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what would happen if windows became extinct?

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    what would happen if windows became extinct?

    I just read an article (link below) about the Vista buffer overflow exploit using IE. I got to thinking what if windows was no longer an issue, I mean, totally dead in the water? How much attention would malicious code writers and hacker deviants put towards Linux OS' . I am of the belief that linux in general is fairly impervious to viruses and the like, but what about security expoits like the one mentioned in the article? I would love to hear what others have to say about this.,00.html#
    I tried Enlightenment once, it was pretty cool.

    Re: what would happen if windows became extinct?

    First, I think that Windows going away is about as likely as pigs flying over the moon.

    Second, I would expect that even if the Linux OS is pretty robust, the vulnerability is Linux Users -- probably the average Linux desktop can be corrupted with a well-designed virus, due to lack of care about the firewall, root privileges, and data backups.

    2 cents worth ....


      Re: what would happen if windows became extinct?

      I always did say that Windows is necessary because it keeps black hats from targeting the OS that I use. Also, dibl is right on both points. Windows has too much of the market share to go away for a rather long time. As far as the users being the biggest problems on computers, that's been proven many times. Just ask anybody that works at a computer repair shop (not that guy at Geek Squad that actually believes his own words when he says "it can't be fixed").
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        Re: what would happen if windows became extinct?

        Originally posted by dibl
        First, I think that Windows going away is about as likely as pigs flying over the moon.

        Second, I would expect that even if the Linux OS is pretty robust, the vulnerability is Linux Users -- probably the average Linux desktop can be corrupted with a well-designed virus, due to lack of care about the firewall, root privileges, and data backups.

        2 cents worth ....
        Originally posted by digitalhead
        I always did say that Windows is necessary because it keeps black hats from targeting the OS that I use. Also, dibl is right on both points. Windows has too much of the market share to go away for a rather long time. As far as the users being the biggest problems on computers, that's been proven many times. Just ask anybody that works at a computer repair shop (not that guy at Geek Squad that actually believes his own words when he says "it can't be fixed").
        I think that both here are correct.


          Re: what would happen if windows became extinct?

          Anything is possible, for M$ and for Linux, 'specially if you subscribe to catastrophe theory.

          M$ may experience major change in corporate culture and goals and whip up a knock-out, affordable, tight, slicked-down & clean OS that competes the heck out of our distros, for <$50 minus the hassles. It is theoretically possible (modulo the greed factor)--they have what it takes to do it.

          In some ways, Linux could use some of those management suits; some top-level professional management for strategic product development and positioning. (For example, to define it and see to it, once and for all, that Kubuntu fully & finally address and provide a certain set of basic capabilities before stretching further into the ozone.) But then, this is an oxymoron. Let's just say that Linux could use the benevolent side of such organizational expertise (and discard the 95% b-s & greed aspects that seem to come with such).

          Why aren't more people on “both” sides thinking more creatively and ambitiously in this environment that would seem to be super ripe at this opportune time for anything? Why so much complacency?

          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


            Re: what would happen if windows became extinct?

            Originally posted by digitalhead
            Just ask anybody that works at a computer repair shop (not that guy at Geek Squad that actually believes his own words when he says "it can't be fixed").
            I am "a computer repair shop". If Windows goes away, I'll be out of business.

            I would say a few things about "Geek Squad" but I don't want to hijack the thread by starting a "Geek Squad" discussion.


              Re: what would happen if windows became extinct?

              Originally posted by bootdoc
              I just read an article (link below) about the Vista buffer overflow exploit using IE. I got to thinking what if windows was no longer an issue, I mean, totally dead in the water? How much attention would malicious code writers and hacker deviants put towards Linux OS' . I am of the belief that linux in general is fairly impervious to viruses and the like, but what about security expoits like the one mentioned in the article? I would love to hear what others have to say about this.

              Linux has vulnerabilities, but they tend to be different ones. The Linux _server_ is the target today, more so than the desktop. If there were a lot of Linux desktops around...then yes, there would be more attacks. But I still think there would be fewer than Windows has suffered.
              I am running Ubuntu 8.10 (yes Gnome) with upgrades applied daily about 0900 UK time. Hardware is Dell Precision 420, 2x 800 MHz PIII, 512 MB RDRAM, nVidia GeForce 6800 128 MB AGP graphics, 18GB SCSI and 500GB IDE HDDs, DVD burner, Hauppage TV card.


                Re: what would happen if windows became extinct?

                I agree with what everyone is saying.
                I also think there are a lot of different reasons why M$ has the trouble they have...
                1. Mass distribution. If you want to hit a lot of pc's, then you go after what most people are using.
                2. Access. A lot of people using Windoze are still pretty clueless as how to protect themselves.
                3. Stickin' it to THE MAN! With M$' Draconian business practices, it makes them an enticing target to say FU!

                &quot;Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it&#39;s from Neptune.&quot; ~Noam Chomsky<br /><br />Gigabyte MB, AMD 64x2 6000, 2 Gigs Patriot DDR2, XFX GeForce 8600GT XXX, 400Gig WD SATA HDD &amp; 1TB WD SATA HDD.


                  Re: what would happen if windows became extinct?

                  well for one i wouldn't have ne more issues w/ it in my daily life, (also a "computer repair shop")

                  and i would think that mac OS would take over as popular OS because, its the only other choice cause most people don't even know what an operating system is or that there is more then just windoze/mac.

                  after that well then apple would prolly be eating those words about how secure their os is., then perhaps the rest of the HW world outside of apple would start making drivers for linux cause as ne one who has ever had a mac knows. Jobs don't like people messing w/ his apples and you can't build one from parts ne more. and most people don't think can't i just put mac os on my computer... they think i have to buy a mac to get mac os ......

                  but then again i think people with windows on there computers will just leave it there and continue to use what the company they got there prebuilt computer from put on it.( in terms of OS).
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                    Re: what would happen if windows became extinct?

                    (as myself still kinda in the pc repair)

                    if windows died, i do beleve linux would rise to take the #1 os spot, but with that i do beleve you would start see'in virus/spyware/ect ect written for the linux os. (i beleve its not allways best to be #1 )

                    but myself when people bring me a machine with windoze and a issue with the flawed os called windows, I turn them onto linux. and i would have to say 70% take me up on the offer and give linux a try
                    Still lerning linux after all these years<br />Kubuntu 9.04<br />


                      Re: what would happen if windows became extinct?

                      Originally posted by kd8hho
                      (as myself still kinda in the pc repair)

                      if windows died, i do beleve linux would rise to take the #1 os spot, but with that i do beleve you would start see'in virus/spyware/ect ect written for the linux os. (i beleve its not allways best to be #1 )
                      As I have said, Linux has different kinds of issues. We probably won't see many viruses or worms, but can expect an awful lot of trojans and spyware. Joe User will install 'fun smiley pack 3000' and suchlike, he will run the install scripts as root because the website told him to, he will just ignore the warning about software from untrusted sources, and so on. Linux today tends to attract more educated users who understand these issues. If the masses start coming to it, then there will have to be ways to protect them from their own mistakes. That's not generally been a philosophy Unix-like OSes have had.
                      I am running Ubuntu 8.10 (yes Gnome) with upgrades applied daily about 0900 UK time. Hardware is Dell Precision 420, 2x 800 MHz PIII, 512 MB RDRAM, nVidia GeForce 6800 128 MB AGP graphics, 18GB SCSI and 500GB IDE HDDs, DVD burner, Hauppage TV card.

