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sidux and Kubuntu

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    sidux and Kubuntu

    Many years ago, I tried to install Debian "Woody" onto my (then) Sony VAIO laptop. Long story short, it was a tedious endeavor that didn't leave me with that warm fuzzy feeling. To many issues (initially) and problems with the PC and Windoze that prevented useful dual-booting. I quit the attempt.

    In March of 2007 I discovered Kubuntu - Edgy Eft - and began with a dual-boot installation. Eventually, I dumped Windoze completely in favor of a pure Linux laptop (my Toshiba Satellite). Bill still exists, but he is now safely encased within a VMware VM 'box.' Since beginning with Edgy, I've progressed through and up to Intrepid Ibex (w/KDE 4.2.00). I've been happy and pleased with the favorable experience that Kubuntu has provided for me. I have tried a few other distros - Mint (for all of the time it took to boot from the LiveCD - didn't care for the 'look and feel' of it), DreamLinux (also from a LiveCD - actually a very nice distro, but not for me), DSL (Damn Small Linux - a very smartly designed 'minimal' Linux), and Knoppix (probably the best 'Swiss Army Knife' of Linux distros).

    Now comes sidux. I don't remember where I first came across/heard of it. Looked at it, but until yesterday, I had not considered trying it. Knowing someone who was using it gave me the extra impetus needed to give it a go. Based on the Debian "Sid" development branch, and using KDE 3.5.10, it turns out to be a very nice (shall I say polished?) Linux distro. It recognized everything I had on the laptop, including my PCMCIA Type II Kingston 5G HD and on-board sound. My ethernet (wired) was recognized and running from the start. Haven't tested my wireless yet, but I'm confident it will 'just work' as well.

    sidux package maintenance is very different from the way it is done in the *buntus. All installs, removals, updates, and dist-upgrades are done from outside of X. In fact, the X server must not be running. This means that apt-get install/remove/purge/upgrade/dist-upgrade are done from the terminal in init 3. The reasons for this are clearly stated on the sidux web site.

    sidux, for me, is turning out to be a very nice Linux distro, and has become my third Linux OS on my laptop.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

    Re: sidux and Kubuntu

    Sidux rocks, The fastest OS I have ever used. For as fast install, boot up,shutdown, click on any appls. they snap open fast. Been using since last July, it is my main system now, use it more than all my other systems. Everything just works and don't see all the bugs and issues like I see in other OSes. The devs. really have their act together.
    Registered Linux User #418555<br />Kubuntu User #9254<br /><br />aptosid 2010-01 Xfce / aptosid 2010-01 KDE-Lite<br />Debian Wheezy Xfce / Kubuntu 10.04<br />aptosid 2011-01 Xfce / aptosid 2011-01 KDE-Lite<br />Debian Testing Gnome<br />Debian Sid Gnome<br />Epidemic 3.2<br />ALL pulseaudio free by default


      Re: sidux and Kubuntu

      hdd1 Dualboot Kubuntu 6.06LTS /Sidux 2008-04 KDE-Full
      hdd2 Dualboot Kubuntu 8.10 / Xubuntu 8.10
      hdd3 Dualboot Ubuntu 7.10 /Kubuntu 7.10
      hdd4 Dualboot Ubuntu 8.10 /LinuxMint 6 Felicia Gnome
      hdd5 Dualboot Sidux 2008-02 KDE-Lite /Pardus 2008-0
      TEN OS's! How do you keep up with all of them?
      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


        Re: sidux and Kubuntu

        They keep me very busy. I like KDE the best but also like working with Gnome & XFCE. Each one has different setups and configurations. I never get bored with a system. Use one for afew days than move on to the next OS.
        Registered Linux User #418555<br />Kubuntu User #9254<br /><br />aptosid 2010-01 Xfce / aptosid 2010-01 KDE-Lite<br />Debian Wheezy Xfce / Kubuntu 10.04<br />aptosid 2011-01 Xfce / aptosid 2011-01 KDE-Lite<br />Debian Testing Gnome<br />Debian Sid Gnome<br />Epidemic 3.2<br />ALL pulseaudio free by default


          Re: sidux and Kubuntu

          What I like best about sidux ist that it is a rolling release system - none of this six monthly upgrading/reinstalling headache. Pure bliss!

          pros - debian based, apt-get or aptitude, nothing to learn "new"

          cons - being based on debian it is slow to catch up with the latest and greatest software (I know, it is based on Sid, but it is still light years behind).
          Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


            Re: sidux and Kubuntu

            For awhile I was running Kubuntu on my main system then when I got a hold of Sidux it became my main OS and now Kubuntu has been moved to my work laptop. I think the rolling release is what sold me after getting rather annoyed when my upgrade from Hardy to Intrepid left me with a half working system.


              Re: sidux and Kubuntu

              I like sidux -- fast, snappy, has excellent device/disk detection (Storage Media), Konqueror works, etc. (KDE), excellent install-to-usb, it just works right, Lite (450 MB), well maintained, a super Manual, loaded with apps/utilities, excellent root capability (mc, terminal, sux) for working, and many more plusses.
              Reply #6 here:
              How-to Rescue/Repair with sidux live persistent flash drive
              An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                Re: sidux and Kubuntu

                Last night I got my first taste of Sidux and it was very impressive. After reading the above positive comments I went to the site and got the lite CD, about 480 MB. It runs nicely as a live CD and amazed me by connecting to my PPPoE connection by asking only for the name and password. Unlike Jaunty and Intrepid which have failed miserably and even Ubuntu Jaunty needed installing several packages to get the network working, but Sidux did it very well with only a 'lite' CD.

                Some of the applications seem to me to have a 'Windows' appearance, but the familiar aspects of KDE are there and that makes using it quite easy with the options and control that a Kubuntu user would be used to all available.
                HP Compaq nc6400, 2Gi, 100Gi, ATI x1300 with 512M


                  Re: sidux and Kubuntu

                  Just a suggestion - if you like not having it all on a plate and delving into things you may also want to take a peek at ArchLinux. State of the art packages (at the time of writing kernel and KDE even before it is officially released, a helpful community and excellent documentation. One word of advice - they expect you to read the wiki and think before you ask a question...
                  Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                    Re: sidux and Kubuntu

                    I've been sidux user for 2 years now -- with both sidux and Kubuntu installed, I can be confident that one or the other WON'T be broken on any given day.

                    Actually today they are both running flawlessly, including all browser plugins and VMWare too. Nothing to fix ....

                    Hmmmm, must be time to build a new computer!


                      Re: sidux and Kubuntu

                      dibl, I know I can tempt you Give Arch a go (although it is reported to be rather slow in virtualbox or vmware it is lightning fast in real life!)
                      Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                        Re: sidux and Kubuntu

                        Yeah, I am tempted - I am going to have to give Arch a look one of these days.

                        But I'm not going to bork up my desktop with a third installed OS. Here's my thought -- my Asus Eee PC 701, with sidux 2008-4 and KDE 3.5 is sitting gathering dust most of the time. It works perfectly -- I just don't need to use it much. Would Arch and maybe XFCE be an intelligent system to install on that little weakling?


                          Re: sidux and Kubuntu

                          Even though this is a stub you might find it helpful in your experiment:

                          It is no nonsense and makes you aware of basic problems with the system at hand.

                          There are versions which allow you to boot into X straight away, but the normal install is into CLI, i.e. runlevel 3. After that the system is yours. You have a basic install - and I mean basic. For example, I installed xorg and kde and alsa and stuff and run my T41 on full CPU speed instead of scaled for six months before I realized why (I'd been wondering about it, but it didn't concern me enough) All these daemons which you take for granted in other distros which go all the way to runlevel 5 aren't there But the beginners guide is a fine thing
                          Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                            Re: sidux and Kubuntu

                            re sidux

                            I've settled on it to use as my live, persistent OS on flash drive (8 GB Kingston), and to be used in emergencies or for rescue/repair. I also have it on hard drive, and have been really impressed by it. My sidux on a flash drive is in the sidux WIKI, btw (under, I think, ways to install sidux section).

                            Lower case "s" in "sidux," btw, always.
                            (Example: sidux is a cool operating system. I like sidux.)
                            An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                              Re: sidux and Kubuntu

                              Originally posted by toad
                              Even though this is a stub you might find it helpful in your experiment:

                              It is no nonsense and makes you aware of basic problems with the system at hand.
                              Yep, that all looks right -- mostly stuff I already learned not to do. :P

                              I made the Arch CD -- I think I'll wait for the weekend to launch the installation. Got to find my external optical drive and hook everything up. Thanks toad!

