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It's Better With Windows

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    It's Better With Windows

    Asus figured it's better with Windows, after all. Not that I thought they were in it "for the cause". But I don't think I feel like buying one of those anymore.

    Re: It's Better With Windows

    Note that it's not from the Asus address...
    "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
    "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


      Re: It's Better With Windows

      But Asus links to it.


        Re: It's Better With Windows

        What you are seeing is a direct result of the threat that Linux poses to Microsoft's netbook market share. Some are predicting that Linux will reach 50% marketshare in netbooks:

        Linux is FORCING Microsoft to spend money on advertisements. Asus was, no doubt, paid by Microsoft to install Windows on its netbooks. Linux, on the other hand, cannot pay Asus to do that. Linux has no marketing arm, no ad dollars to invest and no sycophant journalists to write pro-Linux puff pieces in a quid quo pro for Ferrari laptops. Every Linux pre-install is a direct testimony to its power and flexibility, not some PR department's ability to lie.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: It's Better With Windows

          Sigh. I don't know anyone besides myself (face to face) who's running Linux full-time or almost. No sound. No Internet. No TV or video capture card. Windows-centric jobs. Photoshop. Premiere. Ableton Live. Pro Tools. Reason. Games. I guess it really is "better with Windows" (or OS X) for some people.

          But for Asus to "give up" and "advertise" "major incompatibilities" -- when they controlled the hardware...


            Re: It's Better With Windows

            You might be interested to note that the command
            reveals that the site is registered to:
            Sharp, Michael
            123932 SE Kent-kangley Rd.
            Box 238
            Kent, Washington 98030
            United States
            (877) 788-8066
            Kent, Washington is between Seattle and Tacoma, very near the headquarters of a very large software company which shall remain nameless.


              Re: It's Better With Windows

              Originally posted by abalone
              But Asus links to it.
    , anyway... which (now?) redirects to


                Re: It's Better With Windows

                I have to admit when Asus first launched the Eee, I was curious enough to consider buying one. Funds kept me from being able to investigate it much at all, as I wouldn't have been able to justify the money spent. My boyfriend recently bought one of the windows versions, after much protest from me, claiming he needed to run a stupid D&D 4d character generator which wouldn't run in Crossover Office on his Apple. What happened to just writing it out on a standard character sheet with pencil for frell's sake?! Also, dude *works* for Apple.

                At any rate, the stupid thing had a dead power cord within days of buying it, the screen is so tiny it's unusable, and entirely too much of the screen space is taken up by Window's task bars and window borders. At least running linux, one could in theory install a WM that can have minimal space taken up by the windows manager's decorations. I might be a little more fussy about this than most people, as I have my KDE running with the tiniest borders I can find, my panels are sized as small as I can get them without losing functionality with the plasma theme I found that picks up my system colors. That said, I've also gotten spoiled with two wide screen monitors on my home system, and I go crazy enough using the horrible Windows Box from Hezmana at work that has only *one* monitor, that isn't even a widescreen!

                It's probably a pretty safe bet that I'm not going to be inclined towards Asus anymore. Until this Better with Windows crap, I was just inclined to stay away from *any* netbooks out there, and chalk it up to personal preference, but now Asus makes me very unhappy. Someone else is getting my business when I'm able to scrape together the funds for a laptop or notebook of some sort.


                  Re: It's Better With Windows

                  Originally posted by abalone
                  Sigh. I don't know anyone besides myself (face to face) who's running Linux full-time or almost. No sound. No Internet. No TV or video capture card. Windows-centric jobs. Photoshop. Premiere. Ableton Live. Pro Tools. Reason. Games. I guess it really is "better with Windows" (or OS X) for some people.

                  But for Asus to "give up" and "advertise" "major incompatibilities" -- when they controlled the hardware...
                  There are at least two of us running Linux exclusively. Kubuntu 9.04 owns my entire HD.

                  No sound? What's your sound chip?
                  No Internet? How are you posting?
                  Games? That's a matter of "choice". If all your games are on Win only, that is a choice you make, not a chain that binds you. Ditto for Photoshop. You weren't born with the ability to use Photoshop. Gimp does as well for 95% of graphic manipulation needs, If you want a real powerhouse graphic tool then use Blender. It's like saying you can't run Linux because you "need" Word, when OOo does just as well or better.

                  Of course, the downsides of Windows seems to escape those who believe that "Windows is better". It is MUCH better at getting infected and giving away your SSN or bank data. It is MUCH better at wasting your Internet bandwidth by allowing a hacker to make it a zombie in a bot farm. It is MUCH better at allowing 3rd party vendors a legal right to gain access to it through secret back doors, and remove or deactivate ANY software THEY feel is violating some EULA or other restriction. And, it is MUCH better at costing you money on the ever moving upgrade treadmill, for both the OS and its AV stuff, which really doesn't seem to prevent the big hacks from taking over your Win box.

                  So, it depends on which kind of "better" you want to settle for.
                  "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                  – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                    Re: It's Better With Windows

                    Originally posted by abalone
                    Sigh. I don't know anyone besides myself (face to face) who's running Linux full-time or almost. No sound. No Internet. No TV or video capture card. Windows-centric jobs. Photoshop. Premiere. Ableton Live. Pro Tools. Reason. Games. I guess it really is "better with Windows" (or OS X) for some people.

                    But for Asus to "give up" and "advertise" "major incompatibilities" -- when they controlled the hardware...
                    GreyGeek, three?
                    I haven't booted into XP for some weeks now, Hardy and Mepis only.


                      Re: It's Better With Windows

                      According to Crunchgear at it's a Microsoft advertising campaign.

                      It says it is "aimed at Asus Eee PC users" but "One astute Slashdot commenter suggests that this site has little to do with Asus directly, and more to do with the Goliath that is Microsoft PR."
                      "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
                      "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


                        Re: It's Better With Windows

                        Wow, a movie about sheep.


                          Re: It's Better With Windows

                          Originally posted by GreyGeek
                          Originally posted by abalone
                          Sigh. I don't know anyone besides myself (face to face) who's running Linux full-time or almost. No sound. No Internet. No TV or video capture card. Windows-centric jobs. Photoshop. Premiere. Ableton Live. Pro Tools. Reason. Games. I guess it really is "better with Windows" (or OS X) for some people.

                          But for Asus to "give up" and "advertise" "major incompatibilities" -- when they controlled the hardware...
                          There are at least two of us running Linux exclusively. Kubuntu 9.04 owns my entire HD.
                          As I said, "face to face". Obviously there'll be Linux users on a Linux forum.

                          No sound? What's your sound chip?
                          No Internet? How are you posting?
                          Games? That's a matter of "choice". If all your games are on Win only, that is a choice you make, not a chain that binds you. Ditto for Photoshop. You weren't born with the ability to use Photoshop. Gimp does as well for 95% of graphic manipulation needs, If you want a real powerhouse graphic tool then use Blender. It's like saying you can't run Linux because you "need" Word, when OOo does just as well or better.
                          I was talking about the few people I know who do or did use Linux but find or found themselves back in Windows much of the time for various reasons (not necessarily happily), or who've wanted to use it but couldn't get it to work, or who'd like to try it "if only".

                          I am using Linux pretty much all the time. Sometimes, however, I owe that to Wine. For example: There's a Linux port of Renoise now, and I think I ought to buy it just to thank and encourage the developers... but: the effect and synth plugins I'd like to use with it are Windows and Mac VST(i)s. And there're two or three other things I miss. At least the gaps are getting smaller! But when it comes to apps, I'd still be better off with Windows. (Not because of Photoshop -- I don't need it. I'm okay with GIMP. I'd be okay with Paint Shop Pro 7, too. But then again I didn't become a graphic designer. Only almost.)

                          Of course, the downsides of Windows seems to escape those who believe that "Windows is better". It is MUCH better at getting infected and giving away your SSN or bank data. It is MUCH better at wasting your Internet bandwidth by allowing a hacker to make it a zombie in a bot farm. It is MUCH better at allowing 3rd party vendors a legal right to gain access to it through secret back doors, and remove or deactivate ANY software THEY feel is violating some EULA or other restriction. And, it is MUCH better at costing you money on the ever moving upgrade treadmill, for both the OS and its AV stuff, which really doesn't seem to prevent the big hacks from taking over your Win box.
                          Windows XP at least has run pretty well for me. I've lectured others not to use an admin account or click on any random popup or install any random glitzy nonsense... and I've managed to stay safe without running a dozen scanners in the background. There's still enough left to dislike about Windows: if there weren't, I'd be using it. I mean - it runs all the apps I need. But to me it's not all in the apps.


                            Re: It's Better With Windows

                            Originally posted by askrieger
                            You might be interested to note that the command
                            reveals that the site is registered to:
                            Sharp, Michael
                            123932 SE Kent-kangley Rd.
                            Box 238
                            Kent, Washington 98030
                            United States
                            (877) 788-8066
                            Kent, Washington is between Seattle and Tacoma, very near the headquarters of a very large software company which shall remain nameless.
                            Specifically, that is also the address of the UPS store in that strip mall.
                            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                              Re: It's Better With Windows

                              I wouldn't buy anything from Asus if they were the last computer company on earth. They are nothing but a Microsoft tool. During D3 just last week, they apologized for running a Linux netbook with a MS rep sitting by their side. They are on course for an epic fail.

