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A child's exposure to technology...

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    A child's exposure to technology...

    A child's exposure to technology...
    ... should never be predicated on an ability to pay for it.

    That's the motto at HeliOS Project.

    They brought us Lindependence events spreading around the world, but what they usually do is put computers (with Linux on 'em) and internet access into the homes of kids who would not have one.

    Last year over 325 computers were built from donated parts and funds then given to deserving families with kids who needed them for school work (ok, occasionally for fun stuff too). Laptops that are donated are set up on stands attached to wheelchairs.

    Also, several computer learning centers are built in schools or community centers each year. Last year were mostly in heavily damaged hurricane hit schools.

    Where does all this happen, you ask?

    Austin, TX. Right down the street from Round Rock, the home of Dell.

    These kids are the next generation of hardware/software developers and techs, and they are cutting their teeth on Linux. Because of our support of this effort. If your town doesn't have something like this, join us and we can and will help you get one started. Be warned, this can take over your entire life.

    Please check out the homepages and blog at
    The HeliOS Project: News
    The Helios Project Blog

    Thanks for taking the time to read this. Thanks to Kubuntu Forums for a place to post this where lots of Linux folks can see it.

    Tweak it 'til it breaks, then learn how to fix it!  LIFE

    Re: A child's exposure to technology...

    Originally posted by amenditman

    Please check out the homepages and blog at
    The HeliOS Project: News
    The Helios Project Blog
    Could you provide the links?


      Re: A child's exposure to technology...

      The links are

      Thanks for pointing that out.
      Tweak it 'til it breaks, then learn how to fix it!  LIFE


        Re: A child's exposure to technology...

        thats awesome i would love to do something like that around my way gonna have to check out the page.
        Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
        (top of thread: thread tools)


          Re: A child's exposure to technology...

          Here in Maine we have a group that is rebuilding computers and donating them to schools. Currently getting some more cds together and then gonna make a day of installing some for them.

          Brian aka Dayylin


            Re: A child's exposure to technology...

            In this time Technology is really having too much exposure to children especially in gaming system.,

            Learning Software

