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Sayin hi

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    Sayin hi

    Well, I'm not official a Kubuntu'er, but I will be once I get my new comp. Just officially saying hi. Your support and kindness here is unrivaled anywhere else and I look forward to learning many things about this seemingly awesome OS.

    Re: Sayin hi

    And a hearty welcome to you as well. I do think that you will find this Forum an outstanding resource concerning Kubuntu. There are a lot of good people here. The range of talent and experience runs the gamut. Just remember, that everyone here is an unpaid member. And with that, always remember that "you get what you pay for" and "buyer beware." No one here (that I've come across) will deliberately try to lead someone astray with bad advise. So, if/when in doubt, ask.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: Sayin hi

      Welcome Souldrainer2021,

      Don't worry, you'll go into some trouble sooner or later :P

      Well, am being truthful with you, but am sure whatever the problem is, guys here would help you solving it

      They are so generous, and would answer you no matter how many times your question has been asked before or how silly your question might be to some experienced users.

      All what am going to say is, welcome to the amazing world of Linux!

      Originally posted by Snowhog
      ... Just remember, that everyone here is an unpaid member. And with that, always remember that "you get what you pay for" ...
      lol, I liked that


        Re: Sayin hi

        Welcome indeed!

        Even before you install we might be able to help you somewhat in the planning stages. A well thought out linux system can survive any number of reinstalls, different distros and what have you.

        So my advice would be to read up a little on partitioning and come back with your ideas/questions

        Have fun!
        Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


          Re: Sayin hi


          Yep, what toad said -- tell us about your hardware and your normal computing needs, and maybe we can provide some tips on partitioning for your Linux system, that will support a long, productive life for it.


            Re: Sayin hi

            Greetings!! Welcome aboard! Ask and hopefully you will receive , but as Toad and Dibl pointed out, details are always a plus!

