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no support again...

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    no support again...

    $ kdesu kate
    bash: kdesu: command not found
    But, this works in Ubuntu?!?

    So, how many examples do you need about the lack of any kind of dedication towards Kubuntu from Canonical/Ubuntu. They don't want KDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Every guide or instance is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS Ubuntu-related (i.e. Gnome).

    Re: no support again...

    Using alt f2 kdesu kate works but in terminal I need to use kdesudo kate, doesn't make a great deal of sense.

    I do agree somewhat that as we share the same repo's, Ubuntu dev's will sometimes make changes and not check that it breaks Kubuntu. I believe this happened with bluetooth (although I stand to be corrected). I think we are stuck with this situation until Kubuntu gets parity with Ubuntu, and who knows with the fast development on KDE 4 this might just happen one day.
    Kubuntu 10.10 64bit<br />KDE 4.5.3<br />Kernel: generic<br />Nvidia Driver: 260.19.06<br />Dell Dimension 9200 - Core 2 Duo 6300 - 3GB Ram<br />Nvidia Geforce 7900GS<br /><br />Linux user since March 2004<br />Linux user #526793


      Re: no support again...

      I doubt it.

      Now my Pulseaudio is 'broken.'

      Kubuntu/Ubuntu is overrated. Hype. It's supposed to be newbie friendly but you have to do a lot of the same things you have to do on other supposedly complicated distros. You go on a Debian forum and they will bash Ubuntu. I guess I am seeing why.


        Re: no support again...

        Originally posted by kbunt
        $ kdesu kate
        bash: kdesu: command not found
        But, this works in Ubuntu?!?

        So, how many examples do you need about the lack of any kind of dedication towards Kubuntu from Canonical/Ubuntu. They don't want KDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        why are you posting a forum thread from nearly 5 years ago? This was even before the first official Kubuntu release!!!!!! Hoary hedgehog 5.04 was released on April 8 2005, btw, some days after the post linked above was started.


        Every guide or instance is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS Ubuntu-related (i.e. Gnome).

        Well, why don't you write some? do you think those were written by canonical employees?. Nope, done by users mostly. Ubuntu is the Big Kahuna with the biggest user base around. So of course, on ubuntuforums, and in a majority of the places out there on the 'net, you will find ubuntu (gnome) based information.


        If you look in, and on the wiki you will see a lot of sections that have info and instructions for both Ubuntu and Kubuntu, often with multiple versions included.
        are just two examples


          Re: no support again...

          Originally posted by kbunt
          You go on a Debian forum and they will bash Ubuntu. I guess I am seeing why.
          lol not to sound like a debian bash ('cuz debian is a great product) but to be honest, debian forums, mailing lists, and irc channels have had a bad rep over the years and were known to be harsh on noobs, harsh on people not searching or reading manpages, and generally harsh on anything non-debian. The term RTFM is often associated with this

          It was the reason I stayed away from the distro, and why (K)Ubuntu is as close as I will probably get on a day-to-day basis. But I will never bash it , just not my cup of tea


            Re: no support again...

            claydoh, but, I AM a fan and I mostly like KDE even though 4.1 is a major pain on my system and it sounds like it is problematic for others, too. I just think that Ubuntu/Canonical is so pro-Gnome or so Gnome-centric and it is disappointing.

            Pulseaudio is a MAJOR MAJOR issue and I am reading all kinds of different perspectives and experiences regarding it. No one has replied to my Pulseaudio posts and I guess part of it is due to my complaints or whatever but there doesn't seem to be very many posts or discussions about using it even previously.

            I think Kubuntu is great for having potential but I wish it would become more prominent like Ubuntu. What is it about Gnome that is so great? BSD distros are almost all KDE and OpenSuse or Mandriva are mostly KDE? I think it's mostly marketing. I know that I found some Gnome stuff to be okay but I like a lot of menu options and Gnome seems to have a system of limiting them as a default. I will edit the menu but I don't want to use up time adding a bunch of apps to it.

            I guess that is my laziness of wanting some default setup of a lot of menu items to choose from. I like how Kubuntu/Ubuntu tries to make things a bit easier for newbs with some Windows-like features. I don't think that is a bad thing. I don't like the 'sudo' thing but that is another topic although I discovered some ways to get around that.

            As much as I might complain, I would like Kubuntu to be more popular but I think there should be more cooperation with Debian but instead I have learned that a lot of Debian users are not the biggest Ubuntu fans.

            When I say Kubuntu support is poor, that is not a knock against people using it or people here. I am just saying that, in my opinion, Ubuntu is hyped so much but it appears that Kubuntu and KDE is an afterthought but that is MY perception. It is frustrating and then it gets even more frustrating when the KDE developers have changed KDE to the extent that it is buggy but I can easily reserve judgement on that if it appears they are at least trying to get things improved. I think the popularity of Kubuntu/KDE seems to be less than Gnome/Ubuntu and they don't need more reasons/examples to criticize it. I'm no expert and not advancing at Kubuntu/Linux as much as I would like, too, so that contributes to my frustration but I still feel that I am justified in some of the complaints. I am hoping that Linux/Debian/Kubuntu can replace Windows because I feel that Mikeysoft has been unethical with their own promotion/actions but that's yet another topic.

            I hope I explained my critique enough so that I don't just sound like a whiner with unjustified complaints!

            I hope that there is a solution soon for Pulseaudio and the KDE situation. It's annoying and very frustrating so far. I know it's free so I will try to deal with it. Unfortunately, I probably will need to research and search forums/discussions for a solution. I hope the subsequent releases of KDE (KDE 4.2 or the next one) will fix the issues I'm experiencing. Sometimes, it gets hard to use.

