Hi as everybody might know reading from slashdot or the spanish verison barrapunto gmail has official announced their new instant messenger, which im using right now while i writing this unfortunetly there is no linux and mac version yet, it format it jabber and it comatible with ams, ICQ and AIM, if you have a gmail account, you automatically have a google-talk account, chek out this page.
I want a Linux version. !!!
fortunetly we got a chance, look what i found on google talk page:
Platform choice means that you can connect to our service using the operating system and device of your choice. Google Talk enables platform choice by letting users of other operating systems connect to the Google Talk service using other IM clients.
I want a Linux version. !!!

Platform choice means that you can connect to our service using the operating system and device of your choice. Google Talk enables platform choice by letting users of other operating systems connect to the Google Talk service using other IM clients.