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Anyone else hate KDE4?

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    Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

    I promised I would not respond to this post anymore.

    Okay, I admit it and am degressing

    You want to test kde4 without all of your little "issues" with "computability" (whatever that means).

    Install the kde4 beta and grow with it.

    What please is this supposed to mean?
    Once KDE4 is mature and stable enough to support all KDE apps or that all KDE apps are moved to the KDE4 world it is of little use.
    What is this missinformation?
    I have some same issues with Kubunutu changing from the KDE default file manager Konqourer to Dolphin,
    Kubuntu has done its tricks with kde and I, for one am not very happy with that either.
    But! That is not one of them. KDE was introducing dolphin as default file manager anyway. Period! with or without kubuntu.

    But to much is dedicated to showing up Windows 3D interface and not enough to making programs etc. functional.
    Don't turn them on! It is your choice and NOONE is forcing you to use them)
    This desktop is 4 months old.!!! what do you expect? Christmas, easter, maybe 4 birthdays a few batchelor parties in vegas with a free ride to Rome, Paris and shanghei all wrapped into one??

    It is really stupid to have 2 entries for the same program but one does not work. Also this is more on the KDE Development side they need to implement "System Settings" for KDE4. A lot of the System settings do not work under KDE 4. Again a view to the end user experience is focused on what we can do with the desktop not compatibility.
    Agreed, totally So don't use it unless you wish to test, play and contribute.
    Or play and enjoy. I have been 90& productive on kde4 since it was released. Yes there are a few things to get used to, and I do have to go back to kde3 for some stuff. Do I care? No.

    But we all have the choice to uninstall KDE4, wait that is another problem. KDE should be like Gnome or any other display manager and have all it uses separate from KDE3.x. When I went to uninstall KDE4 with Apt Get it made KDE3 inoperable.
    Agreed to a point. Again the risks of installing and uninstalling are so well documented that, well I hate to say it but: read the....

    sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop adept kdm
    Besides what does gnome have to do with it?

    It will take time but it is a long way from being viable window manager.
    I'll see you in about 6 months

    Until the cheers, enjoy

    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
    4 GB Ram
    Kubuntu 18.10


      Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

      Originally posted by Fintan
      Guys. for one:
      kde4 is by no means a copy of vista!

      It is not even comparble to vista.

      It is a completely different front/backend way of not only designing. but also programming a desktop and everything that is supposed to run/work on it.
      KDE and the Vista interface may be of completely different origin, but it doesn't change the fact that they seem to manifest a fairly strong congruent evolution in terms of working logic.

      Needless to say I guess, but I too absolutely detest the way the new KMenu works. The change is essentially a gimmick, introduces an unnecessary amount of clicks and offers no real work flow benefit at all over the KDE 3.5 KMenu. The worst part is that there seems to be no way to revert to the old behaviour.

      Another of my gripes with my recent KDE4 experiment was the rest of the main bar (the kicker equivalent, whatever it's called. I never figured that out.). I switched the size to "tiny", because I prefer a fairly discrete main menu. None of the items scaled to the same size. It was ugly, but it just got worse, because once I rebooted the bar was just nowhere to be found. I had to start stuff using the right click -> run command method.

      Basically my KDE4 desktop experience can be summed up like this: I was presented with a buttload of gimmicks, tried to change something according to my own taste and was left with a desktop that didn't offer even a remote sense of usability. It's simply not mature yet.


        Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

        I though the same for the new menu, but I have been using it and I have to say, the mouse click number seems the same. For me anyway


          Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

          Geez folks. If they're copying anything, it's Leopard. Boy oh boy. They're copying Mac OSX. Vista is a bad photocopy of OSX. When I worked at Apple, we were laughing at how sad it was. We had an early early alpha of vista and ran it alongside a box with the 'then' tiger. We also had an early Leopard release and laughed silly at how vista was a direct ripoff of it.

          Arguments aside, I'm not a big fan of KDE4 either. The widget thing on the desktop, thus, removing icon functionality, it awkward and counterproductive for me. Having to open the Desktop with konqueror simply to remove an icon is time consuming and worthless. I'm sticking with 3.5.


            Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

            I have to admit - I love it.
            Call it as you wish - however - the KDE folks are adding maybe the Mac OS-X Look into it - however the configuration capabilities you have under Linux/KDE are amazing.
            MAC OS-X is like Gnome - Minimalistic. Take it as is - or leave it.

            You know - I want Choice ! the possibility to set it up as I want it - not as others/Designers/etc. want it to look like.

            That is all what KDE is about... Cool Desktop with the ability to choose ! what you want.
            one of the old ones ...


              Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

              Needless to say I guess, but I too absolutely detest the way the new KMenu works. The change is essentially a gimmick, introduces an unnecessary amount of clicks and offers no real work flow benefit at all over the KDE 3.5 KMenu. The worst part is that there seems to be no way to revert to the old behaviour.
              I didn't think anyone was going to mention this. I was watching someone on their computer try out KDE4. We both thought the same thing about the clicks.

              I though the same for the new menu, but I have been using it and I have to say, the mouse click number seems the same. For me anyway
              I don't think it's the same thing, though. The old style allows you to see more choices and if you haven't memorized where things are, you can more quickly realize if you're in the wrong area. The KDE4 click style doesn't allow that.

              It's like the developers didn't want so many menu choices shown on the screen (at once). Did someone say there is no setting to make it more like the older KDE?


                Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

                No. No Setting. I agree it isn't really the same thing, but it is very similar to Tasty Menu in my opinion, of which is what I use under KDE3.5.9.

                However, there is another widget that you can replace the new menu system with that is virtually the old style. Click on "Add Widgets". In the resulting menu, choose and drag "Application Launcher Menu...Traditional menu based ..." over to where the new version of the menu is located. Voila!


                  Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

                  Actually in KDE 4.1 Beta2 I found that I could change the menu to the classic style by right clicking on the icon. Just installed beta 2 yesterday evening so I don't know what else has changed.


                    Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

                    Yes you can change the menu to the old style - and the standard awful clicky menu comes from SUSE.

                    But anyway, all this bleating on about how bad KDE4 is is a complete waste of time. It ain't ready yet - switch on brain and read again: it ain't ready yet.

                    Christ on a bike, it is like eating grapes and complaining that you don't get drunk from wine - some people...
                    Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                      Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

                      I do not hate KDE4, but I do not like it that much.

                      Interesting, brilliant, but not their for me yet, maybe by 4.3 or 4.4 when I get all the functionality I want on the desktop and the ability to totally customise it so it's very hard for anyone to tell what desktop I am using.


                        Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

                        Originally posted by toad
                        the standard awful clicky menu comes from SUSE.
                        Hmmm... that figures. If that's true, of course.

                        Anyway, so what if it's not ready. It's silly they would add that change in the menu at all. I didn't read one person saying they liked it. Some said it was an annoyance and a couple (I think) of people said they hated it.

                        Maybe they won't be 'ready' for a while.


                          Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

                          Originally posted by Tecumseh
                          Actually in KDE 4.1 Beta2 I found that I could change the menu to the classic style by right clicking on the icon. Just installed beta 2 yesterday evening so I don't know what else has changed.
                          Still works in RC1....

                          Note: Must not have Widgets Locked for that to work.


                            Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

                            Originally posted by kbunt
                            Originally posted by toad
                            the standard awful clicky menu comes from SUSE.
                            Hmmm... that figures. If that's true, of course.

                            Anyway, so what if it's not ready. It's silly they would add that change in the menu at all. I didn't read one person saying they liked it. Some said it was an annoyance and a couple (I think) of people said they hated it.

                            Maybe they won't be 'ready' for a while.
                            There are other Menus in development. The new menu has one single important feature, a command line/ search bar. Which is now in every other desktop, Gnome, Mac OS X, Vista, etc...

                            There is also that nifty "favorites" area. Which is prototyping an interesting concept. I prefer the Baghira Menu for KDE 3.5 better, its smarter.
                            The answers are out there...


                              Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

                              I'd like to see KDE4 renamed as its so fundamentally different to previous KDE versions. In same way that Vista is not called XP 2008 it should be launched as its own thing. Look and feel is much more like Vista, and that to me (and most Windows users considering a change) is NOT a selling point for KDE 4.

                              My experience so far with KDE 4 (over less than 24hrs of use) has not been good and has included:
                              • widgets (icons) on desktop way too big - yes i know you can resize them but when you do you can often see their contents clipped or dissapearing - e.g. laptop battery, digital clock. and even if you can resize them, the desktop space required for the widgets doesn't change. so icons end up way too spaced out. I calculate that on a 1024x768 monitor res (still the average worldwide) you can fit only about 35 icons on the desktop. Not enough.
                              • trash widget - useless. where's the right-click, empty trash option?
                              • taskbar - default size must be designed for blind people, maybe the devs are all with eye problems from too much staring at computer screens. If you try to change the taskbar and icon sizes, you will face all mother of problems - loss of taskbar completely after reboot (the fix for this is not for a newbie), the clock's HUGE font size not changeable so it clips the bottom of it, so you can't read it anymore. Again, on a 1024x768 res desktop and window size is of very high importance
                              • After installing new software, the program icons do not appear in the program launcher until after a reboot - I dunno whats up with that cos it works in opensuse 11 (also KDE 4).

                              so overall i'm very unimpressed with this release which can only at best be considered an RC not a stable release, and am gonna install kubuntu 8.04 standard.


                                Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

                                Remember, widgets are not icons in the sense you are probably referring to. When the full-screen folderview is implemented (4.2), the 'desktop-with-icons' concept will be available and that should make it easier for those who like their desktops that way. I also believe there are some improvements in the individual plasmoids (each one is pretty much created by individuals or small groups) but I am not sure if all of them are.

                                plasmoids can be placed wherever you want, even overlapping them, so i don't see how you could only fit 35, unless that's peculiar to Hardy's packages. As to the trash icon, I sure have the right-click option you seem to be missing here in intrepid. As to panel size, here on my 14.1 inch 1024x768 5 year old laptop, my panel is a little too small.

                                So this begs the question as to what kde4 version you are running? The current is 4.1.1 for both Hardy and Intrepid, and some of your issues seem to be from a much earlier version of KDE4. I don't have to reboot for icons to appear in the menu, loosing the taskbar on resize doesn't happen anymore afaik either.

                                So instead of looking back, I think we should look forward to what KDE4 and Intrepid will be. Beta release should be here in about a week, btw

