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    Here it is 11:27 so for 33 more minutes it's 420!

    I seen a similar thread made over at Ubuntu forums so I thought why make one here, this community is like the second Ubuntu forums for me (like if I don't get replies to my threads there I make them here)

    I wonder if I am the only Linux pothead? The average Linux user doesn't seem to be the 420 type, but then again I am not the average Linux user.

    Everybody lol (11:29 now)

    PS I hope I don't offend or anything or break the rules of the forum/create controversy, I am just sharing happiness today is supposed to be a happy day! (despite the columbine massacre and Hitler's birthday are on April 20th as well...)

    But then again 420 and Kubuntu have one thing in common: Freedom of choice!

    PS I actually don't do it anymore now that I am in college
    My Local Repository<br />Forums I am active on<br />Please help me with this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Re: 420!

    yea man
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      Re: 420!

      Originally posted by RealG187
      PS I actually don't do it anymore now that I am in college
      You don't honestly expect me to believe that
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        Re: 420!

        Originally posted by toad
        Originally posted by RealG187
        PS I actually don't do it anymore now that I am in college
        You don't honestly expect me to believe that
        What does that Wikipedia article have to do with anything? And I swear I don't do it, it's been like 4 months and 21 days since I last did. I know for some people college is the time when they do it more but I want to try and get my life straight. I wonder would it make reading lots of stuff easier and more exciting on the other hand, lol.
        My Local Repository<br />Forums I am active on<br />Please help me with this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


          Re: 420!

          4 months and 21 days

          Like the link
          Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


            Re: 420!

            Originally posted by RealG187

            The average Linux user doesn't seem to be the 420 type, but then again I am not the average Linux user.
            I'm already stupid enough ... :P

            However, for those who are even stupider, I advocate highly taxed legal cannabis sales through controlled outlets, similar to alcohol. The taxes collected can go toward subsidizing college educations ...


              Re: 420!

              Originally posted by dibl
              Originally posted by RealG187

              The average Linux user doesn't seem to be the 420 type, but then again I am not the average Linux user.
              I'm already stupid enough ... :P

              However, for those who are even stupider, I advocate highly taxed legal cannabis sales through controlled outlets, similar to alcohol. The taxes collected can go toward subsidizing college educations ...
              Me too. I don't use any form of gaseous, liquid or solid intoxicant, but the HIGH DEMAND of illegal traffic in crack and pot by Americans is the reason for all the bloodshed along the Mexican border. If the government legalized and regulated the use of these substances, making them less expensive than illegal sources the drug lords would have to go back to raising Coffee for a living and we wouldn't have 1,000,000 American setting in prison and costing a bundle to feed, clothe and house. It would also allow us to give appropriate help in getting the addicted OFF of their addiction because they wouldn't have to hide it for fear of going to prison. But, I'm only 68. What do I know?
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                Re: 420!

                greygeek could not have said it better my self
                Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                (top of thread: thread tools)


                  Re: 420!

                  Originally posted by GreyGeek
                  Originally posted by dibl
                  Originally posted by RealG187

                  The average Linux user doesn't seem to be the 420 type, but then again I am not the average Linux user.
                  I'm already stupid enough ... :P

                  However, for those who are even stupider, I advocate highly taxed legal cannabis sales through controlled outlets, similar to alcohol. The taxes collected can go toward subsidizing college educations ...
                  Me too. I don't use any form of gaseous, liquid or solid intoxicant, but the HIGH DEMAND of illegal traffic in crack and pot by Americans is the reason for all the bloodshed along the Mexican border. If the government legalized and regulated the use of these substances, making them less expensive than illegal sources the drug lords would have to go back to raising Coffee for a living and we wouldn't have 1,000,000 American setting in prison and costing a bundle to feed, clothe and house. It would also allow us to give appropriate help in getting the addicted OFF of their addiction because they wouldn't have to hide it for fear of going to prison. But, I'm only 68. What do I know?
                  Did you just compare marijuana to crack?
                  My Local Repository<br />Forums I am active on<br />Please help me with this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                    Re: 420!

                    I hope you don't mind me speaking up for you, greygeek, but no, RealG187 - he certainly did not (at least not in so many words). He just made a good humanitarian point. And the fact that it were better for the quality of life for all concerned is of no real surprise.

                    Anyway, drug trafficking sure is no fine thing and news of the bloodshed has even reached Europe. Paths of supply here are no less wholesome, so while I don't quite buy the "regulated" bit we are talking one language. Whether person A or B enjoys substance C or D is actually quite bye the bye regardless of the substance itself.
                    Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                      Re: 420!

                      Originally posted by RealG187
                      it's been like 4 months and 21 days since I last did. I know for some people college is the time when they do it more but I want to try and get my life straight. I wonder would it make reading lots of stuff easier and more exciting on the other hand, lol.
                      Good job, RealG! Keep it up! Cannabis IS used because it alters perception and creates false euphoria in the brain. That's why a train engineer can see a red light and not react to it while high on Cannabis. I'm sure the dozen plus passengers he killed would have preferred he was sober while running the train. Would you board a plane if you knew the pilot was using pot?

                      The reasons for not using crack or other hard narcotics are obvious to all except the addicted. Like tobacco, pot is addictive, but probably not nearly as much. It does, however, present the same risks of cancer and emphysema that always accompanies the inhalation of the smoke of smoldering vegetation. (When I was a child I thought I was cool sneaking out behind the shed and smoking Golden Rod stems! )

                      I have certifications in five academic areas. I taught for 18 years. Ten at the HS level and 8 at the college level. At the college level I've taught Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physics, Engineering Physics, Biology, Biochemistry, Anatomy & Physiology, Microbiology, Calc I, II & III, and several Computer Science courses. I can't tell you the number of kids I saw who blew their college education up in smoke because it altered their ability to focus, concentrate and learn.

                      But, illegal drugs are not the only way to destroy your mind. I discovered an entirely legal way, thanks to former Sec Defense Rumsfield. Use Nutrasweet. In warm, aqueous solution Aspartame (Nutrasweet) break down to give Methanol (also known as wood alcohol, which is toxic) and aspartic acid. Methanol attacks the brain, liver, kidneys and eyes. To make a long story short, it nearly destroyed my photographic memory. Before I realized what was causing my severe memory loss and depression, almost to the point of suicide, I was even forgetting the names of my own children! Now, seventeen years later, my memory is only half of what it used to be. When I eat something that unknowingly contains Nutrasweet within 30 minutes I get a severe headache, began sweating sebaceous oil and the upper half of my body turns beet red. A couple days later my skin peals like it was sunburned.

                      There was a time when I could read off, in my mind, lines of code in a program I had written 5 years previously like it was on a sheet of paper in front of me. Now, I cannot remember switches to commands I have used for years without having to consult the man pages. Part of it is just getting old, but most of it was caused by Nutrasweet. I hold a private pilots license and learned that the Air Force will not allow a pilot to fly if they have consumed Nutrasweet within the previous 48 hours.

                      Keep your mind clear, RealG, and good luck in college. It will be the most fantastic time of your life. If I could have afforded it I would have become a professional student!

                      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                        Re: 420!

                        Huh? What was this topic about? I had something to say, but forgot.

                        two people both work 60 hours one week for "the man". One gets home and drinks a beer the other one takes a whack off of the bong. There is no difference. One guy gets drunk everynight other gets stoned everynight, both will develop problems. Abuse is the culprit and not the particular substance.
                        I can tell the people who haven't used pot by what they say just like I can tell the people who haven't used linux. They just repeat what they have been told with no insight. Remember there is a lot money going into propagandizing pot. There probably wouldn't be so many prescriptions of zanax, paxil, valium etc.. if you could just go outside and clip a weed and smoke it.

                        and Grey Geek. I would be the first one on the plane.
                        FKA: tanderson


                          Re: 420!

                          Originally posted by tanderson
                          Huh? What was this topic about? I had something to say, but forgot.

                          two people both work 60 hours one week for "the man". One gets home and drinks a beer the other one takes a whack off of the bong. There is no difference. One guy gets drunk everynight other gets stoned everynight, both will develop problems. Abuse is the culprit and not the particular substance.
                          True, but some substances are more addictive and abusive to the body than others. Meth is one addictive substance that not only creates extended distortions of reality, which can lead a person to do something fatal, it also tears the body apart. A 35 year old addict looks like they are twice that age and their teeth look even worse.

                          I can tell the people who haven't used pot by what they say just like I can tell the people who haven't used linux. They just repeat what they have been told with no insight. Remember there is a lot money going into propagandizing pot. There probably wouldn't be so many prescriptions of zanax, paxil, valium etc.. if you could just go outside and clip a weed and smoke it.
                          Three fourths of the pharmaceuticals one sees being advertised on TV are more dangerous than the illness they claim to treat! All for a buck. It's disgusting. Most are certainly MORE dangerous than pot.

                          and Grey Geek. I would be the first one on the plane.
                          Too bad. What's your favorite flower? (They will be for your funeral.)

                          Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) 91.17
                          The use of alcohol and drugs by pilots is regulated by FAR 91.17. Among other provisions, this regulation states that no person may operate or attempt to operate an aircraft:

                          * within 8 hours of having consumed alcohol
                          * while under the influence of alcohol
                          * with a blood alcohol content of 0.04% or greater
                          * while using any drug that adversely affects safety

                          The pilot you'd fly with would be piloting illegally. Your insurance company would not be required to pay your beneficiaries, and you would have to sue the airline to recover.

                          Oh, BTW, the higher in altitude one climbs while flying the more affect intoxicants have in distorting reality. IIRC from my training, for every ounce of booze the affect is like climbing 2,000 feet, and the affects double for each additional 2,000 feet. This is because while the concentration of alcohol in the blood doesn't change that much during the climb, the amount of Oxygen in the air decreases as one climbs, reducing the partial pressure of Oxygen in the lungs and making it more difficult for a compromised blood system to absorb and carry Oxygen.

                          Alcohol contributes to hypoxia, or oxygen starvation of the brain, which can result in DEAD brain cells. Cigarettes and Pot contribute Carbon Monoxide, which binds with red blood cells and prevents them from carrying Oxygen to the cells of the brain and body, also producing hypoxia and resulting in dead brain cells. Drunkenness is merely advanced hypoxia, which produces delusional behavior. Kids who huff aerosols generate the same hypoxia, which creates the same euphoria and delusional behavior.

                          I've had more than one passenger go to sleep as I climbed through 8,000 feet because of the inability of their lungs and blood stream to absorb a sufficient amount of Oxygen. Healthy people can make it to 12,500 feet. Above that one must file an Instrument flight plan and be on Oxygen regardless of how healthy they are.
                          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                            Re: 420!

                            Originally posted by GreyGeek
                            True, but some substances are more addictive and abusive to the body than others. Meth is one addictive substance that not only creates extended distortions of reality, which can lead a person to do something fatal, it also tears the body apart. A 35 year old addict looks like they are twice that age and their teeth look even worse.
                            right and if you look at the addictiveness of pot it is lower than all rest. Even caffeine.
                            How many people have knocked over a liquor store for pot money? Who was last person to loose their job and their house because of pot? Don't get me wrong, I am not promoting the use. Pot, like any mood altering drug has its baggage. I just don't think any realistic conversation about pot is going to put it into the same categories as meth, crack, heroine etc..
                            FKA: tanderson


                              Re: 420!

                              Originally posted by tanderson
                              Originally posted by GreyGeek
                              True, but some substances are more addictive and abusive to the body than others. Meth is one addictive substance that not only creates extended distortions of reality, which can lead a person to do something fatal, it also tears the body apart. A 35 year old addict looks like they are twice that age and their teeth look even worse.
                              right and if you look at the addictiveness of pot it is lower than all rest. Even caffeine.
                              How many people have knocked over a liquor store for pot money? Who was last person to loose their job and their house because of pot? Don't get me wrong, I am not promoting the use. Pot, like any mood altering drug has its baggage. I just don't think any realistic conversation about pot is going to put it into the same categories as meth, crack, heroine etc..
                              Pot is less harmful than many other intoxicants, but it has not received a clean bill of health (relative to cigarettes, for example) Expert opinions are split:

                              but Pot contains more than just THC:

                              While I was teaching at Clarks I was also the town marshal. I have pulled 9 dead people out of wreaks. All were caused by alcohol, but because TCH can have a half-life of up to 20 or more hours, based on its potency, it can be in the blood for up to 10 or more days after use. I suspect that many "accidents" are caused by judgment impaired by Pot. When I was in college I was at a friend's house studying for a test when we heard a loud bang. We ran outside and say a car wrapped around a telephone. The car had been speeding and missed a turn, sliding sideways into the pole. The driver was pinned inside. He was moaning over and over "it hurts, it hurts....". He kept that up for the 10 minutes it took a firetruck with the jaws of life to arrive. While they were tearing him out of the car he gradually stopped moaning. He was pronounced dead at the scene. The smell of Pot saturated the car. I will never forget that scene.

                              Anyway, I don't see why I or anyone has to risk their life facing an impaired driver on the highway, or pilot in the air, just because a Pot smoker wants to experience an hallucination while driving. Ditto for alcoholics.

                              But, from practical examples of tragedies caused by Pot use one cannot rule it harmless:

                              I could go on. The Internet is loaded with URLs relating the effects of Pot on judgment while driving, using heavy machinery, etc....
                              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

