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Hardy Heron Rocks My Laptop

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    Hardy Heron Rocks My Laptop

    So this weekend I decided it was time to upgrade my laptop to Hardy. When I tried this last weekend my Virtual Box stopped working and this weekend it stopped again as did my video, wireless and sound. So I decided that I was not about to quit(I've been using Kubuntu for about two weeks now) and I was going to make this work. So I reinstalled gutsy ran the upgrade (oh how I love how Kubuntu can upgrade over the internet that is such an awesome feature) and this time around I decided to go to my terminal and find out what version my kernel was and then went into adept_manager and got the correct kernel version for Virtual Box. I finally found what I did wrong last weekend and this weekend. Helps a lot if you get the right kernel version for your software Then I also uninstall ed the restricted modules for the old kernel and installed the restricted ones for my current kernel and I was good to go. Also suspend mode now works with my Dell Latitude D820 as well, where with Gutsy it would suspend but not resume but it works like a champ now.
    Now if only I could convince more people at work to switch Have a great weekend.
    Kubuntu II on both Laptop and Desktop and some servers here at the office

    Re: Hardy Heron Rocks My Laptop

    Originally posted by TheFuzz4
    Now if only I could convince more people at work to switch Have a great weekend.
    If you're game, take your PC to work along with a LiveCD (Hardy 8.04 Beta). Show them what you have. Take it for a spin. Show them what it can do. Then deliberately destroy the system by opening a console and typing:
    sudo apt-get remove konqueror
    (Removing konqueror will make your system un-useable!) and rebooting aftwards. Things aren't going to work. Borked OS. Then, insert the LiveCD and go to town rebuilding it!! Tell your coworkers to attempt the same thing with Windoze!

    Extreme, don't you think?

    Caveat: Should one even think of doing such a demonstration, do it at home first. After all, Murphy's Law still lurks out there. :P

    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: Hardy Heron Rocks My Laptop

      Perseverance usually gives one good results. Glad to hear this for your experience with Kubuntu! I'm actually going to do a fresh install after 3 years of upgrades (during that time, the only problems I ever had was self inflicted).

      Along with what Snowhog said, if your machine can handle it, WOW them with Compiz as well.


        Re: Hardy Heron Rocks My Laptop

        Caveat: Should one even think of doing such a demonstration, do it at home first. After all, Murphy's Law still lurks out there.
        Yea, I hate him!


          Re: Hardy Heron Rocks My Laptop

          Originally posted by MoonRise

          I'm actually going to do a fresh install after 3 years of upgrades (during that time, the only problems I ever had was self inflicted).
          Funny, for the first time since I installed Kubuntu Dapper Drake, I do not feel any particular need to do a fresh installation of Hardy Heron. By this point in a new version, I'm usually feeling like the system is full of the broken and non-functioning remains of my crashing and failed experimentation. But I originally installed HH Alpha 5, and it has been such a stable system over these past 6 weeks or so, that I don't know why I would bother with a new installation of it -- I don't know what would be "better" about it. I think this is probably the easiest new version I've ever dealt with, even with KDE4 and FireFox 3 on top of it. I've got a feeling that April 24 will come and go and I'll be plugging along with no interruption of anything.


            Re: Hardy Heron Rocks My Laptop

            Normally i do a fresh install when it's version upgrade time but this time round i may just upgrade the necessary apps once 8.04 is released. System is so reliable and functional even KDE 4.03. is behaving surprisingly mature. And as Dibl stated this looks set to be the easiest version of Kubuntu ever. Thumbs up to the canonical and all the developers.


              Re: Hardy Heron Rocks My Laptop

              My only reason for such is not only has it been very long since the first, it will give me a chance to clean a few areas and make a fresh break to KDE4.


                Re: Hardy Heron Rocks My Laptop

                HH couldn't have come at a better time for me, as my trouper IBM T40p (aka FrankenLaptop due to all the replaced hardware) finally bit the dust thanks to the cpu fan frotz and the shell being just too cracked to continue (the poor thing takes a beating, but can only take so much). My brand-new T61 widescreen just arrived today (sadly, it came pre-broken, ie, with Vista installed :P ). My T40 ran so beautifully under Gutsy with KDE 3.5 and Compiz-Fusion, but I'm really looking forward to moving up to KDE 4.

                However--because I have a few games I need to run in a Windoze environment, I need the option to dual-boot with XP. If anyone has any suggestions for pulling this off, I'd be mighty grateful. Alternately, if someone can make a case for using wine or vmware or some windows emulator that will work for running real-time strategy games, I'd love to hear about it.


                  Re: Hardy Heron Rocks My Laptop

                  Have you considered VM or VirtualBox? I don't know how games run virtually, but I know normal applications run very well in a virtual XP environment. Just haven't been able to test games yet.


                    Re: Hardy Heron Rocks My Laptop

                    Yeah I got bored one night and tried to play C&C 3 through virtual box (BTW I love VB Seamless Enviroment for work) but the game would not run. In doing my research the best thing I could find was VMWare Fusion but that is currently only available for Macs.
                    Kubuntu II on both Laptop and Desktop and some servers here at the office

