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Phonon and solid

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    Phonon and solid

    Hi everyone!
    I am curious!
    Where I can take some manuals or documents for phonon and solid?
    I have seen in but I have found nothing there...
    Sorry for my english, but I am learning!!!
    PS: If you want help me to improve my english, you can show me my errors!!!

    Re: Phonon and solid

    (0) Your English is MUCH better than my Italian, so please don't be shy about using this website. Some of the native speakers of English are no better than you. But where you said "take some manuals", you should have said "get some manuals" and instead of "seen in" you should have said "looked at". These are both idioms. My mistakes in Italian are far more elementary. People look at me strangely, and my daughter pretends she doesn't know me.

    (1) Phonon documentation is HERE. I wish there was more but, for a Linux project, that's a lot!

    (2) As for solid, I'm not sure what you are referring to. Do you mean the Solid Desktop (which is fairly old), the solid-pop3 mail server, or something else?


      Re: Phonon and solid

      Originally posted by askrieger
      (2) As for solid, I'm not sure what you are referring to. Do you mean the Solid Desktop (which is fairly old), the solid-pop3 mail server, or something else?
      Probably this:


        Re: Phonon and solid

        Many thanks!!!
        Yes, it is true! Indeed on there is written: "How can you get kubuntu?" but I am confused. When I can use to take and to see?
        If you want, I can help you to improve your italian!
        I am new to linux and kubuntu, but I can write a simple c++ program with windows (I have learnt it to the school, years ago, also if I have not study computer science but chemistry) and I would like to know how phonon and solid work for write a my simple application...
        but for now I have found english manual only, and for me, it is difficult!
        For solid, I have not know well how it work! Solid is used for hardware integration? Can I use solid for capture video from a dv camcoder? Or I have understood nothing?
        However, I will go on to use this website with your help!


          Re: Phonon and solid

          Yes! thank you! Now I will read that....

