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Anyone else hate KDE4?

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    Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

    It is a dead issue for 2 reasons:
    There is no going back (at least for Kubuntu) - The Horse is Dead
    There are other distros still using KDE3 - There Are Other Horses

    I really don't quite understand your constantly tying 'corporate' culture into all this, as you have done here and other places. I always considered free Free Software as free in the sense of source code and license and distribution, and not anything political, or how the many and varied F/LOSS projects are structured and run.


      Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

      Well, I disagree. I don't believe it is a dead horse.
      Although I don't really desire to keep the conversation going,...

      One must learn from ones mistakes. Does Kubuntu realize that dropping KDE 3.x app support so rapidly was a mistake?

      Yeah they had their reasons. However, while Kubuntu users like to be close to the cutting edge, they do not want to be so far ahead, that the distribution is not even supported by software yet. (Amarok, KOffice, etc...)

      Now I don't pretend to know if KDE 4.x would have developed quite as rapidly as it did, or if Kubuntu would have dropped in popularity if they had stayed with KDE 3.x, rather than KDE 4.x.

      Nor do I know if staying with KDE 3.x would have caused another fork of Ubuntu, (K4Ubuntu?)


      As I'm sure I've said. I've had a mixed bag, but KDE 4.2 is usable. However, there are times when I still miss KDE 3.x.
      The answers are out there...


        Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

        HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
        4 GB Ram
        Kubuntu 18.10


          Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

          I have spent hundreds of hours trying to make New KDE work for me, and now that I am finally certain that it's not going to work for me, I'm going to have to spend God knows how many hours learning to build Classic KDE from source, as the only way i can be certain to have the desktop I need in the future. I wipe my system daily, reinstall Ubuntu, and attempt another compile. Every day I get a little further along.

          Sorry if discussing this is inconvenient for you.

          There are other distros using Classic KDE, but New KDE has turned into a kind of stampede, and Kubuntu was pretty much the cow that started it. I believe that there's anecdotal evidence that New KDE is damaging KDE's reputation among certain groups of users, and that would be a shame since this was supposed to be a big triumph. and I wonder if there's anybody out there who is gathering solid data, and if they can be trusted, since the urge to sweep the problem under the rug is definitely out there.

          If you read the first part of this article, by one of the top KDE developers, it's pretty clear that Classic KDE has a future if some users stick with it, and that's obviously going to happen. One way or another, it's going to be a two KDE world, and that probably means that the competative impulse that led all of these distros stampeding to abandon Classic KDE will have them scrambling to reintegrate it. The power users like the Classic KDE. You know who I mean: system administrators, IT guys, These are the people who make choices for big companies. Smart distros will find a way to butter both sides of the bread.

          And I agree with Monster_user, this is mostly about the future.


            Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

            Originally posted by blackbelt_jones
            I have spent hundreds of hours trying to make New KDE work for me, and now that I am finally certain that it's not going to work for me, I'm going to have to spend God knows how many hours learning to build Classic KDE from source, as the only way i can be certain to have the desktop I need in the future. I wipe my system daily, reinstall Ubuntu, and attempt another compile. Every day I get a little further along.,,,,
            I call BS, Black_belt. You post this kind of anti-KDE4 drival in about every blog on the Internet.

            KDE4 is working well for MILLIONS of people, most with next to none of the skill you claim to posses. And now, after whining to us that you can't get KDE4 "to work for you", you now tell us you are going to build KDE3.5 from sources? You just destroyed your credibility.
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


              Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

              Grey Geek, I get the impression you don't know what it means to build from source. It simply means to take the KDE source code and compile it yourself. There are instruction for doing it on the KDE web site. It's no big deal, but it does take practice.

              And I really don't consider myself to be anti New KDE. (At one time, perhaps.) Someday, when my right to use Classic KDE is secure, I will use New KDE4 from time to time, and i will enjoy it. People are afraid that two KDEs will divide the community, but the community is divided now, and my job is to make sure you don't get to pretend otherwise.

              And it's spelled "drivel".


                Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

                From the point of view of a person who uses a particular OS because he just likes that OS, its interface, and the way it works, i am surprised that Kubuntu didn't fork KDE 4 from KDE 3, the two are very different interfaces and - at the moment - in my opinion, KDE 4 is not ready for release into the wild.

                It seems to me that Kubuntu ought to have built on the solid foundation that is KDE 3 - continuing to upgrade the kernel, etc., and then -- along-side it -- developed KDE 4, but allowed those of us who prefer KDE 3 to continue to use it.

                I like the KDE 3 interface, and will continue to use it for as long as possible.... which is why my default boot option is now Mepis, with Kubuntu in second position.


                  Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

                  @ hippy: kubuntu did not dev. kde4.? kde did.
                  Kubuntu decided to adapt kde4.? at an early stage.

                  For good or bad it was a decision based on the future and not the past.

                  Personal note: I love it and will continue loving it

                  Personal note NR 2-> this thread RIP
                  HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                  4 GB Ram
                  Kubuntu 18.10


                    Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

                    Originally posted by Fintan
                    @ hippy: kubuntu did not dev. kde4.? kde did.
                    Kubuntu decided to adapt kde4.? at an early stage.
                    I do tend to get slightly muddled now-a-days.


                      Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

                      No worries here
                      HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                      4 GB Ram
                      Kubuntu 18.10

