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Annoying popups :(

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    Annoying popups :(

    Though new to Kubuntu, I've enjoyed my experience for the most part and find it much better than Redhat Fedora Core. It's stable and everything but I have only two issue with Dapper-Drake. I just loaded the development tools and libraries but they don't appear on my menu. The later is the biggest issue I hate about Kubuntu that I never had an issue in FC. It's the blasted popups on KDE applications and two popups in general that block out menu selections in the upper left hand corner. The popups I refer to in the later part of the statement are ksmserv and The KDE Desktop popups. I've read on the Ubuntu forums that there is a way to turn off the annoying popups but no one seems to have given specific directions as to how to do so.

    I was able to turn off the balloon popups on the menus and the taskbar but not the annoying KDE popups within KDE apps and the two mentioned earlier. Can we say HELP?

    I would be very appreciative is someone would be kind enough to tell me where to turn these popups off and tell me how to get my Development menu up so I can use QT and the other development tools. Thanks in advance.
    Dell Inspiron N5010 Intel Core i5 Arrandale M460 processor Intel graphics 8Gig RAM Seagate 640Gig HD Broadcom BCM4113 Wireless Linux Mint Rebecca (Kubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr).

    Re: Annoying popups

    a screenshot would be more helpfull
    -=|From the desk of|=-
    «•´`•.(*•.¸(`•.¸ ¸.•´)¸.•*).•´`•»
    «•´`•.(¸.•´(¸.•* *•.¸)`•.¸).•´`•»
    Reg. Linux User # 400637


      Re: Annoying popups

      The popups I've referred to in my earlier post that are the most annoying are ksmserv that only shows up upon booting into the KDE desktop in the upper left hand corner. This isn't so annoying as it disappears afterward and never comes back. However the other popup, The KDE Window Manger popup comes up in the upper left hand corner of the screen when I resize, maximize, or minimize any application windows.

      Also, there are popups that display showing what warning messages are already displaying for various apps. These appear and only stay for a short time but get in the way of clearing warning message windows or clicking on other options. If I could grab some screen shots I would. However, I haven't quite figured that out in linux just yet. Sorry.
      Dell Inspiron N5010 Intel Core i5 Arrandale M460 processor Intel graphics 8Gig RAM Seagate 640Gig HD Broadcom BCM4113 Wireless Linux Mint Rebecca (Kubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr).


        Re: Annoying popups

        Ok! I've figured out how to do the screen shots. Here are two that show examples of what I'm talking about when I mean annoying popups. With any luck you'll be able to help.
        Attached Files
        Dell Inspiron N5010 Intel Core i5 Arrandale M460 processor Intel graphics 8Gig RAM Seagate 640Gig HD Broadcom BCM4113 Wireless Linux Mint Rebecca (Kubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr).


          Re: Annoying popups

          Looks like you have (for some reason) unnecessary passive popups enabled in 'system notices'

          To edit popups

          1. Run
          kcmshell kcmnotify
          (Or you can find the right module in kcontrol or systemsettings (It's under Sounds and Multimedia)

          2. Select the event source you wish to edit, for example 'The KDE Window Manager'

          3. The third icon on the event list indicates that popup is enabled for that event...for all events you wish to disable it, select the event

          4. Click the 'Advanced' button to disable popup


            Re: Annoying popups

            Ok. I've done a reinstall of Breezy. Got rid of the annoying popups. Updated to Dapper. Still no annoying popups Now on to the problem that caused (No sound) Sooner or later I'll get all my issues straightened out.
            Dell Inspiron N5010 Intel Core i5 Arrandale M460 processor Intel graphics 8Gig RAM Seagate 640Gig HD Broadcom BCM4113 Wireless Linux Mint Rebecca (Kubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr).


              Re: Annoying popups

              Reinstallation is more than a bit overkill...but in the end it's the result that counts ...anyway there are a few threads about missing sounds in the forum, check those for your sound problems...and if you can't fix it post more information and someone will most likely be able to help

