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version confused

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    version confused


    I use Kubuntu for all the good reasons we know about. It provides me with a stable platform and has never let me down so I can just get on with my work, and I want it to stay that way.

    For the above reason I have not yet upgraded to v8.10, I still use 8.04 but I am losing track of all the various upgrades and versions that seemingly are everywhere these days.

    I read a while back that for a stable platform it was best not to upgrade until January 2009 when a bug free stable KDE v4.xx would be available. This seemed good sense borne out by what I read in forum posts.

    Now it seems that the versions of KDE are issued apace with no real indication of what is stable and if it is safe to upgrade from v8.04 of Kubuntu.

    To top it all I see that version "J" of Kunbuntu is available as an unstable beta release.

    Could someone clear up my confusion for me please?

    Just as a comment, without professing real knowledge, I think there should be a delay in the next release of Kubuntu until all the bugs are out of 8.10.



    Re: version confused

    As a matter of practicality, if you are 'happy' with your stable 8.04, don't worry about upgrading. Upgrading for the sake of upgrading is merely "keeping up with the Jones'" and serves no real purpose.

    I still have Gutsy Gibbon and Hardy Heron on my laptop, along with Intrepid Ibex (I triple-boot). But my main version I'm in nearly all the time is Intrepid.

    As packaged, Intrepid Ibex comes with KDE 4.1.x, and this version of KDE lacks many of the features that one came to expect/depend on in KDE 3.5.x. As to one of your questions, KDE 3.5.x (currently 3.5.10) is the stable version. Many have decried KDE 4.1.3 as beta and wished that it had not been released with Intrepid. KDE 4.2, which is due to be released in January, along with the release of Juanty (9.01), is supposed to be a more robust/complete.

    If you are curious, just download/burn the Intrepid Ibex liveCD .iso file. You can play and not impact/affect your production system one iota.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: version confused

      Longtime KDE user here, from the old days of SuSE.

      I'm sticking with Hardy. Intrepid is ... edgy.

      It's OK though. I used to skip at least every other version of SuSE, and this is an LTS.

      I'm going to wait for KDE4x to settle down. Maybe 9.10 or 10.04. KDE4x is "not soup yet."


        Re: version confused

        Thanks for your replies Snowhog and bmo, you have confirmed what I suspected.

        I did download the Intrepid live CD and tried it on the windows machine here, but it did not work, which also made me suspicious, mind you the windows machine is a bit dodgey, aren't they all...

        The reason I have gone with the upgrades as they became available as stable releases is that is seems easier to do an incremental upgrade than to catch up a couple of versions.

        Anyway thanks again and I will be staying with 8.04 for some time yet.




          Re: version confused

          the naming scheme is rather simple...

          X.YY "codename"

          x= last digit of year (ok might be 10 in 2010)
          yy = month of "stable" release

          i.e 9.04 will be released april 2009 ,
          7.10 was released october 2007 .

          hope that helps
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