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An evening on a Ranch

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    An evening on a Ranch

    The ‘I have a dream foundation’ act as a platform for the children coming from low income area to complete their education and equip them with the skills, knowledge, and habits they need to gain entry to higher education. The foundation provides all sorts of assistance to the students for them to pursue their dreams. By helping such children, also known as ‘Dreamers’, gain access to college, the foundation puts them on a different academic and life trajectory.

    Among the many organizations that have come ahead to help the foundation in its mission is the Deep South Insurance Services. The Deep South employees in its efforts to help the ‘I have a dream’ Foundation have adopted 19 underprivileged children to realize their dreams. These 19 children or Dreamers, as they are called, will be provided a grant of $5000 by David Disiere, the CEO of the Deep South. In addition to that, he also opened his 3,000-acre Cedar Bluff Ranch for a weekend to all 19 ‘Dreamers’. Children ranging in age from 12 to 16 had their first opportunity to experience life away from the inner city on a real working ranch. During the visit, the children toured the barns and pens as David explained the ranching business, selling of cattle, breeding, reproduction, and life expectancy. They also enjoyed an evening bonfire, down home barbecue and an impromptu talent show.

    Activities were geared towards individual and team competitions. The children participated in horseback riding, sack races, water balloon, egg throwing contests, tug-o'-war and horseshoes. The children had a new experience on a ranch, away from life in the inner city. David Disiere made a firm commitment to keep a track of the progress of the children and help fund his or her college education.