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Kubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron w/ KDE 3.5 & 4.1

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    Kubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron w/ KDE 3.5 & 4.1

    I am new to linux, but have a lot of experence with MS DOS and all the Windows versions ( 3.1, 95,98 ect.) I have used Knoppix, Slax and Puppy linuxes as Live CD's and I was never totally happy with them. I downloaded Hardy Heron with KDE 3.5 and ran the live CD and was so happy with it that I installed it in a dual boot configuration with XP. The only troubles I have with it have been from my lack of knowledge of linux, but by reading the forums and checking out the Ubuntu homepage I have been able to repair the mess I have created. I am running Kubuntu on a Balance 2.4 ghz Celeron D with 1.5 g of memory and a 320 gb HD split equally for linux and XP. I have had this on my PC for a week and I am using Kubuntu more and more then XP as it runs faster for me and I don't have the problems with viruses and such. I have some programs for amateur radio use that are windows only that I was able to get working under Wine and I have been happy with them as well. I am getting use to KDE 4.1 and I understand it is a work in process, but I still like 3.5 better. Maybe with time that will change as well. Overall I believe Kubuntu to be the best OS I have come across for linux. It installs well and has various installation options. There are good forums and support available for it and anybody who has had some Windows background can make it work. Thanks to everyone for developing and improving this OS.