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It's Better With Windows

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    Re: It's Better With Windows

    What is really making me sick about netbooks is the ~new players to linux ~distros (Intel and Google) have focused on GTK instead of Qt... perhaps the license switch was too late? Will that 50% of the netbook market all be running a flavor of gnome?


      Re: It's Better With Windows

      The timing of the KDE 4 release was not good. I think it is starting to be good enough to end the bad publicity though, and may soon be the new "must have".


        Re: It's Better With Windows

        I was reading an interesting article the other day that says that there will be 12 more brands of Linux netbooks on the market by Q4. They are predicting a 50% market share for Linux by years end, especially with Moblin and Ubuntu Remix being such hits. Currently, the market share is anywhere from 10% to 30% depending on who you quote. That's excellent considering almost no retailers sell Linux in their stores.

        Plus, when the "smartbooks" come on the scene, running the ARM processor, that will an entirely Linux market. No Windows at all will run on it. I'd say the future looks very bright for Linux.

        Hopeful a few of these things will run KDE4. They don't know what they are missing.


          Re: It's Better With Windows

          Originally posted by growled
          ...Hopeful a few of these things will run KDE4. They don't know what they are missing.
          Nope. Moblin is GTK (or GTK2, whatever). And if they run Android it will be GTK (I'm guessing - I actually have never seen what they use, but since Chrome is GTK I can only guess they won't use Qt). So KDE really is going to miss the boat when it comes to netbooks. Which is sad since the first ones were in fact a KDE3 remix, right?

          Of course, with any flavor of linux hardware support, you and I can install our OS, but that won't grow the brand for the majority of users who will just use what's on it...


            Re: It's Better With Windows

            Originally posted by abalone
            There are at least two of us running Linux exclusively. Kubuntu 9.04 owns my entire HD.
            As I said, "face to face". Obviously there'll be Linux users on a Linux forum.

            Well, besides my laptop, K904 is the only occupant on my Son's laptop, my wife's laptop, my sister's laptop (She lives 1,110 miles away and I just got her PC up and running by phone 30 minutes ago - she "never used a computer before"), a handicapped lady I know, an 83 year old retiree, and a 55 year old retired navy quartermaster. My Son and I are the only people in that group that have any computer experience beyone the browsing and email, and those installs have been in the last month.

            Only I am a visitor to the forum, so yes, I have lots of "face to face" contact with many folks who have only ONE OS on their HD, Kubuntu 9.04.
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

