think about it, I guess my method of choosing screen name(s) really does indicate that I'm a geek!
                  An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                    Re: What does your screen name say about you?

                    Originally posted by Qqmike
                    And, btw, I believe one would find many folks here who are old enough to remember Fortran IV and Vietnam.
                    I know there are a lot of us geezers around, I said "most" not "all".


                      Re: What does your screen name say about you?

                      Mine says that I have no respect for conventional logic
                      eMachines E520 notebook, 2ghz celeron, 3gb RAM, 160gb HDD, etc... special with no Microsoft tax running Kubuntu 9.04 beautifully


                        Re: What does your screen name say about you?

                        Originally posted by Detonate

                        I know there are a lot of us geezers around, I said "most" not "all".

                        Graduated H.S. class of 1969. The big choice was (a) U.S. Navy or (b) college (please, somebody, anybody ..). Got accepted to Ohio State U. with a scholarship. Started out with a 4S student deferment. Next year came the lottery -- I drew #183. I didn't get drafted -- they never got to #183. I graduated college in 1973 and the war ended in 1974 or '75.

                        Thanks for your service, Detonate!


                          Re: What does your screen name say about you?

                          Same story as dibl's, except grad '67 and lottery # (based on birthdays) was 300 something and I didn't go in. Just in case, I had taken 2 years of voluntary, non-paid (un-enlisted) Army ROTC ... just so I'd have a little basic orientation--how to fire & field strip/clean an M-16, use a bayonet, spit shine shoes, break down M-60/M-80's, use of dress and fatigue gear, grenades, read a map, march, and so on. Have lots of buddies who served, mostly drafted; have had detailed talks with them about it.. Yep, a Thanks goes to Detonate. That's for damned sure.

                          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                            Re: What does your screen name say about you?

                            Greygeek - that describes some of my mates

                            Regarding the code and paddle - I live halfway up the east coast of Australia and was talking to New Zealand on SSB, 30 Watts. I heard an English call sign between overs - hang on I said, I'll swing my beam around to get you - and lost him. Pointed it back at New Zealand and there he was again. Got him on the long path. That was from my bedroom in my parents house in the eighties.

                            My name is Darren, my wife's name is Stasia and our daughter is Shaanii.


                              Re: What does your screen name say about you?

                              My screen name is more of a description.... ... although at the moment the hair doesn't reach my shoulders.

