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Wow, was this the distro I was supposed to hate?

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    Wow, was this the distro I was supposed to hate?

    Well, even after hearing that "Kubuntu is the worst KDE get Mandriva/Opensuse distro yadda yadda" I just transitioned from Ubuntu 8.10 to Kubuntu 9.04 and I must say my experience is quite the opposite. I have tried other KDE distros such as Open Suse (which I must say is beautiful as well) and Mandriva (Did not like it at all, felt like an XP clone) but this one takes the cake. With Open Suse, I could never get my Nvidia driver to work so I was stuck with the generic (VESA) mode. After trying the Mandriva on Live CD, I was not impressed at all of the hype, it just did not feel as polished as Open Suse or Ubuntu. I am loving KDE 4.2 and Kubuntu, everything feels so polished, to me it does not need anything else as far as looks go. Personally I like KDE as KDE, it does not need any additional "branding" as some say to make it compete with other KDE distros. I love how everything looks great out of the box so I do not have to get any additional themes and put time into doing better things unlike Gnome. I also love the notification system and integration, something which Ubuntu is just now getting into. Also, despite what others have said about it being slower than Ubuntu/Other KDE distros, it seems faster than Gnome, it feels pretty tight and definitely gets out of it's own way. Maybe it is just ext4, but either way I like it. I feel like this is an underrated OS, and I am glad I have tried it, I almost followed everyone else's negative opinion about Kubuntu and ignored it all together but decided to give it a whirl anyway. Overall, it is a well balanced distro with well packaged applications and good integration, it is the most beautiful KDE distro I have tried in my opinion and even my friend who uses a Mac liked the gui. Well sorry about my long testimonial, just thought I'd make a quick review of my experience with Kubuntu lol. Here are my specs:

    Acer M1640 Desktop
    -4gigs of ram
    -250GB SATA HD Kubuntu (My main OS)
    -2 80gb SATA HDs in Raid 0/1 Vista (My secondary OS)
    -Intel Dual Core 1.8 Processor
    -Nvidia 7050 (On Board) Graphics card

    Re: Wow, was this the distro I was supposed to hate?

    Aries K, I will have to agree with you. I have tried many other distros but the one that I like the most is ubuntu or Kubuntu. I am a big fan of KDE and I love it. I first began using redhat 7 back in the days. Then I switch to Suse, before Novell bought it. Then I noticed about the contract between Novell and Microsoft and I decided that I did not like that. So I gave a tried to Mandriva, which was alright but it made me feel like I was getting into a proprietary shackles. So I heard about Ubuntu or Kubuntu (my favorite). I have been enjoying the distro since then. I tried opensuse acouple of months ago, did not like it. I still believe that Kubuntu is the greatest invention, next to ice cream.

    So, when I hear people bragging about their distros, I know it is because they have not tried kubuntu yet. Do not get me wrong, there are other distros that I like. Sabayon Linux is my next favorite, but I am OK, sticking with
    You can get me Using Threema: B6WSCFVY


      Re: Wow, was this the distro I was supposed to hate?

      Originally posted by pookito
      Aries K, I will have to agree with you. I have tried many other distros but the one that I like the most is ubuntu or Kubuntu. I am a big fan of KDE and I love it. I first began using redhat 7 back in the days. Then I switch to Suse, before Novell bought it. Then I noticed about the contract between Novell and Microsoft and I decided that I did not like that. So I gave a tried to Mandriva, which was alright but it made me feel like I was getting into a proprietary shackles. So I heard about Ubuntu or Kubuntu (my favorite). I have been enjoying the distro since then. I tried opensuse acouple of months ago, did not like it. I still believe that Kubuntu is the greatest invention, next to ice cream.

      So, when I hear people bragging about their distros, I know it is because they have not tried kubuntu yet. Do not get me wrong, there are other distros that I like. Sabayon Linux is my next favorite, but I am OK, sticking with
      Yes definitely, I remember the first Distro I tried was a Knoppix 3.5 Live CD back in 03 or 04. At the time when XP was still fairly new, it was the most gorgeous gui I have seen (especially compared to XP). With Kubuntu it feels like a modern day rendition of that experience. I have heard that Windows will eventually become a 100% subscription OS (no offense to MS, they are free to do that) eventually so I figured now would not be a bad time to start trying out Linux alternatives.


        Re: Wow, was this the distro I was supposed to hate?

        yes, suscribe to m$ for your os, who in there right mind would everthink of such a thing... not that windoze don't cost enuff w/o a monthly fee.. just think xp is still around 100 dollar for the home version..
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