Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?
KDE4 is used as an intermediary for KDE3.5 to KDE4 between 3.5 versions and what Kubuntu will offer in 8.10. With Intrepid Ibex 8.10, that all goes away back to KDE (AFAIK). The menu problem also appears to be resolved in 8.10. With my numerous installs, they always appear without rebooting. With 8.04 KDE4 remix, yes, I had to always boot. Not to start a war of words or to flame anyone, that isn't my intent with the following. I've used VISTA and KDE4 and the two are totally different. KDE has always made strides to make Windows Users fell somewhat comfortable when trying to switch, but have always retained their own Identity. They have accomplished that with KDE4 plus more. As several have stated in this forum, KDE4 is still maturing. The same happened with KDE2 and the same happened with KDE3 (maybe not as bad as 2 or 4 but it had it's picks). I love KDE 3.5, but knowing how it grew and what is to come technology wise, change was the only way KDE would have been able to go forward. That is the nature of technological growth. Hell, I hated CDs when they first appeared. I loved vinyl! But event that had to change.
Claydoh: You beat me by about 10 seconds on this one!
KDE4 is used as an intermediary for KDE3.5 to KDE4 between 3.5 versions and what Kubuntu will offer in 8.10. With Intrepid Ibex 8.10, that all goes away back to KDE (AFAIK). The menu problem also appears to be resolved in 8.10. With my numerous installs, they always appear without rebooting. With 8.04 KDE4 remix, yes, I had to always boot. Not to start a war of words or to flame anyone, that isn't my intent with the following. I've used VISTA and KDE4 and the two are totally different. KDE has always made strides to make Windows Users fell somewhat comfortable when trying to switch, but have always retained their own Identity. They have accomplished that with KDE4 plus more. As several have stated in this forum, KDE4 is still maturing. The same happened with KDE2 and the same happened with KDE3 (maybe not as bad as 2 or 4 but it had it's picks). I love KDE 3.5, but knowing how it grew and what is to come technology wise, change was the only way KDE would have been able to go forward. That is the nature of technological growth. Hell, I hated CDs when they first appeared. I loved vinyl! But event that had to change.
Claydoh: You beat me by about 10 seconds on this one!
