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In Memory of George Carlin

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    In Memory of George Carlin

    One of my heroes, George Carlin, passed yesterday. As a teenager I loved George as "The Hippy-Dippy Weatherman". His forecast was "Tonight --- dark, followed by increasing light in the morning".

    George Carlin's religion was Frisbeetarianism. As George explained their core belief:

    "When you die, your soul gets flung up on the roof of a building, and it just lies there forever."

    I think they broke the mold when George was made.

    Re: In Memory of George Carlin

    My favorite Carlin line: "If you remember the sixties, you weren't there."


      Re: In Memory of George Carlin

      "My favorite Carlin line: 'If you remember the sixties, you weren't there.'"

      where ...?

      ... Even though you thought it was happening "here."
      (Naw, that's just the refrigerator melting ... you'll be fine ... just go with it )

      He did his best stuff during that time, imo.

      An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


        Re: In Memory of George Carlin

        Yes, sad indeed. My favorite was about "Stuff". "Their Stuff is #&%$ and your #&%$ is Stuff!" Gota love that line!!

        EDIT: Cool! Web Site Filtered out #&%$! Maybe it is FireFox doing that? Still - Cool!


          Re: In Memory of George Carlin

          "Their Stuff is #&%$ and your #&%$ is Stuff!"

          Good pull, MoonRise—I had forgotten that one. (Refer to Reply #1 on the chemistry of forgetting...).
          Now, take your quote with the Zen Buddhist principle that “Man's source of misery is his attachment to things,” and we have Carlin as a back-door Buddhist. (easy, now, you guys...)
          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


            Re: In Memory of George Carlin

            Knowing George, I wonder how he would feel about that!

            Noticed above that you mention his "stuff"!
            Originally posted by Qqmike

            He did his best stuff during that time, imo.


              Re: In Memory of George Carlin

              he might have said,

              Back-door Buddhist ... Hmmm... What do you have in mind?
              An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

