I was bored. So I wrote the local radio station and suggested a bi-weekly slot on Linux - with all the security concerns and money probs at the mo, bla bla bla...
To my utter dismay they came back and said that it was a grand idea :-X
Now the question - have you ever done anything like this before? What would/do you cover?
ANY ideas are welcome 'cos I'm ****ting me pants
I was bored. So I wrote the local radio station and suggested a bi-weekly slot on Linux - with all the security concerns and money probs at the mo, bla bla bla...
To my utter dismay they came back and said that it was a grand idea :-X
Now the question - have you ever done anything like this before? What would/do you cover?
ANY ideas are welcome 'cos I'm ****ting me pants