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Back to 'Buntu

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    Back to 'Buntu

    Wow. Been a long while since I've used Ubuntu. I see so much has changed in the world of linux. This is very cool indeed! I've been using Ubuntu itself for a good few months after crying over my crippled vista loaded laptop. I just started using Kubuntu. I have to say the last time I used Kubuntu was back in dapper. What a world of difference. Kubuntu/Ubuntu and linux in general are really shaping up.

    My neighbor needed to borrow my laptop the other day and was using it and was going to try and do something. I had gnome as the desktop and because I enjoy the look of vista, I rigged it to look like it. I had to stop him at one point because he was getting ready to perform a windows function and was not going to be able to do it. You should have seen the look on his face when I told him that he wasn't on windows. Fooled him good! hehe...just thought that was a cool thing to share. Same thing with my mother. Had no clue she was on Ubuntu and she keeps asking about it cuz her computer is giving her grief. May switch her over seeing as how her much loved Peggle runs really well on Ubuntu. I know cuz I play it on linux myself.

    I'm just now starting to fiddle with Kubuntu. I got my lil tootsies wet with gnome and want to see what KDE is all about. I'm really loving the look and feel of KDE. I messed with 3.5.9 for a few minutes and went crazy. Updated to 4.1 almost right away and wow. For me, I would say this is a definitve of version of a Linux Desktop. The window styles and the look and feel and the icons, I just really like. I thought about having both gnome and kde but i don't like having both just because of having a cluttered menu of apps. I like simple. I don't need 14 different progams that do the same function. Just need one that does it and does it well.

    I think there is so much potential here. Follow the Nintendo way and pitch this to the casual crowd. The soccer moms and all that stuff. Watch it take off! Since Hardy has been installed I would say my command line time has been drastically reduced to taking up 0.05 percent of my computing time. When in dapper it was probably about 45 percent. This was fiddling with tweaking and getting things to work properly. Substantial difference if u ask me.

    And don't even get me started on the compiz stuff...I have showed that to folks and they absolutely love that stuff...the wiggly windows and the flames and the cube desktop and all the other great stuff with compiz. I'm not gonna dis anybody or any work that they do but I have to say Kubuntu/Ubuntu as a desktop OS seems to me IMHO the most advanced desktop you could ever get. I used to feel like a foreigner in a strange land when first fiddling with it's starting to feel like the natural thing and the proprietary format is feeling like the foreign land. Well, thanks for reading and allowing me to share.

    Take care.

    Re: Back to 'Buntu

    I've been with Kubuntu from just about day 1..Started really with Ubuntu but switched. Anyway, yes, Kubuntu has come a long way and is my primary for my entire house. Wouldn't even consider going back. Glad you're back!


      Re: Back to 'Buntu

      I agree. Although I like to play around with other distro's, Kubuntu is my main system, and I love it.
      &quot;Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it&#39;s from Neptune.&quot; ~Noam Chomsky<br /><br />Gigabyte MB, AMD 64x2 6000, 2 Gigs Patriot DDR2, XFX GeForce 8600GT XXX, 400Gig WD SATA HDD &amp; 1TB WD SATA HDD.


        Re: Back to 'Buntu

        I love kubuntu!!!!!!!!!!


          Re: Back to 'Buntu

          I have three PCs and three laptops in the house.
          The only one not on Kubuntu is my PC in the lounge, but only because I need it to connect skype to my philips phone.
          I am in Australia but the rest of my family and friends are still in New Zealand.
          Just after my wife came over skype started offering a plan for $15AUD, three landline numbers anywhere in the world, unlimited free landline calling to 82 different countries, so skype is important to me.
          Anyone we know can make a free call to a local number in Auckland and my phone will ring free in Australia.

          Honestly, if I could get the philips driver to run in Kubuntu my home would be completely Kubuntu.

          And yes, it is incredible how far Kubuntu has come in the last three-four years.
          At this rate in a couple of years it should have my dinner ready for me and the washing done before I get home.
          Hell, maybe it could even get a job so I don't have to go to work any more.
          You don&#39;t need a license to drive a sandwich.


            Re: Back to 'Buntu

            Which model of Philips telephone? Have you seen e.g. "[SOLVED] Skype Philips phone" at or "Skype and Philips VOIP phone" at

            I have a USB internet telephone which is supposed to be Windows and dedicated to one internet phone provider. In Linux it just works out-of-the-box and on Skype among others...
            "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
            "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


              Re: Back to 'Buntu

              I don't mean to butt in or divert the thread, but since I have used both Skype and Ekiga, I should share the fact that Ekiga works, and costs nothing.

              I would say Ekiga is a little more "fiddly" than Skype -- you might have to turn on or off some audio codecs, and experiment with echo silencing and stuff like that, just the first time you set it up. But I've carried on international conversations with it, and it works just fine. Even 64-bit.


                Re: Back to 'Buntu

                Originally posted by dibl
                I don't mean to butt in or divert the thread, but since I have used both Skype and Ekiga, I should share the fact that Ekiga works, and costs nothing.

                I would say Ekiga is a little more "fiddly" than Skype -- you might have to turn on or off some audio codecs, and experiment with echo silencing and stuff like that, just the first time you set it up. But I've carried on international conversations with it, and it works just fine. Even 64-bit.

                And, Ekiga does not start a SuperNode which sucks your bandwidth dry even when you are not running it, the way Skype does.
                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                  Re: Back to 'Buntu

                  i started w/ linux back w/ red hat (~95 or 96) and , lets just say linux in general has come a very long way, catching up w/ ms&apple then surpassing them.

                  *buntu is wonderful, i have converted about a dozen ppl to *buntu. and almost all of them compiz is the hook that gets them intrested in using it, then when your like its free and there are programs to do all of what you do w/ win32. they want it ...

                  long story short i love it , kubuntu more (as i like kde more then gnome). i have many computers in my house and i am very happy to report all of them run kubuntu. except for my server (running xp, no space for correctly converting my disks to ext3) and my G3mac (is a PPC it runs macos 9.2.1)

                  thanks for sharing your story.
                  Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                  (top of thread: thread tools)


                    Re: Back to 'Buntu

                    Originally posted by arochester
                    Which model of Philips telephone? Have you seen e.g. "[SOLVED] Skype Philips phone" at or "Skype and Philips VOIP phone" at

                    I have a USB internet telephone which is supposed to be Windows and dedicated to one internet phone provider. In Linux it just works out-of-the-box and on Skype among others...
                    It is the VOIP321, which uses an intermediary driver to connect via USB directly into skype, both as an audio device and providing direct access to contacts from the phone handset.
                    They have another similar model for messenger live.
                    I haven't seen the above threads, it has been a couple of years since I had a crack at it.
                    I was intending to just set up a vm on my server when I build it in a couple of weeks and use that to connect the phone.
                    Ekiga could be good, I honestly haven't looked, but the whole point of this was to use the normal phone handset to make and receive calls over skype or a skype like service.
                    The plan I am on with them also allows anyone that I know in NZ to call a local NZ number for free and connect to my phone in Australia over skype.
                    That is the biggy.
                    By the way, I bought this phone not long before downgrading my XP machine to Vista 64, and could not use it with that either.
                    Philips had no interest in tweaking the driver for 64 bit windows even, let alone mac or linux.
                    But it was vista that sold me on linux.

                    KDE4 is so much the biggest chunk of coolness I have seen in one place in a long time. 6.10 just seems so stoneage now.
                    It's like an iceberg in an ocean of mediocrity.
                    You don&#39;t need a license to drive a sandwich.

