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Dapper F5 Live... dead... arrggh!!!

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    Dapper F5 Live... dead... arrggh!!!

    Forgive me if I rant out on this thread a little. Just need to let off some steam. Posted this in Ubuntuforums, too. Just want to know if someone can confirm that this is an isolated case, that this is only my personal unfortunate experience...

    I was so pumped up to try out Kubuntu Flight-5. I deliberately didn't try Flight-4 because it didn't have the experimental Espresso and I thought it would be better to try out the Flight that was closest to the release date (this was before the planned delay). A few days ago I tried out Ubuntu Flight-5 and was a bit impressed. I was getting a bit used to how GNOME was setup, saw the Espresso installer icon on the desktop (but it crashed on me). Liked the orange theme a bit. It was a good experience.

    And here comes Kubuntu Flight 5. As I said, I was very eager/excited, all pumped up. I rechecked the md5sum of the ISO to see whether I downloaded and burned the correct one (why does the Ubuntu and Kubuntu ISO have exactly the same filenames!). K3B trumpeted a successful burn and verification. Restarted the PC, put the CD in. Nice Live CD boot screen (the one that first greets you). The bootsplash is a bit too bright... Everything seems to be working well. I was able to successfully enter the desktop. And then that's when everything went down hill. Adept wouldn't be launched from the GUI (had to use CLI). SysGuard won't launch at all. KControl > Disks and Filesystems says that a module was not loaded correctly (I checked and double checked the bootsplash, no errors there). Espresso was a big disappointment. I understand it's "experimental", but the thing didn't even have any content after the part where I choose my language. There were place holders. And on the page where you create your user account, it doesn't mask your password. And Adept... Adept... I don't even know where to begin.

    I was soooo heavily disappointed, probably because I was too hyped up, and probably because I was expecting it to work smoothly as Ubuntu F5 did. Maybe it was a bad burn, maybe a faulty ISO. I don't know. After downloading it twice and burning it twice, I don't think I even want to try a 3rd time.


    That being said, I'm not ditching Kubuntu or Dapper for any reason. I'll download the Installer ISO and install it on a separate partition. Hopefully it will perform better. Also, I seem to like the default Window Decoration for Kubuntu. I think I will install Crystal later on Breezy. Adept Updater is also nice, and I want something like that. Except I hate to use Adept for so many reasons.

    If I will be basing my judgment on my Live CD experience (yours might be better...), I'd say that Kubuntu needs A LOT more polishing as compared to Ubuntu. But I'm sticking my guns with KDE... for now... (until I find a compelling reason to turn the gear into a foot).
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