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I feel so dirty

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    I feel so dirty

    Okay, so after my failures in the live flash drive world, and my inability to focus on researching something I couldn't work on fixing as I researched, I found myself doing other things while killing time at my boyfriends house over the weekend. This ended up with me doing something that made me feel horribly dirty. I started playing with my boyfriend's xbox 360. Specifically I started playing Rock Band.

    I had the chance to to try out the game before, on his Wii, but as the Wii is mostly occupied by the six year old and lives in the living room which is also occupied by the six year old, or at least cluttered by the six year old's toys, I hadn't had enough of a chance to really play with the game. The xbox lives in my boyfriend's bedroom, and therefore is easier to play with. Then add in that the boyfriend recently bought Guitar Hero Metallica, with the drum kit controller, which also works with the Rock Band games. So the other night, he let me set up a character and I sang while he played drums. Shiny enough, and it was kinda fun working through the various songs, earning money to buy the snazzy duds for her. Then I decided to give it a go on the drums, and now I'm kind of hooked. I went so far as to sign up for an xbox live account. They're giving me a free trial of the gold membership for a month, but I don't intend to pay them any money... especially since I'll only be using the account when I'm at my boyfriend's house, so I'll likely fall back to the silver membership in about a month's time.

    All that said, my gamer tag is Diziara. Feel free to friend me, as I know I can't be the only one on these forums dirtying myself in Microsoft's pool. :-P

    Re: I feel so dirty

    sure wish my GF would play rock band w/ me.........

    i would play but don't have an xblox

    i do have it for the wii if you can ever want to play on that (mario kart is way fun btw.)

    have you looked in to remaster for makeing a live cd from an install ?

    i know its ro but it at least you can have ur os w/ you ,
    i made a live cd /install disk for my server the process took a little bit but it has all my files on the server (i.e. it will be a cd version of ur / drive) the dvd is only 800 ish mb.(no real files other then confg's and my webpage are on the servers / fs)
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      Re: I feel so dirty

      The only failure with the flash drive is I didn't know that Apples needed special boot information. I intend to fix that at some point, but haven't had time yet. Thanks for trying to help though.


        Re: I feel so dirty

        no problem
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          Re: I feel so dirty

          I would suggest you to visit knoppix forums. I used knoppix for some time and I remember he had option to make bootable flash with few click. Haven't tried it though, but I have feeling it is the right place to find answers because knoppix is pioneer amongst the live cds linuxes and stuffs like that. Cheers!! And yea!! If you feel dirty go wash your self in the river :P

