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Do we need security software in Linux?

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    Do we need security software in Linux?

    As you know, if you using Windows to browsing Internet without firewall, antivirus, antispyware, anti trojan, anti-bla bla bla... is very dangerous. What about Linux? Kubuntu or Ubuntu especially. Do we really need those security tools? What is your opinion ?
    P4 3.06 HT,RAM 512 MB, 80GB HD, Geforce 6200 LE, Kubuntu 8.04

    Re: Must we need security software in Linux?

    The general answer is "no."
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: Do we need security software in Linux?

      Let say somebody try to get inside our computer, isn't that possible?
      P4 3.06 HT,RAM 512 MB, 80GB HD, Geforce 6200 LE, Kubuntu 8.04


        Re: Do we need security software in Linux?

        Originally posted by garry_3peace
        Let say somebody try to get inside our computer, isn't that possible?
        You mean remotely?

        That is only possible if your machine has servers running that listens on ports for outside (not localhost) connections. In the default install there are no such servers running, so you're safe from remote access.

        A firewall (either hardware or software) may still be useful for hiding your machine on the network if you wish (but it's not necessary to prevent access). If you want to enable the netfilter firewall (it's built into the kernel), you can use command line configuration tools like iptables or ufw, or graphical tools like guarddog or firestarter.

        Of course it's possible to install servers that listen for outside connections (like http, ftp or ssh servers), but in such cases a firewall is only of limited use since you generally want those services to be accessible remotely (of course you can limit access to certain IP address ranges with a firewall, for example).

        In case of running servers, the best security is common sense, strong passwords (when applicable), proper configuration and installing security updates (in no particular order).

        A good command for monitoring connections and servers (if you wish to check whether you have servers running) is 'netstat' that will show network connection information. You can quickly check for active servers with:
        sudo netstat -tuanp
        This will list active servers (these have 'LISTEN' as their state) the 'Local address' and 'Foreign address' fields tell you whether the server is listening only localhost connections or outside connections. PID/program name tells you the name of the server daemon. 'man netstat' will tell you more if you're interested.


          Re: Do we need security software in Linux?

          I see, so it is impossible to remote if I don't set any server on. So let say I want to remote login somebody computer (let say login through ssh ), that computer must let the server on?

          No wonder everybody say Linux is very secure...
          P4 3.06 HT,RAM 512 MB, 80GB HD, Geforce 6200 LE, Kubuntu 8.04


            Re: Do we need security software in Linux?

            The following links give some security advice specific to the Ubuntu family:



              Re: Do we need security software in Linux?

              Well...just to be safe and to satisfy my paranoia (from Microsoft days), i've installed the iptables firewall, "firestarter", ClamAV and Spamassassin for good measure !

              It don't hurt to be safe, and takes up just a lil room.

              I may be old but I'm no dum-dum
              Terabyte<br /><br />Non sibi sed omnibus (Not for oneself, but for all)


                Re: Do we need security software in Linux?

                HAHA microsoft days sounds like THE GREAT SLAVERY DAYS

                about the topic i think too there's no need any security software only if it's need software like netstat and etherape do great work and are very usefull for .. people with more curiosity
                proc:Intel Pentium Dual&nbsp; CPU&nbsp; E2220&nbsp; @ 2.40GHz Cash Size 1024KB<br />hdd:Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 3GB/s 500GB<br />vc:Nvidia Zotac 8600 GT AMP edition 256MB GDDR3<br />ram:1 block Kingston 1GB DDR2/667 1 block JetRAM 1GB DDR2/667 Dual Channel mode<br />Fully Compatible with Kubuntu 8.1 + KDE 4.1.2 <br />Tested &amp; Appro

