Re: RANT: KDE4/ Future Kubuntu Releases
Is the filter bar back yet? That was the biggest feature that was missing from konqueror 4 last time I tried it. It forced me to use Dolphin. Now, in all seriousness, there's really nothing wrong with Dolphin, but being pushed into Dolphin by missing features in Konqueror annoyed the hell out of me, and so I finally switched to Debian Lenny and KDE3.
I'm resolved to keep using KDE3.5 for as long as possible. I've even tried compiling my own KDE. I know I'm not the only one. Last night I went to a LUG meeting, and I'd say that there were four or five declared KDE3 fans to one KDE4 fan. There's not going to be a lot of new development, but according to Aaron Seigo, KDE3 will be maintained as long as there are users, and it's obvious that there will be users for a long time to come. So I don't need to get all indignant about KDE4. Lots of people like it better, and they should have what they want, as do I. I'm certainly not going to be forced to use KDE 4 for at least a few years. Considering the devotion that KDE3.5 enjoys in some quarters, I'm sure there will be a distro somewhere out of all the dozens and dozens, perhaps a small slackware-based distro like Vector Linux, that will continue to embrace KDE3 with all the cultlike enthusiasm that Kubuntu has shown for KDE 4, even after everyone else has given up KDE3 for dead.
I'm tired of talking about why I prefer KDE3, but I will say that when Knewsticker was dropped from KDE4.2, and replaced with widgets like "RSS Now" that aren't as much fun and take up a lot more screen space, my epic ambivalence toward KDE4 was pretty much resolved, and I'm no longer planning on trying the new releases for a while.Sometimes, it's the little things that change your mind. I love Knewsticker, and I only recently discovered it. I was prepared to believe that future versions of KDE would be more usable, but with no Knewsticker, I was no longer interested. The way RSS now seems to work is that each source I add adds another line to the display. So the more sources I add, the longer i.e., "taller" the display gets. Knewsticker always takes up the same amount of space no matter how many sources I add, scrolling through them one at a time. All my favorite web newsources march accross my desktop, calmly and unobtrusively 24/7, and it's got a certain old-fashioned charm.
Mostly, I just like having all the applets and applications on the panel, and using the Desktop directly as a folder for work in progress. Direct and simple. KDE4 devotees like to refer to the old-style Desktop as "a dumping ground for files", but I think of it as an "in-basket".
However, none of us have to justify or explain our preference to anyone else, and that goes for KDE4 users as well as KDE3 users. Maybe I'm just an old fart who doesn't like change, and maybe you just like change for its own sake. In either case, there's really nothing wrong with that.
But If I'm ever forced to use KDE4, really, how terrible is that? All the sentiment aside, when you get right down to it, at the very worst, it's a minor inconvenience. I'll deal with it when the time comes. I reserve the right to change my mind, and to be open to the distinct possibility (maybe even a probability) that future releases will overcome my objections, and that thousands and thousands of hours of real world experience will give KDE4 the sense of practical nuance that I currently think it lacks.
Of course, there's still the matter of Knewsticker. Greatest information applet ever. What is up with that?
Originally posted by claydoh
I'm resolved to keep using KDE3.5 for as long as possible. I've even tried compiling my own KDE. I know I'm not the only one. Last night I went to a LUG meeting, and I'd say that there were four or five declared KDE3 fans to one KDE4 fan. There's not going to be a lot of new development, but according to Aaron Seigo, KDE3 will be maintained as long as there are users, and it's obvious that there will be users for a long time to come. So I don't need to get all indignant about KDE4. Lots of people like it better, and they should have what they want, as do I. I'm certainly not going to be forced to use KDE 4 for at least a few years. Considering the devotion that KDE3.5 enjoys in some quarters, I'm sure there will be a distro somewhere out of all the dozens and dozens, perhaps a small slackware-based distro like Vector Linux, that will continue to embrace KDE3 with all the cultlike enthusiasm that Kubuntu has shown for KDE 4, even after everyone else has given up KDE3 for dead.
I'm tired of talking about why I prefer KDE3, but I will say that when Knewsticker was dropped from KDE4.2, and replaced with widgets like "RSS Now" that aren't as much fun and take up a lot more screen space, my epic ambivalence toward KDE4 was pretty much resolved, and I'm no longer planning on trying the new releases for a while.Sometimes, it's the little things that change your mind. I love Knewsticker, and I only recently discovered it. I was prepared to believe that future versions of KDE would be more usable, but with no Knewsticker, I was no longer interested. The way RSS now seems to work is that each source I add adds another line to the display. So the more sources I add, the longer i.e., "taller" the display gets. Knewsticker always takes up the same amount of space no matter how many sources I add, scrolling through them one at a time. All my favorite web newsources march accross my desktop, calmly and unobtrusively 24/7, and it's got a certain old-fashioned charm.
Mostly, I just like having all the applets and applications on the panel, and using the Desktop directly as a folder for work in progress. Direct and simple. KDE4 devotees like to refer to the old-style Desktop as "a dumping ground for files", but I think of it as an "in-basket".
However, none of us have to justify or explain our preference to anyone else, and that goes for KDE4 users as well as KDE3 users. Maybe I'm just an old fart who doesn't like change, and maybe you just like change for its own sake. In either case, there's really nothing wrong with that.
But If I'm ever forced to use KDE4, really, how terrible is that? All the sentiment aside, when you get right down to it, at the very worst, it's a minor inconvenience. I'll deal with it when the time comes. I reserve the right to change my mind, and to be open to the distinct possibility (maybe even a probability) that future releases will overcome my objections, and that thousands and thousands of hours of real world experience will give KDE4 the sense of practical nuance that I currently think it lacks.
Of course, there's still the matter of Knewsticker. Greatest information applet ever. What is up with that?