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Good But Progress Needed

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    Good But Progress Needed

    Hi all. Firstly, thanks very much for Kubuntu and I look forward to contributing to the community as time goes on. The following represents my humble opinions:

    * I am convinced that KDE is the way of the future because:

    1. Gnome is ugly in comparison to KDE 4
    2. Gnome treats the user as someone who cannot configure the desktop to the way they want
    3. KDE is having a good development surge

    I have spent alot of time in the past week trying different distros that use KDE. I think I have a good grasp of what a new user to KDE will experience with Kubuntu:

    * Generally I think that Kubuntu is not the best experience for KDE

    1. Opensuse has better default apps and is out of the box more ready to be used easily
    2. Kubuntu lacks the polish of opensuse
    3. Opensuse has substantially better documentation specific to KDE
    4. Both Ubuntu and Kubuntu suffer from some silly bugs that I don get in Opensuse - for example having the grub boot menu done right in opensuse and k/ubuntu failing to do so requiring manual user intervetion. This is one example of many that Ive seen as bugs on launchpad. There is some very nice features to Opensuse as well - for example by default it recognised my mouse and enabled the back button without the Ubuntu frustration of having to manually mess with the x org conf.

    I get the impression that K/ubuntu is driven for time based deadlines in releases rather than quality being the primary driver. Not waiting for the 25 kernel in my opinion was unfortunate.

    I see most of the interesting stuff coming from suse developers in the past year too.

    I don see myself leaving K/Ubuntu because both distros have an excellent philosophy and I prefer that. Though its plainly obvious to me that Ubuntu is where the action is and what gets the majority of finite resources spent on it. Still, with kde enthusiats contrbitung like I intend to into the future I think that the Kubuntu experience can be improved to the point where its a better experience that others. And without the Novelisms of opensuse.

    Re: Good But Progress Needed

    Thanks for your comments. Aside from the potential economic and legal consequences of Novell's deal with M$, there is an over-riding technical reason to use Kubuntu: the Debian developed Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) system. As a former sufferer of a variety of other packaging systems, I believe that APT is the best thing going. I'd be willing to bet that many of the members here at KFN have never even heard of "dependency hell", let alone suffered from it.


      Re: Good But Progress Needed

      Originally posted by askrieger
      there is an over-riding technical reason to use Kubuntu: the Debian developed Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) system. As a former sufferer of a variety of other packaging systems, I believe that APT is the best thing going. I'd be willing to bet that many of the members here at KFN have never even heard of "dependency hell", let alone suffered from it.
      Absolutely! I have looked at a few other distros and the minute I see the packaging isn't apt, I run.
      FKA: tanderson


        Re: Good But Progress Needed

        Guys I think thats a good point. Not that it is my intent to sound like an OpenSuse zealot, but I think the objective reality is that the gains they have made using their sat solver in libzypp is very signficant. I've been testing and reporting quite a number of bugs on OpenSuse 11 RC1 KDE4, but none of those bugs Ive seen or indeed from other testers has been about rpm hell. I think OpenSuse has it solved.

        I think there is alot of potential for Kubuntu Intrepid with how it times in with KDE 4.1. It could be really slick. Its my hope that what I have seen in the past with Ubuntu/Kubuntu where bugs are more or less not fixed and arbitary release dates are met regardless is overcome. I'll certainly be there eagerly to see the cool stuff and do what I can with testing.

        Now that Im using KDE4 all the time I really cant see myself going back to gnome 2.22 - it seems so Windows 3.11!! haha.

