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SimplyMEPIS 6 to be released June 1, 2006

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    SimplyMEPIS 6 to be released June 1, 2006

    ... if all goes well, that is.
    See here (DistroWatch) and here (MEPIS website, near the bottom).

    I know that SimplyMEPIS 6 will be based on K/Ubuntu, but releasing on the same date? Now that's a gem.

    No, I'm not making fun of MEPIS. Just thought that you SimplyMEPIS 6 testers (that includes me) might be interested to know that little tidbit.

    Btw, SimplyMEPIS 6 beta 3 is very, very nice. In fact, very very tempting
    Jucato's Data Core

    Re: SimplyMEPIS 6 to be released June 1, 2006

    The distrowatch page (dated 29 MAY) shows Simply Mepis releasing on 18 June. The Mepis site (dated 27 April) showed Simply Mepis scheduled for release "around June 1". Slipping roughly two weeks per month is par for the course.


      Re: SimplyMEPIS 6 to be released June 1, 2006

      Wah? When I posted that post (er... redundant?), DistroWatch showed SimplyMEPIS would be released on June 1, together with Dapper. Oh well...
      Jucato's Data Core


        Re: SimplyMEPIS 6 to be released June 1, 2006

        Maybe when the Mepis guy saw it posted on Distrowatch, he decided to bite the bullet and fess up that he wasn't going to release until 18 June.


          Re: SimplyMEPIS 6 to be released June 1, 2006

          Hehe I guess you're right. In a way, that's good. No one's gonna steal the spotlight on that day

          Btw, have you tried the beta3 version? It's very nice. Though, I really can't point my finger on the superficial differences from the regular SimplyMEPIS. The changes are probably more under the hood.

          Except for the fact that they now have System Settings like in Kubuntu.
          Jucato's Data Core


            Re: SimplyMEPIS 6 to be released June 1, 2006

            I haven't tried it at all. I have my hands full between Kubuntu and Debian Sid.


              Re: SimplyMEPIS 6 to be released June 1, 2006

              Debian Sid? Isn't that the unstable version (at least until Etch becomes the stable version?) or is that the stable version?

              Anyway, I saw an unofficial Debian Sid Live CD. Might try it out. Just to get out of Kubuntu for a while
              Jucato's Data Core


                Re: SimplyMEPIS 6 to be released June 1, 2006

                Debian Sid is ALWAYS the unstable version. It's named after the kid in Toy Story who always breaks the toys. It's the first place new software becomes available to the general public in Debian. It's subject to continuous updating and occasionally (e.g. right now, for my sound) you lose something due to an abrupt incomplete upgrade (e.g. gstreamer8 to gstreamer10). Since (K)Ubuntu is based on Sid snapshots every six months, Sid is between 6 and 12 months ahead of a (K)Ubuntu installation that has not been updated. Right now, it running KDE 3.5.2 (just like Kubuntu) with xorg 7.?, FF 1.5.0-3.2, and emacs 22. So that's presumably what we'll see in Edgy.


                  Re: SimplyMEPIS 6 to be released June 1, 2006

                  I see, I thought that, for example, Etch becomes stable, Sid becomes the new testing version, and they get a new name for the unstable version. I greatly misunderstood.

                  Looks like Sid is a nice place to go to if you're looking for bleeding edge. But I heard only brave souls walk the path of Sid, so I'm going to stay away for a while.
                  Jucato's Data Core


                    Re: SimplyMEPIS 6 to be released June 1, 2006

                    It's not that bad. The worst thing that has happened to me was that I lost kmail for a couple of weeks during the period when they were upgrading things like mad after the release of Sarge. I used netmail to get at my mail on my ISP's server and got a gmail address as soon as I could, so even the loss of kmail wasn't a major crisis. I will admit that I couldn't keep a Sid box going if I didn't have Kubuntu on my main computer. As it is, for a backup system, it's fun to explore the bleeding edge.


                      Re: SimplyMEPIS 6 to be released June 1, 2006

                      I came to Kubuntu from SimplyMEPIS. I got tired of the slow addition of hardware support and the complete lack of any coherent guides, methods, etc for compiling under SM. I tried for several years to get Warren or one of the power users to provide either instructions or a MEPIS-fixed build-essentials for MEPIS and I got tired of it. The binaries for my HW were not there and I could not figure out how to compile from source. Coming to Kubuntu, stuff just worked. Compiling was simple. Bottom line is that I recommend not wasting your time with SM. The schizophrenic MEPIS, SM, ProMEPIS, free, proprietary, commericial nitwhittery that is MEPIS is just a bit too frustrating. I don't know whether Warren is overwhelmed or what, but I think that SM fell behind the pack about two years ago and I see no indication that it will ever catch up.


                        Re: SimplyMEPIS 6 to be released June 1, 2006

                        You do know that SimplyMEPIS 6, which is due in a few days, is now based on Kubuntu rather than Debian, right?
                        Jucato's Data Core


                          Re: SimplyMEPIS 6 to be released June 1, 2006

                          Yes. Hasn't changed my opinion. Good luck.


                            Re: SimplyMEPIS 6 to be released June 1, 2006

                            Well, I'm not trying to change your opinion. I'm just saying that you might want to revisit the issues that you had with SimplyMEPIS, as there will be quite a change since it will be using Kubuntu as it's base, rather than plain Debian. It would probably mean that the hardware support and other issues that you have encountered with it will probably be solved, since they worked in Kubuntu, and should work in MEPIS, too.

                            But in any case, just stick to what you want. No one can force or convince you to change your mind when you don't want to. If you're happy with Kubuntu (as I have been), then stay happy.
                            Jucato's Data Core

